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Advertisements & Notices

... ma. loc-Iicruiws. a Xo, Re-w:y. Price Is. sI ILTXSTxi'i3A) NtYPES TO THE 4e 1kSGOW IN6TITITE OF T Fi c A, n TS S I | l'O03AS GBAY & CO.. 31v 1;,l-am StreetHo i AnIl o~r Now Fa i60 bv Post Md. YI HT E S T A G E. Ma AD D BEnsnc* r- I Mrs ENA SY IRWVING, At the PenyiBarr ?? Birming4am, Lodn hh. 6.roS via. Rhld:V.IDG:WAO Fl, P 'lr. and anl Boorsellers. iti CIHEAP MtEDICAL BOOKS. I i t' Apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... #nhso bt~i ;11tdtOMC--A(o sus.- A 0051E005C AT55ETCCVLOCNOONI. LIx L tCUA L Ni~ ItIOJA aMA uS not'SEEO 0L. A NDIj sfi ':IC E 'FU RNIT 1TU RE AND OTHER MISCE!LLANEOUS EFFMCTS. SC 0),IxIN-ROm. lAIN-OM LWITAIIY. BHD, BRT ROOM. HAILL and LOBBY FURNITURE: OMfT'A.GS PlaN OFoRIE, in Walnut. got Copa.% by 3 * ?? Maker. , ~ OM Se~veral Suites DINTNG-ItiiOM and DRAWIN-OM - IIIAHOGANT ~FURK13flT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOYS' CLOTHING REFORM THM PRESENT STOCK MOST BE SOLD. TO-DAY, A-ND DURING TEE WEEK, CELAP SALE or BOYS' ANrD YOUTHS' SUITS AT TUZ TIRONGATE CLOThING COMP ANY, FIFTY-FOUR TRONGATE. ASHIONABLE STATIONERY. F The Norw IaiItatlonf Note Paper, Dance Progroonmesn Menu and Voiting Cards, Iu the latest styles-M&CT lL, stltioner to the Queen. Buchanan Street end St Vincent Sr. - [O(IN BRINSMEAD & SONS' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R WE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND ZiBWf CHURCH EXTENIO BflLDIX`G.SUND. ad' ~~A PUBLIC MEETIN-G ed Te-eappert.of the above Scheme wi4ll be beel In the to EW PUBLIC HALLS5~ !e Entrance by Berkeley Stre;x~ OnTUESDAY. 2P JA-N'UARY. 1878, at 7.30 p.M. U The Noeer thWe-OD PROVOST will preside, , Iit Anidth ?? ?? Iu the proceedings;- at I:7 De. WALTdiR a SMTTH. he ?? ANDREW BO-ABL,, a- 1)5. ADAM. lila 30E. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C t Fa ?? flf fy5-, srird$-ptebith .r ial V.&NIat ot~ flW. c rnta~Lir~. eis and sts IIL To Let at 64 CLARENCE STREET, Leassg i~;STON. capable of bnldifl -1.o mihtb ule Icr t W *k\t. -Aply 0. .tii:Gafl Ct~npttgel1 122 hetlingtof itt j[ .ii T 1-fl , ALLS, CsstsG BIuIL30GS, XIi'G3'. EHT 1IAMtLrTON STREET. i I -. by Day, Wool, or Mnth, for Coucert3, Soirfte t. it- nbO.Public Mfertiot-. ic.0 Aelub ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,-et - esecudtirf p for Is prepciet in ISL ;;iy1XU i'LIEMS, iheni in the Hr 5).-5 oomuandF ¾ L1-To Let SEL-O-F ONSTRE (16(1.-S Rooms and F SuprtrAete-George Gray. 75 SouthY2 fl-tI Id Seven RaoOMS and KITHEN - . 4RU~li rdKICHEN?, Beasronsfleld Street T int H tenRage. ot and Cod Water through-T uS Lecel,= e Place. Fa rets .Street, Geese. l1 .x 2 r -n1ut iATHE HOUMSES and SLNG4JE ?? i ?? White ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Bryarem., Ulna., U. OCTOBER BREWINGS. OCTOBER BREWINGS. WILLIAM YOUNGER & CO.}S INDIA PALE-ALE. This Celebretel PFALE ALE 1s brewed from the ch.eiss MAsz ar -a HOPs& and the greatest car i3 exercised in its production. It retains aI tho dclicatW aroma qs the Masp, and isarecomumeeded foT itb excelisot tonic prties. For ig on drnugi, this Ale is useul Orders noo being re stered for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inI MR MURRAY' ORTHC OMINGJ TyihPortraits, &tc,. 3 ole. Boo, L fE[TE LI-FE of SAMUELVILERFORCE, D.D., Lord Bibop of Oxford and Wincheste7. BY A. ,e, AwSO-1 ASHWELL KA.,. Canon of the Cathedral and-2 I ?iniiePal of Thn Theological College, Cihichester. m - With Portrait and fllustrations. crow Ba 3. IF fROBIERT DICK (BKiR . atL T O~ GEOLOGIST and BOTANIST, By I . ag S-A-~lL SMLS. Author of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fain Coasescfivc Isnreions wa flee Price of 2srce. GIEAP PIRE PAID IRATE FOR ADVERXMISE-i TS REGARDING Lost-Found. Homses, Shops, &c., Wanted- Paririrsip,13mmseWatd &tstsBusiVessns.for Sale. Si2~atce Wnted. Soesifi Articles fort*&5 Tvokiezze Coven nmes 4-ta ?LMony Wanated onreitin Not Exneeduipr MWO IfMSM or 18 'WORDS 6d each, or Is 6d' EME 27 1 3 IFofF5! FOUR 16 Is. 6 45S, I e~ - 45 2- O Gs 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILE f F EVEfNfING TIMES E CONTATNS TitE MNOST NEWVS3 F Ton DULLEEST GE REflAL, LOCAL, a L ATESr NYE U13. bt Di 4l1erawon and Ercuing, Peaders can rely upon la ila-n; tia Ftt`lest and Latt.sIt po&nie InformatIo of .ic S'.ck Exzcanages, Cottont, Iron, Prtduce, L! tt;.erCakl-rs, s/lappirn and Sporting, J}ruic th ; atld (uenteral ivelas Joot allt quatrters stiU Ic ?? 0 f t~he eV 2aLEZ;'O ,and F 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVENING TIMES Wo=ADN3 TPZ MIOST N]EWS. COS;N Till )ULLRET GJENEBRAL, LOCAL, s LATEST GNRWS. - ftmoon and Eveniroi ZR= s can reoy utpon )Ang Shc JWoUat anad Lnte;, ?? laforoncatto Xid o~hor lkarkef, Shippm.7 a~od Sportiung, i'U&ItC Li ~I~Qand fCtefnZ7 .Nsa7 fromo az uarter3 tt 6 tilBAI, UB, and FIVE o'dock ins- OVER TM WFST COAST ,'TE GREATESP CIROULATION, r t1iw. QTHSWISE IT 3s TEIE ,,,OST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fowe Gowecoetmw 1%8ureioa gor ic Pr~a of 2%ms. CU~EAP PILE PAIW hATE; !'OR ADTL SUTEAFNTS REGIZA'SING - Loct-Foun. Houses.Shops, he, Waxief sO. Partnersl~lf 8. F==tineeses X ntee-. Agencies. ~~Houses Shops, ?? To et. SC 4Sfia.Calosl VI,-I~t Bo'Inesaes for S1ae. Sirca~iano Wantad 1Sogito Art-intro for 0525, Tirrejseb t~o,erneeoss j:c. Meuep Wanted. 0 Boord. e~ngs. 8-. Tiin 7wo telerv' or 1 o ...