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... LONDON CORN MAHKET. Friday.—Market very quiet; small supply of English wheat, and prices remain firm; foreign heltl for full values. Flour steadf. Oats and maize a dull sals. Other articles a dull sale. Weather fine. British— wheat, 230. Foreign—wheat, 9,510; barley, 5,540; oata, 59,S6L>; maize, 19,433; flour, 2,140 sacks, 2,340 barrels. LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET, {Friday.—Market opened quiet for ...

Vaughan Street

... Vale Road. Railway bridge, Messrs J, Oldfield C7,' s coal office 1 J. Jones 2 Mrs Roberts J. G. Davies 3 Mrs Edwards 4 Mrs Hoole 5 Mr 6 Mr C. Evans GREENFIELD TERRACE- 1 Mr D. Owen 2 Mrs Williams 7 Mrs Parry 8 Llys Arvon, Rev. D- C. Evans(Calvinistic Meth- odistminister) Mrs Evans and fam ily (p 9 Mrs Williams Ða Victoria iun, Evans British schools, Mr Lewis, master; Miss John, mis- tress 10 ...


... THE CHELTENHAM WEEK—GLOUCES- TERSHIRE V. YORKSHIRE. In Saturday this return county match was brought to a conclusion, the result being a draw. Below is the score of the day's play YOAKSIIIP-E. 1st Innings. 2nd Innings. Lockwood, c Townsend, b W. c G. F. Grace b G. Grace.22 W. G. Grace 6 Ulyett, c Moberley, b W. G. Grace. 9 b W. G. Grace.. 6 L. Hall, not out 82 not out 7 E. Rogers, c Bush, b ...


... ML CHARMS WIUUTRA'S FOBTHCOMINO WOBK.- Amongst the works which were spoken of in highly eulogistic terms at the recent meeting of the Cambrian Archaelogical Association was Mr Charles Wil Icing's Tales and Sketches of Wales. THE UNITARIAN CHAPEL.—We learn that the Rev. Nestor Williams, minister of the local Unitarian chapel, will, next Sunday evening at six o'clock, de- liver a discourse ...


... The third exhibition of the Rosset, Gresford, Pulford, and Dodleston Cottagers Horticultural Soeiety took place in Trevalyn Park (kindly lent to the society for the occasion by Captain Griffith-Boscawen) on Wednesday last. Two tents were pitched near the park entrance, one of which contained the exhibits of the cottagers, and the other those ofthe,amateursand professional gardeners. This is ...


... When cows are themselves good milkers, what is the use of employing dairymaids r— Fun. On Tuesday, the Middlesborough town council presented Lieut.-Colonel Saddler with a. silver cradle. The gallant colonel, after having been elected mayor in November last, vacated the chair in order to contest a seat in the representation of the borough in Parliament in the Conservative interest. During his ...


... CARDIFF—ARRIVALS. ROATH BASIN, July 27.— Swan ss, 482, Lewis, Rouen, ballast. Powliattan ss, 993, Newington, Bristol, ballast. » ROATH BASIN, July 23.—Gladys ss, 1022, Britton, Gloucester, ballast. ROATH BASIN, July 29.—Renown ss, 735, Smith, Rotterdam, ballast. Colianim ss, 1018, Berg, Havre, ballast. Zenaide ss, 534, Leray, St Nazaire, ballast. Caerleon ss, Garlan, Rotter- dam, ballas t. ...


... MONEY MARKET. 11 LONDON, WENEDSDAY EVENING. To-day's current rates in the open market are:— Bank Bills.-2 and 3 months, 4 per cent; 4 and 6 months, 4 to 4.t per cent. The Finest Trade Paper.-2 to 3 months, 4 to ii per cent; 4 to 6 months, 41 to 5 per cent. Day-to-day Loans are at about 31 per cent. Consols have been a quiet, but steady market to-day, at 94 to 04 J for delivery, and 95 to Ð5Å ...

[No title]

... DAULX tS'iUCK. AND SiiAitJS LIST. liupp,i, ny .lc;u. A.\f tttock Cluo ..10) I;JO ? i,.mJvII all:,l 1'0 lit LII uc.:¡ II.. ,lVU ..14 7 1 ö ? Mtd?ttJ.lbu..l?; 1? lt.i?'.?)?.lu'J..14! lit) 5.')!'icvct'u?'t\e.?. 5U.. 20 ?M .w. 70' „ 7 8tec!t ..106 107 „ No. ll'rd K)U ..106 106 &,ook rea\. WU1>tel U (;UII.>OJ. [¡ ¡t.e.100 ..123 12. per ccm .100 12 12 Uu K.-H'cu:tmrt.thie (5 11 Ut ]0)? ...


... CARDIFF'. —ARK1VALS. ROATH B.>\sm, Aug. 21.—Helioa ss, 1487, Smith, RoA'i! B.\six, Aug. 21.— Annie as, 784, Water;na!i, Coi'k, b:dlad. Tjindsay ss, 7H), EAUT Docx, Ang. 20.—EmHiess,492. ljitas ss, 444,, Aiiqel, Bilba.f),irc;iore. Rft.bkon'iyM,245. Watson, S'v.').n ...