Advertisements & Notices

... not had a single attack sinceI first took them. CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY.-The Itev. John Sheward, of Milton, Sit- thigbourne, Kent, writes:- My nerves viere so shattered that I dreaded the simplest duties, and lost all energyandplea- sure in the purformance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lrdilf. I~ I)LARN&VON.-To Let, G~inden Bot ige .lI liensed Hoac prn 1 a position, malsir. t jgo)od trade,-ApplY M ,WiAMi, Golden Boot. oi ESBBEOld-establisede Bakng, Floor, and 1 Gree- Business.. Takings about A£l,0Oi par oe13 , ~ larol y lnereased,. ent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e HOUSE1 Efmnivh*l) or 81o partia bor oete ayo ete an rwondd lge willing to take oag of ?? cudb educated 'with her non. Mid Kent.-atulrs drs y lettsr 45 W,. Daily Now O Inquiry Office. 67, leaial WV ?? to GadnearrtedCt aapremw. t xfm~.Ra ~W site tomee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Co., 19, lirod Street. , ?? Joeland and Sons, 7. Foregte St, ., ..Kent and Pleetwvood wARltIiK ,, .. Shaw and Kendall. Solo Manufacturer: T H 0 DI A S Or R A N T. Distfilery-MaIdstone. 392 , - ALTER ;HO0WELL'S CELEBRATED CROSS'WELLS ALES. JiIEWERY, OLVBUgY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clifton. [317 ANTED, a good COOK-Apply Royal Hotel, Bath. W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[363 WITANTED, by a YounglMan, a Situlatlon as BOOTS in flrst. WV c lass lcotel.-Addross Richard fliornas, 7, Cottage-row, Penrance, Cornwall. 1336 VFO BREWERS, &c.-Wanted, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lrliengton, S6th November, 1879. 813 'ARLINGTON LIBERAL CLUB. B ~ CrouB PanmstiEs-Greeenba5O. l'a`l05IDNT-DAVID DALE, Esq., J.P. Boot --Dai jy ( Sundays excepted) tram 8 a.m . to 11 pu.. AccortlorrDArn.Libryry, lioading-rooIa, Card, Coaeer~l iol, and Billiard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ousdl-,1 or of, Mtew-s. Harvey and flavidle, auctioneers and eurveyora. ill,j Risopeal6etret.Contihill.. ,'revho!d ?? Fpe ?? Kent.-To be Sold. urmuant to rn Ordr fth Hg C,.urb of Justice (Chancery Division). re,- W. tle' Estate (Robinson v. Shoolbred, 1877 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TlANTED, a Housemaid for a smal school. Not T v under 20. Wages ' 4. all found but washing.- Address Mrs.T. P. Harris, Dartiord. Kent. 374130 A IANTED an experieneed Housemaid in the A W contry.-Appl, sating wages and referenOes, car to X, Meinwazing and Broom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ticen. EUGENIE BLAISE, OF VXERV!ZR5 N(OULDJ like to hear from her sisetr, MtARIE W'MAStIAN..-Addres0 5. Upper Jehnustoeet Golden. WANSML. ~ Eit eiaten 0 M~iR OAISEL or MANSELL, I stic isocitioeiltoar been tic the arcii; Had chot died ?? snce, ccit ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Housemaid for a small sehool. Not fej V VsaderX20. Wages e£4. al found but washing.- Address Mrs. T>, P. Harris. Dartford. Kent. 374i30 1'i'D ain ox 'enoed Housemaid in the W V ?? etatang wages and rejereneos. to X, Mainwaning and Broom, Llanelly. 866i30 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hair falling off, orproducing whiskers. 2 Address :1859, Freeman Office._ n20 116 BOOTS and Shoes at unprecedently low prices; Men's t . B Lacin-uand Elastic Side Boots, 4s lld, 5s 9d, 6s 6d, s7s 9d, Se 66, 9s 91, ?? 6d ; Ladies' from 2s 9d upwards.2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aced, b5, Cardi d-street, Aber- dareo. 27&1a25 . IVET'TERS wanted Eor the Boot Trade, tout xup r n aud finish tho wroug work. Conitaut wo.-k, . C Cod lag-' ?? to P. Willwasa, Boot Mauu. A - lutirer, WoodflelM-street, Morriston. Z726u1d liAY;2 WN Wanted ...