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... List of Househol- ders, Visitors &c. Public Buildings, Places of Wor- ship, &c. WEST PARADE. Queens hotel, Mrs Joy C. Chesterton, Esq E. E. England, Esq., Somerset Walter Tolly, Esq., do Mrs Tolly, do J. Soloman, Esq., do Mrs Soloman, do Mr Aleton, Staffordshire Miss Aleton, do Miss Mary Aleton, do Miss C. Aleton, do. W. Rogers, Esq., Chester Hawxkwood, Esq., Har- borough T. Brett, Esq., ...


... POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT AT THE TOWN HALL. On Tuesday evening last the second of a series of entertainments in aid of the Church Schools, was held at the Town Hall, which was well filled with the gentry of the neighbourhood, amongts whom were several Nonconformists. The prices of admission were 2s. 6d., Is., and 6d., and judging from the atten- dance, there will be a good surplus towards the ...


... Earnest Street. [ NORTH TERRACE. [ 1 31rs Jones I 2 The 3Iiss Wig leys j 3 3Ir James Bell J; 4 3Irs and Miss Lloyd 5 Ir J. R. Williams 6 Mr Joseph Evans j 7 Mr Isaac Jones 1 8 9 3Ir William Owen 10 31r J. Fielding ...


... FREE TRADE HALL, HIGH STREET, RHYL. LUNT & GRIFFITHS Beg to inform the Public generelly that they are now showing the largest and greatest variety of the choicest class of NEW GOODS for the present Season, at the LOWEST CASH PRICE, that has ever yet been exhibited n North Wales. Dress Department. In this department we hold a very large and well selected Stock, great care being taken to ...


... FREE TRADE HALL, HIGH STREET, RHYL. LUNT & GRIFFITHS Beg to inform the Public generelly that they are now showing the largest and greatest variety of the choicest class of NEW GOODS for the present ieason, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, that has ever yet been exhibited an North Wales. Dress Department. In this department we hold a very large and well selected Stock, great care being taken to ...


... A meeting of the Royal Commission on Extras dition was held on Monday. On Tuesday Byron's play of Our Boys was performed for the one-thousandth time at the Vaudeville Theatre, London. The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs attended in state. Nearly all the Northumberland colliers, who have been on strike for so long, had resumed work on Monday morning, and the general prospects of the Northumberland ...


... c H. A. STEER & Co., (LATE W. WYNNE) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN | INES> GPIRITS, ^LE A D ~P OUTER, 73, HIGH STREET. RHYL. tiOOd pale Sherry-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Sound Port-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Dinner Claret-12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne-28s., 42s., 54s., &c, per doz. I | Best London Gin—13s. 6d. per Gallon. Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys—16s., 18s., ...


... Al A R R I A (T E HUGHES—WILLIAMS.—On the 2nd inst., at the Welsh Wesleyan Chapel, Rhyl, by the Rev. John Evans, (Iota Eta), Mr Hugh Hughes, joiner, Conway, to Miss Sarah Anne Williams, Bagillt. DEATHS. EDWARIS,-On the lstinst., at G, Plastirion Terrace, Rhyl, Mr Richard Edwards (late of GG, Vale-road) aged 78 years. OWENS.—On the 26th ult., at 26, Morfa Bach, Rhyl, Mr Thomas Owens, aged 71 years. ...


... H. A. STEER & Co., (LATE W. WYNNE) TTr 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN yy INES, gPIRITS, A- L E A N D p° 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sherry-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Sound Port-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., I per doz. Good Dinner Claret-12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne-28s., 42s., 54s., &c, Der doz. Best London Gin-13s. (id. per uaHon. Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys-16s., 18s., ...


... RHYL POLICE COURT. IoDAY. Oct. 14th.—Before the Rev. Dr. Butterton and W. P. Jones, Esq. VAGRANCY. Samuel Dixon-, labourer, Woolwich, London, who pleaded that he was not guilty, was charged by P.C. Andrews with begging at several houses in the town, on Saturday last.—He was sentenced to 14 day's hard labour in Ruthin gaol, his worship remarking that it was a shame for him to be begging instead ...


... MULTIM IN PARVO. « Commemorative of the 500th anniversary of the Rescue of John Wycliff, in 1378, a lecture was delivered last week, at the Mansion House, Lon- don, by the Rev. J. Baldwin Brown; the Lord Mayor presiding. Lord Harrowbv, Mr. Wal.-li (American Minister), and the Recorder of London (Sir T. Chambers) spoke of the maintenance of the principles of civil and religious liberty. By ...


... A. STEER & Co. VLLI-N ■■■? =. (LATE W. WYNNE) S WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, S P I R I T s, A LE AND p 0 P. T B 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sherry—21s., 24s., 30s., &c. Best London Gin—13s- °d-Per Gall°^' Per doz- niri r ■ i» c^ntch Whiskeys—16s., Good Sound Port—21s., 24s., 30s., fa, °W Ir.'f Mon. per doz. g lgs-> &2O3. per Gal- Good Dinner Claret—12s., 15s., 18s., ...