Advertisements & Notices

... COMMERCIAL SALES. JOHNSTON, MILES, AND CO., CARDIFF, RI PORTE -S OF A E I'l2AN & fNl.! D I LN 0DLIC' On Aled after Y0NDAY, Aperil~tt., tbe Iciloweeg parcela OF F'RESH LANDED GIOODS. AMEDW'AN FRESH BEEF, MUTTON. AND POhK: 250 Q~aru+.rted Ecet , ?? o. ?? p. J(t Sheep, ,, w AMEB.AN & CANADIAN BUTTER: 11l' Frkiel £re Lt ?? !stote!'crs;,lg ?? a I T0 ?? r Stat',. AMEBICAN CE-SE: MERIE:W(.'AN BACON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGNEEW Pi, A'CE ?? ci.rSSH1LL h ~,To eT. m no. sotxz Un~L.s et S Eooms sod t 2abe ttring air mojscsr-aipcoii' hota- ci ante, t~ -4ptsly to Ha~ r & ores , 7,- ?? Street, m LBION` (CRESCI.NYV 7)jTDOwA~N'HILL. 34 A~To 1et. CoinmodiuU.o 7IAj.IN.11313 1100531 of SF Fronsuand 1-lthen,. wiL, Ail Lcaste's'oe5n r1t5.'t9Yar' TSELO AVET R~k(S ?? 4), Great U .4) e- ero oos To i-~.Se-tf-contained~ 5' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iA- SHIPPING AND EMIGRATION. Es TNM AN L1 3c L ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, Pli LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, as nic follows:-I CITY OF BERLIN ?? Thursday, April 18. bu CITY OF BRUSSELS ?? oTsday, April 23. Saloons replete with every mooerd comlort and pu convenienoe. re, Fares-12, 16, 18, and 21 ens. StOerage^- Gns. I with fall supply of Cooked Provisions and every T] colufort. Steeragie Passengers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A I I-E.AT1 SALE OX PIANOFORTL, A Nc SWAN &; PEsSFLAND beg to ?? th * CoSsequence of tbe recent dulness of Trade,! ;3 bei StckL i~te~bdboau, h SU e s ta bM' rey ctL rto oe.r lnutruaera a: pricm I2,erto w~recoi- ?? 'The Stock eomxsD s PI&PNu~RWES OF ALL CLASsrl;i1S bd 1e3e r4g froma IVtoE w O~iE ~bRUsi~d INE~ i-uraS: ?? 01i;A&1 fr.. rOB to ONEx ntX1>1'D;13 usua dW ~ ix- OU'NDS ,=saj,1fB~y)5e~1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW SpODS XR.1,fl1b 1 kA0O I, 'I; -- E I N1S 'jli WEST ENMY SILK MERCERY WAREHOUSE, 183 UNION STRE-ET. J A M E S N -E: 1''L'''' '':''''' respectfully to announce his return from the Markets, with a large and well selected BEGStock otf all the LEADING JAND MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS, Which are nowv on Yiew in all the Departenests, lie would beg to call spoclsl attentios to tho .3toek. of RICH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARLES TAYLOR AND CO-, GOLDSMITHS AND JEWELLERS, 0, COLLEGE GREEN BRISTOL sMrAuILISiED 1805), Invite Inspectioln of their Extensive and Elegant Stock of DRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY, AND DINING -ROOM CLOCKS, Recently selected from Parisian Manufacturers. Some of the Models were Designed exprsselY (or the Exhibition to be held in Paris in May next. [B770 2805 G ARAWAY & 0O. .ONLY THE BEST. FARM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5aleg b lapuctWo- TEYORKSflIRE HORSE and CAIML&G 2 THF, ~REPOSITORY, LEEDS Order of Sale Thsi Dat, commencling at twefve O'coIOk0tl3P with gupwrdsa of 50 1-;A of Harness, tladdiery, Hors ,1 About iI 0-_ tJARRIAASES, coraprin bngsmodbse 2.15-IlHORES, ornsiungldcar ndaiiniea5ndmoinx A casrt ot, by ofes Tom;gs Hareystsan Sdlryu bygo huntres, soladi' hores mande ?? imlcto.HE2JER and SONS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? otAr, , 7,; ---3 _ _ T X p, li 7 8, LONDOIN, CHATHAM. AND DOVER RAlLWty TM falflmenct c't the promise maE4 in toy last Circube i before thes Proprietors a few teats and Ager, Whiol5 'IL se -their careful consideramtior, as showin cleacly he gree of their property. It affords me pleas.ure to ?? th T4 falvourable features In connection with this Cenp ariZ them to the shareholders as a ...


... It would be well for those supporters of the Government who find Prince Gortschakoff's circular conciliatory to reconsider the grounds of their belief, and if they are still satisfied with them, to state them a little more definitely than has yet been done. Unless they can clearly point out what substantive proposal or proposals the Russian Chanccllor has made to which her Majesty's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. NICOLL, RENG T-STRT AND . OORWIiLL, LOMDON. PAI', _TEPPFOtO, a2AN0HSt3T= BLL%1 HAX I:JVF,!0L ADDRESS-50, BOLD*STREST. Ovyi f' tr Rprltg aud Suramer wear of anely v .1 - :r. ti d ?? a&14 & Ct GUiSIE& *: t: .. 1.; i1rgR%1A'TjN D,, intended to be t ,- e coiniung tlvr el dtbibitlou at FUIrA. it i ,d r clruFwg. a:id Autuni too, nad i3 lbe.,L, WL satur..AOf 0 uOm.'i. ewl PUBIXC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * G -~G UA.d go~ n, thei3tb and 13th tNI0.| .- T hg52'g, te A, A E TJ ,| ry~~~elr :ol ca; ljoOIHS. l5t r lD e 9.X S AI N 51 EN 11! B S T F eeh' X vleowo'v, Ar.'. t/d Ec-entdUw. ,f ;- ?? 31- 0L>;6~Oy ,F o; WE S THEA.TK.E, -- a ,B3:>6e.I.Le. a 0A3 e.MhO o ePEN OX _s'TE ZIODA Y, DS 00,;.NEVILLE, / j~~~ T H£.}.{ j , -Keea. Tr , -. 1 ;, __V __ ?? M.. PiRA O -> :;6LiISaOP,0cRAnl 57° F¢'B p Li A ...