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Advertisements & Notices

... excellent quality. WHOLESALE: 20, GT. TITOHFIELD ST., LONDON, W REMLIN'S MAIDSTONE FAMILY PALE ALES F (Guaranteei not to contain any substitute for Hops, and only those of pure Kent growth used.) FULLER & CO'S CHISJICK ALES, BASS & CO'S BURTON ALES, BARCLAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - sitanding, Jin beat thoroughft-re in ul Satisfactory reasons to a - itutable applioant. AddeosaJ P, Hull News-office. Y'O BOOT and SHOE IANUFACTURERS, BER- T49HANTS. and DEALERS.-To befll'FOSLI) OF by Tender, as a going concern, the S EGOK-IX-THOADE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... List slippers 4s.-per dozen. -o plcto. BOOT AwnD 83OE TRADE. CIASI-buyers sand for 'a price-list to the cheapest houses in ~le trade for superior -hanid-sewn and strong riveted4 -goode. H. W. SuLinvAs,Wholiesale ?? Boot and shoc: Manufacturer, 69 aed'70, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ivory, J. Rodgers and Sons best qualitise. CHANDELIERS, BRACEkTS, and HALL L021PS. REFRIGERATOR and 1ON SAtES, Kent's Patent. KNIFE MACILINLS, Kent's latest Patent. MARBLE MANTEL-PIECES and STOVES, large Stock. KITCHEN RANGE WAREHOUSE. BICYCLES, Coventry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. Rodgecs and Sons best qualities. y CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, and HALL L&MPS. I REFRIGERATOR and ICE SAFES, Kent's Patent, . KNIFE MACHINES, Kent's Tlatest Patent, the. MARBLE MANTEL-PIECES and STOVES, large and Stock. Peri S KITCHEN RANGE WAREHOUSE. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rodgers and Sons best qualities. ?? CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, and HALL LAMiPS. REFRIGERATOR eard ICE SAFES, Kent'S Patent. KNI'FE MACUtLIES, Kent!saatest Patent. hle RAlBLE 3hANI'EL-FIECES and STOVES, large Staclr. ,t ;KITCHEN RANGE WAREHOUSE. ., ! BICYCLES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d&c. T O LET imeoediately, a very Olll-established and _ Genuine Business -igoming ?? to T. S. ijudson, Hallimbnourue, Maidstone. Boot and Shoe Business. P LAT E glass douhle-frailt-i,,sin thoroughfare- reight years' loose-li rorins-retit £75-let off ge5- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT ANNOUNCETMENT t! LcI consequence of Great Alteration oS Businees Arrangements the greater part of the I. arge Stoc of BOOTS AND SHOES, WATERPROOF COATS, LEGGINGS, &c., OF G. H. STOBBART'S, 23, IIotH-ROW, DAHlLiNGTON, MUsT BE CLEARED OUT before lhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -DIPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!i ii Ir oonsequenco of Gre.t Alteration os Business Arrangonents tie greater part of the Targe Sleek of BOOTS AieD SHOES, W'ATERPROOF COATS, LEGGINGS, &c., OF G. H. STOIBART'S, 23, HIGH-ROW, DAIsLINGTON, MU ST BE CLEARED OUT before the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2918a29 reas * iL ANIEED, in a gentlemen's suhool, a strong, iu a .ctive, intelligoet Boy as indoor servant, to -F I clean boots, knives, a-ad make himself generally usefiul. Age C \Vages at L'St, lts. a month, board, lodging, and suit of clothes.-Addrese ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and 1 IPaurmure 01 thin lelaowfsebhhet 1o ?? I intame towni is better placed and enjoying; a largerUI4 inamed it is truly a golden oppurtnnimy, such as very seldom happens, and a certain source of fortunle infW years. Death of the ?? is, the c'ause of letting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNOUNCEMENT! I 11 Ir conseqacnce of ] Greet Alteration of Business Arrangements I the greator part of the large Stock of e BOOTS ANDi SHOES, WVATERPROOF COATS, LEGGINGS, &c., G. IT. STOSBART'S. 23, IlIhli-ROW, DA5ILINGTON, L MUbT BE CLEARED OUT N before ...