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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 1(itl Children take part in Grand Ball Riloon Scene, Brillanatlv and Gorgeously Illuminated. _ The Magniidcent Costunnes, the Golden Chariot, are the theme of admiration of those who have witnessed this unequalled prouduction.( Enthusiastic Reception of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hddress ft 298, Freemali Office. mlSi9 * ITANI ED Left-off Clothes; irs Walsh, 23 Golden- Y lane, gives the highest price for Ladies' or I Gentlemen's left-of? clothing, boots, or feather beds; letters puncttually attendoe to. m19,175 XI'ANIELI), second-hand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ad- r dress K f74, Freeman Office. Ms95,A2 ANTED Left-otF Clothes; .lrs Walsh, 23 Golden- W lane, gives the highest price for Ladies' or Gentlernen'slefc.eof clothin1., boots, or fcther beds, letters punctually attended to. nIs19,175 r WAANTEDl Waste 1' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN )\IEMII)J IIM CAIRDS at Eaton-s.-Only ?? Paztetns kent in stock. y01 variotis-.. English a:n- I'rarnh patteras to st-lect fiom.' Tle [inlest a u- n .1 to :,eotl trom is ot Eaton'. [rat-nt c. -s 2 s,:ei at sheric ustice. E aton', Photo-or.- :: ?? a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for Sale; price moderate; pony, 12 to 13 hands, chestnut, driven by lady; serviceable turnout. Apply at 1 Kent. terrace, Dalkey. a79 VOULTRY; Golden Hamburg Cock and Hen for Sale P at 35 Bloomlield-avenua, South Circular-road. tUtY-bred, Curly, Black Retriever ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mile of Garristown, to which 0 ;W ~~gm from= post-rffi eyery rna AUCTIONS. SALE THIS DAY, IN CONTINUATION. KILTERNAN RECTORY, GOLDEN BAIL L (Within one mile of Carrickminos Railway Station, and adeoining the Churoh). SALE on THIS DAY (Wednesday), 7th May ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bimonton.2fliirafton- sareslt. M15, ll,5 _k tITION of Timber at Clunking Woo 1, on Friday, li tith May, at 12 o'clock. R P Kent and Cu., Auc- tioneers, Rlatihunmey. m15,46 OX ined teapNote, containing 24 hetsfacnd en- for 1 staps. errad, Bothes, Satioers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the past sixty years several toaner proprietors have realised large fortunes therein, iand situate as it is at the head of Golden-lane, midway en the highway between the Castle and St Patrick's Cathedral it must always command a share of the very Jr business ...

Advertisements & Notices

... practicall khowledet of the business; no objection to a situation in a Corn MIerchanti as Storaman or Yardman where horses are kent; can give highest re-I ference as to sobriety. honesty, and attention to husi- I ness. Adtress J S, 19 Brasenose-road, Kirkdale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEXT, 9th June, 1879, A large collection of Forfeited, Lost, and Unclaimed Property, Comprising unbrellas, wearingapparel, boots andshoes, railway and carriage rugs, walking sticks, travelling bags, portmanteaus. perambulator, a lot of kitchen utensils ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the past sixty years several former proprietors have realised large fortunes therein, and situate as it is at the head of Golden-lane, midway en the highway between the Castle and St Patrick's Cathedral, it must always command a share of the very t great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nassauer Bros. Ehrmain, Pipers, Treesee, large ant small Giesler extra, Perrier, Jouet, and G H Mum's extra; 24 Doz Pale and Golden Sherry, 20 Doz fine Old Port, 40 Doz Claret; 12 Cases of Champagne Brandy (10 years old), 10 Doz Chablis, and 17 Boxes Cigars ...