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THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER, rnbighshire, Flintshire, Merionethshire, Cheshire, Shropshire and North Wales Register. ..

... Denbigh- shire and Flintshire. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAYAND SATURDAY |>AYLEY AND JJRADLEY, PROP RIETORS. Tkrms OF ?? Bs. Sd. per Annum, pay- hle in advance ; on credit, 10s. per annum. Per post l(k lOd. per aniiuw, payable in advance ; on Credit, l'> per annum. Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSRS BAUGH, JONES, AND CO. •NOTICE. ruv ...

Published: Saturday 20 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9276 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Sliipping Notices. WHITE STAR LINE Royal and United States Steamers. NOTICE -Tbe Steamers of thus Line take the ..

... ixyii^i.. T.ipui Maury, on both the Routes recommended l>y liicun. »>• ii Outward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, Forwarding PasseiUerS to all pilrtS Of the United r states and Canada. THF--K wen-known masrnificent Steamers are ap- pointed to sail weekly as under, carrying her Majesty's and the United states Mails •— From Liverpool. BALTIC Tuesday, July oth ADRIATIC Thursday, ...

Published: Saturday 06 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10724 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER, J), nbighshire, Flintshire., Merionethshire, The County Paper for all Official Notices ..

... ; i! /. / &IFD E VER r FRIDA VA .YD SA TCRDA ?? CIRCULATION. b\5OQ. s> AYLEY AND ]J RAD LEY. PROPRIETORS. Fekms op ScusciurrioN- Ss. Sd. per Annum, pay »Me in advance ; on credit, 10s. per annum. Per pos les. lad. per annum, payable in advance ; on Credit l;_v per annum. Sales by Auction. SALES l' Y Mlissits BAUGH, JOXJS3, AND CO. WREXHAM SMITHFi ELD. THTI'SDAY, JULY ISth, IS7B. ?? OF FAT AND ...

Published: Saturday 13 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9476 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

BstIBLhWBO A.D. IS4B THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Merionethshire, Cheshire, Shropshire and ..

... Official Notices in Denbigh- shire and Flintshire. prrELISHED EVERY FRIDA YA XI) SATURDA V CIRCULATION. 5,500. — r»AYLEY AND ORADLEY, PROPRIETORS. Tbrms of Subscription— Ss. Bd. per Annum, pay- able in advance ; on credit, l(*s. per annum. Per post JOs. lOd. per annum, payable in advance ; on Credit, lis. per annum. Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSRS BAUGH, JONES, AND CO. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. ...

Published: Saturday 06 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10360 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

PREPAID ADVEMISEMENTS. OF THE FOLLOWING CLASSES : Houses to be Let, Apartments to be Let, Situations Wanted, ..

... Vacant, Miscellaneous V*. ants Apartments Wanted, Lost or Found, Are uiserted in this Column at the under-mentioned charges :— One Insertion (20 words) ' s Three Insertions „ •••-. -,■•■-. •_ And 3d for each additional line of nine words. Advertisers are particularly requested to name thi number of insertions when ordering Advertisements. All Advertisements not ordered for a definite penoi ...

Published: Saturday 20 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2750 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

PREP V ' B ADVERTISEMENTS. OF Til!: FOLLOWING CLASSES : Houses to be Let, Apartments to be Let, Situations Wanted,

... Money Wanted Situations Vacant, Miscellaneous W ants Apartments Wanted, Lost or Found, Are inserted in this Column at the under-mentioned charges : One Insertion (20 words) ' s Three Insert'ons „ -. ?? , ssoa And lid for each additional line of nine words. Advertisers are particularly requested to name the number of hue) tions when ordering Advertisements. All Advertisements not ordered for a ...

Published: Saturday 13 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3692 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Of THK FOLLOWING CLASSES : Houses to be Let, Apartments to be Let, Situations Wanted, ..

... Vacant, Miscellaneous Wants Apartments Wanted, Lost or Found, Ar. inserted in thi, Colvmr. at the under-mentioned charges :— One Insertion (2o words). \ s „, Tiiiee Insertions „ •„-— , »_ And .'ld for each additional hue of nine words. IdiftrHsers arc Pai-aculaily requested to name the uuniher of insertions when ordering AdTcrHseme^. \H Advertisements not ordered for a definite period will bo ...

Published: Saturday 27 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3516 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Late Advertisements. I WANTED, a good strong and useful TRAP, at once.— Apply Thomas Rilry, 2, Market Hall, ..

... THE FIKFTIN THE ARCADE. TRKO to Return my Thanks to the Members of tin- Fire Brigade anil others who voluntary assisted in extinguishing the recent fire in my Shop. O. CAI.DECOTT, Tailor and Draper, 1725.i 2, Overton Arcade. ...

Published: Saturday 20 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 58 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

Sliipping Notices. WHITE STAR LINE Royal and United States Steamers. VOTICE.-Tli • Steamers of this Line take ..

... recommended by Lieut. Maury, on both the Outward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL io NEAV YORK, Forwarding Passonsers to all parts of the United States and Canada. rriHESE well-known magnificent Steamers areap- r pointed to sail weekly as^ under, carrying her Majesty's and tho United States Mails •- FROM LIVERPOOL. BRITANNIC Thursday, July Kth. Zl-ivic Tuesday, Jnly •> th. GERMANIC Thursday, ...

Published: Saturday 20 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10755 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

Shipping Notices. WHI T !\ 3T A R LINE Roya! and United states Steamers. NOTICE -The Steamers of this Line

... take tbe Lane V ?? ?? i:„„f Maurv. on both the Routes recon-.m.^nie . !> I.ieut. uuhu;, Qtttward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, Forwarding tarn» all parts of the United States and Canada. THESE well-known magnificent Steamers are ap- poietv V, sail w^kly as under, carrying her Majest/san-l the United States Mails - Frok Liverpool. „,.„■,(. Tuesday, .Tnly Wi. 'fi'A \N ic .. ...

Published: Saturday 27 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10938 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

Snipping Notices. WHITE STAR LINE Royal and United States Steamers. NOTICE. -The Steamers of this Line take the ..

... recommended by Lieut. Maury, on both the Outward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, Forwarding Passengers to ail parts of the United States and Canada. rriHESK well-known magnificent Steamers are ap- | I pointed bo sail weekly as under, carrying her i Ulajestv's and the United States Mails •- From Liverpool. ADRIATIC Thursday, July 18th BRITANNIC Thursday, July 25tn. CELTIC Tuesday, ...

Published: Saturday 13 July 1878
Newspaper: Wrexham Advertiser
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11185 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds