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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... I lEMORIA CARDS AT EATON'S - An F`canento variety to select from. 0Ony suitable Pat- t-il' I ept in Stock. Urgent orders printed without del6 O 1Frnbch and EngHi-h desfigps. both plain and OrirmoentaL Large Cards zuounted and framed in the best tyle at mneorate price.. M. and & EA1TON 841tiorners, 49 Daine-ttreet, Dublin. 16217 GRR~rADNRTi~i, rr ~ iD ; G TR;EET, sutpply Funerals in 2a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - XXECUTOB5 BA.LE, S5,~ - MIUHIAtL doo ?? 'WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION . RXT ISOND4y,. 15h Aprllj 1878, At On2 o'clock, l7pOA the Premises known as 'NO KIL BAI. CHAMBERS, No. 20 KILDARE.STREEf, Iiettions of the RepresentAttives of the late 1B I 5 Hgt Wb~tICOF THE ~ held fog the terim of 31 yeart, from 184, Staiile, &c.,at atp retduce~d to £10 lby letting off of FTtta ?? eupld Aenp ~tpsenta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON l-M iXI3, . TOBS. HEADSTONES, MURAL i.L TABLETS in great variety. A large Stock to select from at Fitzpatrick& Mslolloy's, Glasnevin. U 15483 ;OltTUARY Monluments, Tomabs, and Headstones L- in every variety of mnaterial and design, prices r odorate. At D. Scadly and Sun 's Mnrble waork. Glas- uric. 5S. Entrance-Finglas.road and Cemetery. renue. _ lw2l XTOE.Tl;ARY PEi'N- and CARDS Printed in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CDRE88 A)ID FOAS!OX. LAD!S' PECM KMD GLOVES LT IS, 120. 'aneqVUalld Dolable Dutton dit, t 2. 8 for B11116 and Durabffity ; in'sriy Colw.ur By poad for One Stamp 6213, MRS, BALY 17 VAPHL.STREEiZT AM COY AND CO., MERCANTr TAILORS, AND DRAPERS, 1 and 2 PARLIA ZENT-STREET, 82 DAME.ITRIEET, Beg intorm their Friends and the Public thal they have just received AN IMMENSE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -: MIt4131:&OJ8, D ?? i ..~g ; COyLD HADLi BE MADE, WERE W I =Wrt* TK&T 8PNEUMODYNXE . - ?? - m E- T.STI I& . . M . ; iE IJXTRAORPIN1ABty VA7 OF : ?? U K O D' Yi b i, THE PloPAIEOES Or , .; ~,P 'ifE Is V ° D Y 1; t5 . i Beg most klpAfAU TAt d MOSETInLY to state tha the Letter here g l6vqnB been received by tm unso., ;llltea, 8,xl roim a pearect strangertV tr ?? , ; 3 . e ; e~d, h 1^ rbs*, 1~i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES! OUTT'ITTNtTG, UNDERCLOTHING, BABY-.LNEN, &ca. S. OLDHAM 1, D 130NS, 11 AIM 12 WvEST201j]PLgb, zE e~w 12WEBTMOF LA.D.STREZT, &olicit AtteatlOUo o the: Larg Stock of th owaes# GOO& in n bove Branch, ALLt. AT VERY MODERATE PRICE8I. LARBG LOT OF SM TS SELOW iZzR VALIE. PfREPAID ADVERTISEMENTSL 5.r ASwerti~mnt to be guaronteed insertion ?? hi nsuiwd ?? Zghtsin Oh mnsg. 5o~LLE OF PSiOP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS,- Go forth in haste, 1 'I'at men are wise With Bills and Patte, I WVho-avertles Proclaim to all Creation i in every geantlas6r. The original and apuroved T A Mt E S D I L L 0 X.4 A The Chamnion Dead Wall Decorstor,' 180 GRtEAT BfRTAlWi-STRE9iT, DUBI1_(, And Great city 1llU Poster and DIhtrtbutbr. Challenges Coinpetition for Style, Displhf, Podstlon, and Patrouage, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEXT THURSDnAY AND nUID~y3 2fth and 5hARL178 MICHAEL CROOKrS IPORTANT' SkIES 3y AUCiTIOl Hovsahold Furailtur &.0, At 4 COBl&NA-AVDNUb AM dl be s County ulre nu A uc. oneer, - an| ERtIm ua two a a vies to sale. ?? (Iuivday), at Hilf-PeAa 21wlve o'clock, in Abo, baeei story th rtceso vi~tju plated ware, bronza ry; aithe egaftidegs Second Dray'sS tb cominenc~n~ with the hooks sedlinlnro~, efecti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 25thast~ ~r~ us~sda sand Friday) .L 1878, And FRIDAY, 187& .310IAEL'LCOOKES - SALE$ BY My 1Ur ro AUOTION Includeo ISDAY (Thusday), 25th Apral-Houwshold Funs. ,tie, Kingato . . XO-MORROW riday), 2tth Apirn-Four Lots, via,*- Licensed MoMs and -thtee Acres Land, Clonee,, County leath., LICENSED BOUSE, No. 36 Tousenditre DVubli. BUSINES RoUeSr-. Nos. 38 and. .3 Willim-street, ubiln., BUSINESS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS, NEW WORKS AD NEW EDITIONS. S. D. Reave's1ibje MiStory. Edited and Revised by the Rev W J Walgb, D D, St Patrick's Col- Iege CMaynootbh ' ?? .. . the Church anid Civiication. Bi Pope Leo XgII. 1 0 Questlonsantd Objections concerning Catholio Doctrine and Prutce BytheArchblahopof Toronto ?? 06 pentle andS lea ByMAP1,.il. g vols ?? . 12 0 Pte nsadid Sois. BYthelfBelast-Mao ?? 6 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RA1L~VhLYS. GREAT SOMITHENAD WESTERN -RAILWAY. PUINCHES~f0WNj RACESP 5h and 10th AprIl, M878. IOU 8t and 10th April SPECIAL TRAINS, Virst aid Third Classy 'wM leave Kingsbridge Termainus from 8am to 12 noon or Sapsins, and will return fron Sallins each day fromn6 p~m to S- ,M. Oneof he r,.inslevin Duili abut9.45 a~m. for .wll a ll i at m eho, a nd als o ne leaving = l a s s , 3s ?? Theosee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. - TO_-ORROW ursday) AND FRIDAY, 25th and 26th APRIL, 1878. MIOHAEL CROOKE'S IMPORTANT 3ALES BY AUCTION Include.:- Household urntiure, &C., At 4 EBLANA-AVENtTUE, INGSTOW1N, County Dublin.' An will be on viaw by cards from theAuctioneer, and Caftsooes can be bad previous to sale. Iole to commence First.Dayv o-worrow(Thursday), at HSU-past Twelve o'clock, in the basement Otory; the ...