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Advertisements & Notices

... to 7H. 6d. BOYS' NAILED BOOTS, Very ?? ?? 4H. 6d. BOOTS AND SHOES AT ONE HOUR'S NOTICE FOR LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. should a pair o,f our Boots Rip or becoine Unseton, tle~y oill*be Repwaired Free of' Carge. Sewn or Rivetted Boots at One Hour's Notice. OS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... shooting and fishing boots, gent's Balmlzal boots, tool' s3, gent.'s nailed boots, gent.'s blucher hoots, geut.'s elastic s, hot~Adies', girls', and childrens' boots and shoes of allon ly=cass easy On account of the difficulity in boots and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . school, or learner. Price 0 ?? at 2ks Ubper Pitt street. A BARGAIN. - FISHING TACKLE, Salmon Rods, A Fishing Trouisers. Boots, Flies, &c., dc. A Share in the Lyceum Library.-Address 53, Upper Hope-place, Liverpool. 28myje3 To be Sold cheap, a suasitity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... school, or learner. Price 6 ?? at 24, Upper Ptt street. 29myje4 A BARGAIN.- FISHING TACKLE, Salmon Rods, A Fishing Trousers. Boots. rle, &c., &c. A Share in the Lyceum Library.-Address ?? Upper Hope-place, Liverpool. 28rny3e BAlBGAIN-PERAMBULATOR with brass ...