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Advertisements & Notices

... shooting and fishing boots, gent's Balmlzal boots, tool' s3, gent.'s nailed boots, gent.'s blucher hoots, geut.'s elastic s, hot~Adies', girls', and childrens' boots and shoes of allon ly=cass easy On account of the difficulity in boots and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... school, or learner. Price 6 ?? at 24, Upper Ptt street. 29myje4 A BARGAIN.- FISHING TACKLE, Salmon Rods, A Fishing Trousers. Boots. rle, &c., &c. A Share in the Lyceum Library.-Address ?? Upper Hope-place, Liverpool. 28rny3e BAlBGAIN-PERAMBULATOR with brass ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to 7H. 6d. BOYS' NAILED BOOTS, Very ?? ?? 4H. 6d. BOOTS AND SHOES AT ONE HOUR'S NOTICE FOR LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. should a pair o,f our Boots Rip or becoine Unseton, tle~y oill*be Repwaired Free of' Carge. Sewn or Rivetted Boots at One Hour's Notice. OS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . school, or learner. Price 0 ?? at 2ks Ubper Pitt street. A BARGAIN. - FISHING TACKLE, Salmon Rods, A Fishing Trouisers. Boots, Flies, &c., dc. A Share in the Lyceum Library.-Address 53, Upper Hope-place, Liverpool. 28myje3 To be Sold cheap, a suasitity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Per Dozen Imperial Pints 2s ) GOLDEN KEY, HIGII-SVRSET (T. GR . i;TOUT Highly Recommended (Geog D , P Dozen ImperialPI9, 2P . GOLDEN KEY, HIGH-STREIr (T G. TOUT In Creaming Condition (ac ~TO ?? Dozen Imperial Pints 2 GOLDEN KEY, HI0I -STREET ?? TO UT11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAD S MAID or Maid and Housekeeper to a middle- agedor elderly lady. Dressmaker andmilsazer. Exoellent character-E., 3Sa. Kent-street. 133e5 W ANIED, r Situation as HO.USEMAID orNlUSE ma small family. Liverpool preferred.-APPlY at 63, Stan- field-road ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for S stamps PT~i3 Ch~1EMICAL 1:ANUFIAOTURERS' DIltnEC- TL TORY of ENGLAND and SCOTLAND for 1878. Much extended and improved. Kent and C0.. Paternoster-row. ' E 11845S New Work, Second Edition. proe Is., -LADDER and PROSTATE DISEASES cured LP by an entirely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... near Lowesloft. CONSTITUTION HILL,, IPSWIGE. TC) BUELD],IRS AND OTHIRS1.3 To be S OL D by AU CTION, By JOilN FOX, At tbe Golden Lion Hotel, Ipawich, on Thursday, the 20th June, 1878, at Six for Seveu o'clock in the Evening, lv IIThgiDesirable anzd Valuable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 a 1. PURiEST AND FINEST SN-C RED o AT LRAL LEAF TOBACCO. the the THE Beautiful Golden Appearance these Tobaccos 1present is only obtained Ig absolutely rejecting all i mperfectly cured or decysd leaves. The light grey ES soil on which theyare grown ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The SEYnROTrCgn,st~ of VS uME will be represented bry tiC domeil selected and very choice wines, yes,, 12 dozen ricb pale golden sherr very old, lint foll 'of character; 112 dozen 18113 vintagO peart, laottloa 18i7; So dozen 18 I3 vintage port, more recently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (T= T. 0. SOnlXHAM ) I aming Condition (Georges'). Per FiT Dozen imperial Pintl 2s. GOLDEN KEY, HIO9llSTREET (I. G.-.oRTIstg).. cIn[vigO6 Economlial (Georges'). GOLDEN KEY. HIOH-STIEnT(T. G. NoRTIIAI). l Bottlers of (Georges'), At W holje S ole Price for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alitctilin. gItTAINT ANN 0UN-CEME'I Glreat Ailoisrian of dlual ess Arr'soacmeais thel grestatr railt of I lie ~avge SteeL O., BOOTS AND SHItOES, WATERIPROOF Co.ATS', LECOINiGS, &c., 0. HI. STOIIARAT'S, 23. IIIGII-1lOl, DAIIUiNOTON, I'l U aT B E CE ARitED ...