... NOTrINGNIAM SPRING 11TEETENG. F1OGRAItAO..IMIO FLR TILIS DAY., A IWRs'rvE'S SELI.uoI III.P.I.itAl7 1?cIi of 31W o.ul fn itl w 1i ) added, foer-year-OidS lst 71T, five l!et :311), eix andrw:,, etiit 7!ij. winlnl to 'b sold fr 150 sovs, if for 100 alhleil 711b, 'olIlO , III o miles, over eight jitrdico, Xihe 'Trnuit'sx.ukO. ?? EItLeIttt Po-ore of 15073fir i:e yceriei i C.l' L s'it 12tt, fillies. ...


... ort l-,s IrrmlTlp! VITroRuA OCUr, Tuesaay. There was a fair attendance at the City clubs to-day, aid the 1s Liverpool Cup camie in for a fair amount of attention. Carilloll's k price varied between 11 to 41 aend 3 to 1, a good amount of money sj being liid out for her, At 3's Glendala was In request, and only in a few Instaneces did 5 to 1 find takers about Mandarin. 1NeW i Laund receded to ...


... tenit RACING NOTES. sank ?? interest attarhed to thle spo:rbt a fonraster this after- suled noon, awhen Allster Kildare and lHackthorpo, botls the properly and of Lordl festliege, won hloedloasp with !salachcli Neither hail iesel tro-yt Irish horse, acteil unoesely, as Mtister Kildare was ?? allowed to accept withb Ocst 110, and Jacpie (tilenuon has haolf-a- cost ozn I. ocrwsstill kept at thle ...


... SPO1RTING INTELLIGENCE. RACING -NOTESA ANTD ANTICIPATION~S. ?? Aucotc~omusa roi)daain w~e, g llnot have Sml ?? as wvas witiocssod onl ti locc i . this week. Even the Floippy ground mid oewa la) MPre-icste scorrountlisgs Btliiisot detract in VIce least- decgi?O - ioin thle interest taken in the racing, this bchcng sustained fifrom firiet to last. Tjjo eiochisin stato which the collyss Scab in, ...


... SPORTING INTEItbIGNC' RAOING NOTES. Sport w~as Again pnrsucd tunder dlifficulties At I~caiptonfland tile Snow lay th icicly, except In that Position of tile track W lich 'ass cleared along the straight. Sonie Of the ridesinte asii Selling dturdlis Race nairrowly esmped ilduri' as five of thle ?? runners came to grief: ;n rhil oi most notable of the fiat races W5.5 tht won b' Avontsswieohat for ...


... S GI SPORTIN G INTELLIGENCE. A sorm nghtRACNG NOTES. Asenyngtwas succeeded lip a showeery afternoton. Yes- terday the coreianmy wans faIrly, rip to the aver-ilge. tied the. sport was certainly wo rthy iesst-qiiarters. The groat Foal Stakles wvas, of course, the chief event of aL long preogeasenrie, and I eualy, of colnrse, was won by flayon dsor, reslilte it 7U pnalyhut thle gifgastie ...


... SPORtTINGx INTELLTGENCE I WIND)SOR iACE..E~nDT IfThe weather on the sacond day Of this gastiering proseritefla 0 marked charge! from that of the precedilig daY, racin bax1n fAllenI 1, heavily overnight, whilst a cold vi-nd grevailed during t he whole time the racing iron taking place. The attendance was by cct ineasan so large as yesterdty, wehilot, tho ?? showell a grem~ fallieg off, though, ...


... d ?? NOTES.I- Ao is notunnfroqutcntlythic case, tile Groat Yorkshire Stake e Isresaciled Inc ticc overthrow Of thle favourite, Wheel of Fortune, IA, upon whom odds swern freely, betted for the first lime. during hier F, racing career, surfering detest at the haneds of Ruperie, wvho wvon !, SO Cleverly that it wee but a natural. conseq~ueneC be should , become in hot demand for the St. Leger; u ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENaZ GOODWOOD RACES. PROGORAMMES FOR THIS DAI. wirnners af ter thea publicatio I of the weit.its dib, of a 5,, I'b oxtra. ?? St1iml Lollypop *10 2 Lineolnshire 01 l Trappist . . 2 1Credle (in, 71b e ?? 'TeleeropO * idne . x) * Plachla 9~~~04 VegE-tirian Sir Joseph.. 9 SICentenary.. . Meastllr Kildare * ?? ,70 Iliv.,kthorpo 0 IMFovies 0 Ka5leidoscopeO 812 Twine the Plaidete 7 ...


... C11CRIC -iT. GLOUnCESTERSHIRilE r. NOTTEINGI{AESHTIIE. itsE' TinnhtE(:III'I(.| Tue Gloucestor anti Notts eateb at Claltenhan cane0 to aL SenI- sational conelugsion on Saterdlay aiterinoo, Notts Vilmitiag by Six wviccets. flhis result wvas (lite to tie sal ilid ?? of A. Shrewsbury and IBarnes, who rncdil the scare frn--m 2 to 11j between thue tills oa tile firstaad second sViclets. ]3 lites ...


... This aniual meeting took place on Saturday afternoon lt a large field adjoining Beacon House. kindly leat by Mr. Syuasd A capital programme lied bean got asp, ?? being, 160 ortri, ' L and tile necessary preparatiolle )la(d bcn ellicefntly carcie,, LI out by the usanagement: buit tile gloomy, threateiool weather Militated against the attendance, vwhila the drenellis | ihaoers which fell ...


... ASTON LOWER GROUNDS, B3ICYCLE RACING AND ATHLETIC SPOTS M For the purpose of affording greater iae~ilitics for oaryin TS athletic 8peeie at ithe Aston Lower Girounds, a now cinder path hos been recently, prepared, anti wae opoitad for thle first Itmre on Inl Saturdlay afternoon. Thle course itsetf is a good one, three bind *a-hIMf IlaP-3 to the mite, beinT formed so ae to tiring out the merita ...