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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... per Dozen Quarts. GOLDEN IdEY. (ILARET, ., t 12s. per Dozen Pintsj 18 er Dozen Quarts. 15, HIGhi-ST, EET. per Dozen Pints' 12s. er Dozen Quarts. T. G. NOi1THA. 'I Co. . ILARET, L s. 6d. per Dozen P'lnts: 16s. per Dozen Quarts. GOLDEN XE C LAIRET, J 12s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... found. -Apply to (C , Pobt-otfce, Stoke Bish.p, near Bristol. [232 TADIES' BOOT TRADE. -Wanted, LADY of ability and .lea erpei ience to take M annagement of first class Ladies' Boot frade, Liverpool. Selary 00 per annumi; live out,- Send references to ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... found.-Apply to ; :, Ilost-oi'ice, Stoke Bishop, near Bristol. [733 T ADIES' BOOT TRADE.-Wanted, LADY of ability anid JLexpeiionce to take Management o1 first-class Ladies' Boot Trade, Liverpool. Salary £100 per annium; live oat.- Send references to Bon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... particulars, G G, Bristol Mor- I cury and Daily Post. L228 J - TANTED, at once, a strong, willing LAD, of 14 or 15, to TV clean boots and knives and make himself generally useful.-Apply, after six p.m., atRodborough Homse, Percivarl' sroad, Clifton. [27 } n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clifton. [317 ANTED, a good COOK-Apply Royal Hotel, Bath. W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[363 WITANTED, by a YounglMan, a Situlatlon as BOOTS in flrst. WV c lass lcotel.-Addross Richard fliornas, 7, Cottage-row, Penrance, Cornwall. 1336 VFO BREWERS, &c.-Wanted, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... intenr eit at the Asz lnjjj r3482 t V NITED, a good COOI;.-Apply Royal HLotl, Bath.3 _ EAN li, by i tYoung Mn. a Situation as BOOTS in first. 5) t 'Clsus la~trl.-Addreoo licisard Tlmomsa.S, 7, Cottage-rowY, Adl P'enzance, coininvall. [336 _ nno B1;E WElVS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... woll-mansfactsre I STOCIK-IN-TRADE of BOOTS and SHOES, SHODPI FIXTURES, FITTINdiS, and EFFECTS : Comprising Ladies', Gents', and Children's Kid leok Kid Calf, Levant, and Memel Side Sprillgs, MIen's anm Noys' Nailesd Boots, sundrv Leather and Linings, Counter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as FOOTMAN or GROOM. Age22. T Good chamtoter.-ohn Pearne, Laureath, Llskeard, i Cornwall. [752 sTTANTTED, a CHAMBERMAID and BOOTS, at W. J. W Rogere's, Mitre Hotel, Wells, Somerset, L[791 A TVXPERIENCED Wooman wishes Employment at once to X MANAGE Bar or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 68d. [978 t W H HY does WHrTTARD, Of Sims's-square, commonly known c BV as Sims's-alley, Buv more secoudlhand CLOTHES, t I BOOTS, A-c., then any other House in the West of Engla., ! Ir Becaneshe gives the anSi istiun [352 a 'Siitatins la ub. AlRBBS-WanteL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ability mnd tlrst. clase references required.-Apply H. Montgomery, 39, Flcot- r street, Torquiy. [4109 it. A NED hitati s e EAD BOOTS; good charactor. rde, -Address lV F 15, Fiserostreet, Swtnsea. [129 _ XTANTED, by a Yoing Lady, SITUATION In Hotel Bar or WV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Principal, 34, :\Jilkwood--ro.d, Y flerne-hill, London, S.E, (4150 -- ,rii±tt oii~h~ i1 ¢itcT%, &t. 3 ED, a fSit ration DS HEkAD BOOTS; good character. _ VT -Adduesa W F, 15, Fiscer-street, Swansea. [123 ke et, TANTrD by ya. Young Lady, SITUATION in Hatol Baror ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Books and Auctioneers' Job Lot Circular post free.-Henry May, Birmingham. 1280 1Y WANTED, LEFT OFF CLOTHING to any extent- Boots, tYV tl Furniture, &c,--Mr. and M1rs. Dove, 7 and 8, Sims's. alley, Brondmead. [431 Se mo'90 RETAILERS OF TEA.-Wanited, everywhere ...