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... PIIUB'LIC AMUSEMENTS, &c. eoyal Ataslidra Thestr.-Onr By Xoyal AinphitheftrC.-biffI0ll. j.inse cf Wales Tizeatre.-Jo. Theatre ?? OCotoroon. b6. George's ?? Recital, by Mr. W. T. fi et. Jauer'5 ?? Minstrels. Hengler's Grand Cirqlue, Brunswick-road. New Star Music Hall.-Miseetlanaoias entertainment. FxChange AnI Gnlleryv.-TiC'-urv, Ellie Deans. L~oyal Institution :iluseurm and Gallery of &rt, ...


... CORPORATION EXHIBITION, ART GALLERY, -No. VII. No, 32, A Summer Evening; Eollandc C.S. Waltere.-A very pleasing picture-glowing with light, which being refected on the rippling waves gives a fiue brilliant effect. The accessories of beats and other objects are introduced with much artistic skill. No. 363, News from the Camp. A. M. Rossi. -fere are the beauties and pleasures of war. A large ...


... I FORSE SHOW AT OR)PSKIt8K I The anenal show of entire horses in connection with the Wigan, Ormskir~k, and St. Helen'a Agrical- tural Society was held yesterday at Ormakirk. T The show was first held in 1878. It was then a very insignificant affair, £5 being the highest prize 9 offered. The secondshbow, which took place last 3f year, was a copeiderable improvement upon the rr first. The ...


... I7ie TFaverley Novels. By Sir Walter Scott, Bsrt. With illustrations. London: Uarous WNard and Co. The copyright ef the Weverlea Novele hiving expired, several publishers have entered the field in competition with Messrs. A. and a. Black, cf Edinburgh, and produced editions more or lets pexfect of the illustrious aad immortal romance,. Among these editions, a high place must be given to the ...


... I I ROYAL A3IPHITHEATRE. Bencicault's celebrated drama The Colleen Bawln is to occupy the stage of the AmphitheatreI this week and until further notice. The play is well put upon the stage, and some interest attache s to its representation from the fact that Mr. Maccabe appears,as he did on Monday night, in the charc ter of Myles-na-Coppaleen, before depart- ing for a very distant shore. ...


... I ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE I , (GUY HA-NNERtIN . One of the most successful matinees given iu Lii eripool for many years took place at the Alex- audra on Saturday. Not only wvas every seat in the spacious building eccpied, but the audience over- HeVwed into the standing space, and numerous extra chairs were requi-itiotted in the select parts of the house. The attraction wav Guy ...


... Our Aatice Land. Part 5. London and Belfhivt: Mtfarcus Ward and Co. In introducing the new number of this highly popular art serial, the editor justly remarks that it would be difficult to find any- where in Great Britain so much picturesque beauty and variety of scenerv as may be visited at the Lakes of Killarney between sunrise and sunset on a summer day. The views here given of the lower ...


... I 1 - -1 1 . . . - 1r - 1 X1 To - I The annual show meeting of ties Lytham Floral and - Horticultural Society was held on Thursday in the Of Lytharn Hall grounds. The weather was very propitious during the whole of the day, and the exhibition was a great success. Visitors were present from Preston, Blackpool, and other towne, and besides the ordinary tihe attractions of time show, thle ...


... GARSTANG FLORAL & HORTICULTU.AL: SIOWV. I ty), The annual exhibition of plants, cut flowers, fruits, and De, vegetabies, in connection with the Garstang Floral and Tlorticlltural Society, was hald on Wednesday and Lhe Thursday. Undoubtedly this is one of the most prouminent re- festivals that the residents of Garstang recognise, for it is 3h- supported and patronised both by the rich and poor ...


... GEMS OF THOUGHT. b1 of all poverty that of the mind is moat deplorable. bol A rich fool among the wise is like a gilt empty hola amaosg the thirsty. if you1 treat your inferi!'' with familiarity expect the same from them.I In solitude, it we eS3 00 the example of bad men, weI lilcewise wvant the counsel and conversation of the good. You need rot tell all thle truth, unless to those who liave ...


... I AU GX U S T .C The (bawvli is brcaking,, but no roseite glow lluames the orieilt; for ttle yoallg nio i hiles p Her bluslies licatih it veil of silvery list. tl Illl muolilit thle hills olb whit a glorious ?? Is Rpreimt before ino flow ! rhe Placid seolt Unruffled by o breeze, SWells to ?? OC011i. a Anil Inilts into tilo sky for f a clibria's coast t 1B hiddell by t he soft find pearly ...


... - - -A POERYtRX. I KEEP 1 ltART. As bubbles bicak to rise no morc, As waves dasli v-i the pebbled shoro, With angry surge, or sullen roar, Then die aWay; So sonic vain charm that won thile eyes, With its ga3 splendour frola the skies, Like bubbiles burst, no molre will rise, Nor louger stay So clouds, talt (larkenl o'cr iii t wiy, (lr grir, tihilt woeds can ill poltray, iay eome, but cxiiuilg ...