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West Midlands, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Azurtate, both to lesrlleee eand caranalslic ekness Vih little orb; were rich with the wise of health; talt the mnaker wear tuis golden eirele, that hie .emay keen I was weunased Nrithtie liarrawsa of diseasa, hot ani nose healed. Mae ha grese lto thle suashiioa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? to pestilence and caltyvitn sickness: tile little orbts were rich with the miuo of health * let the tnaker seelr this golden circle. that he mey khots I wea voultlded with tte strovs of discease, hout Anl now healed. Mlay he grot' ia the sunshine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Co., 19, lirod Street. , ?? Joeland and Sons, 7. Foregte St, ., ..Kent and Pleetwvood wARltIiK ,, .. Shaw and Kendall. Solo Manufacturer: T H 0 DI A S Or R A N T. Distfilery-MaIdstone. 392 , - ALTER ;HO0WELL'S CELEBRATED CROSS'WELLS ALES. JiIEWERY, OLVBUgY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W~ork Worth of lifei Limits of Philosophical Enquiry Destign in. Nature Map and Illustrotions, 2 vols. 8vo., FF[HE RiIVER of GOLDEN SAND. Narrative of a i. Journey Through China to Burmash. B]y Caipt. WM. GILL, R. E. Iliustrations. post Svo.. LADY'S LIFE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iouse, ha TlltciRtroot, 0j il,,a oodi trade -XIe to £21. a wOok, in-colobig £000. to Lt Pet Ltl.-A-p Iy In James Baerrett, Golden Mlart, Choltmt. iij~ll(N iN'I IIOEN ?? Le ?? haend. ?? oil iiprelliigo or N% hite Li. aii, Ifery Latoe. Ililuley. c-;'J23 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of F'sex ecarcicelar, &c., 30 soil. 31, Paradiee treet, _ 131 OTlUE.-JOHIN MOODY'S MIAIITIME IMUSIMUM, 81 from Folkeestone, Kent. PUM~P TAX'VLEN, BULL DING. Fine Atles, Spirits. Goncd Bled. Colfeoe, cv. 2 (l REAT 'ETV AL A. SA EPA E c ;F.A LEMORtcecL FESTIVAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flaunge Bath Siacteitee. For Shamnpoeoig In addlatisis to the aobee aecommcodaties. Six. Pence. ?? PUISNELL, sulteilotenadent. -Kent Stret Baths, Janeary 122.1879. 513 Treesurer'sDorm tmtett, 23, Uioiiti Street. Ut't Senter Jet', 1675. 511 rg~o . ILWilleee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Itinigh Were- . hTlonsuoitan, who thoroughly understands laying odd sides, endi acoenpeteot to take charge of coommnon and boot castcro.-Appiy, by otter, to Messenger and n1one, Biroad. Street. e33411 1~EST Ilromwigit Colfeo-houele Corotony, Lirnited ...