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Freeman's Journal


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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICA:TIONS, NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS. How to Prepare for Civil Service Comopetition. ByPWJoyce, LLD, TCD, Third Edition: rxagd .. .. *- 1- 3 6 Onr'%od1sad Trees. By OEteath . 12 6 The Crudse of lI S Challenger. WJ Spy r , 7 6 Tho Knowledgo of Mary. By llev J De Concilo ti 0 E 'Hore Sacre. By RQv ajGowing, DlD ?? 6 0 C ChossOpenings. ByHEBird. ?? ?? 5 0 A Picture Book for Laldies and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. THIS WEEK. LICENSED PREMISES, WHISKEY, AND FURNITURE, T0 BE SOLT) BY AUCTION, T IN Crooke's Publio Salernm 10 LOWER ORtOND-QUA&, As follows. Viz.- THURSDAY NEXT, commencing at One o'clock, Reds- due or Clearance Sale of Household Fur- niture and Sundry Effects. NEXT FRIDAY, 4th of October, WHISKEY SALE, &o., In Crooke's Public Salerooms, 10 LOWER ORMOND-QUAY, Preceded at One o'cloek ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC COMPANIES. THE ISABELLE GOLD AND SILVER MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). The Directors are'compelled to give notice, in conse. 2 quence of the very Inrge number of applications alreadty receired, that the SUBSCRIPTION LIST for Shares ina this Cornpanywillbeclosed on hlONDAY, the Seventh, at Four 'clocki, instead of ~ednesday, the Ninth day of October, as stwted on the First Instant, when the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUTBLIO NOTICES. iSOCIETY t61r FPE11D S. At the request of FIlnLDEN THORP, Of York, A MEETING FOR WORSHIP 'Is Intended to be held at the FRIENDS' MEETING. HOUSE, Eustace-street, ON lERST DAY (TO.MORilOW) EVENING, At Seven o'clock. All are affectionatolY invited, 13660 TlUBLIN oRTHOPiEDIC HOSPITAL, IDLJ 11 USHER'S-ISLAND- Patroness 1 Her Grace the Duchessa of MARLBOROUGH. THE SECOND ANN'UAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. gILLINEY AND BALLYBRACK TOWN. NOTIV'E. T5e Annual Meeting of the ?? nld Ballyhraek ,rehsl1ip vill be held in the Hall, Killiny, on TUES A the Ith October, 1878. nt the hour of Nine o'clock rrfrtepurpose of electing four Comnijarioners, in, IGof four retiring by rpotation-viz, Henry L HIel g~,unsJameson, (Georce Wilkinson, and Johu Ball p, w P. lho are elinyible for re-election, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E: IEMO RIAM CARDS AT EATON'S-Only suitable Patterns ever kept in stock. 200 varieties, Enhish ann French patterns, to select from. The largeaG ?? in the city is at Eaton's. Urgent ord'rs printeat shortest notice. Eaton's Photo-,lor. tuary Car, a speciality. Large Cards mounted and framedn trect style at moderate pnice>.. M1. tand ii acitNSateoners, 49 Dame-street, Dublin. i ?? an S. LOST AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i I, f ?? x Avru l rA 8 -AuTitrO 'tnd;mAt 3 6;iho -W eptcethp ;IhVI Irtoh' iU, pahf' to nll orderajw~hgch ao,wnadejgupu~zsrgfi i~ero ims oft tihs premlses.-.Joht, Nio]Oiin&&nd Co,~ 1O We~tlli ro. land ureet.: - ' b 7- :a - II. .MV RydWj'df. I1 Yild9 httgeetl rb* tisrried'ff6&A Pdr s. Mr.. and Mrs, Cameroni W bo annouilee their return from London nd3d P&I- nndc inrte an in. Fp.o on- othelrg* ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. OLDHAM AND SONS, ! g0D 12 WESTMORELAND.STREET, DUBLIN, Have now received AUTtJTUN AND WINTER GOODS la every Department, At and UNDER LOND.ON PRIJES, AIn1 ?? solicit an Inspection. ~1r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. TOHIN BRINSMEAD and SONS' GOLD .A UDAL PIIANOS aro the only instruments treughoult the noerld th at hae beeli awlrd ed First-class ?? of ~onour in London, 18/2; I'arls, 1807; Nether. ^^1dsa 1852; Parie, 1870; Pruis, 1874; Philadelphia, ,876; southAfris, 1877, &c.--ClitMEI( VOOD and CO.. 4 anid 6 Weelmorelsnd-street. Dublin 1d683 IVEAK SIGHT. HENRY LAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPECTACLES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. OLDHAM AND SONS, 1 AND 12 WE8T*ORELkNDD.STREu'r, DUBLIN, Have now recesved AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS In every Department, At and UNDER LONDON PRICES, And ?? solicit an Tnspection. Vc, direct special attention t - our Cyprus Cloths, at is. 4jd. and Is. 6id. per yard. FINag5 TZEA; XAI5OW, MONII(G or k. 1Od. per lb. Ioto SOUG. - TheisTe. we guarantee to be tbe Alne* imported; anequalied I.nngeh, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST AND FOUND. LOST. pOLICE NOTICE-Strayed or Stolen, from 20 Liver. pool road, on Saturday evening, a small black-and- tan Terrier Dog, a great pet. It found in the possession of any person after this notice they will be prosecuted. .6_ISo FOUND. OUND Straying, near Celbridge, oil the 20th Sep. ..tember, an ASS. Owner can have same by describ- ing particulars and paying costs; if not claimed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBFICATIONS, NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS Vfow to Prepare fir Civil Servico Competition. fly P Wt Joyce LL1) TCD. Third Edition, cnlarged ?? ?? .. ?? . 3 6 Our Woodlaid Troes. ByF G Heath ?? 12 6 The Cruise of lIMS Clallener. \J Spry .. 7 (/ ;Thel nowlved~e of llRIY. I;Y ?? 6 O XHorce Sacrze, By Rev jtowinig, D D ?? 6 0 'Cheis Openings. 'ly Ir v BinL ?? ?? 3 6 A Picture lleok f(c talaldies ...