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Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... to H, B. (14782). Office of this Paper. ANTED, A FIRST-OLASS PREPARING W MASTER, Apply, with opies of discharges, to ' X, Whig -W ANTED, CONSIGNEES OF 10 BARRELS WT Flour, Mattapan, and 200 Backs Flour, Western Star, bath lots ex Anchor line steamer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... does great credit to the management of Mr. J. F. Warden, under whose superintendence it was pro- duced. (Frosn the Norikers Whig,) There is much In thin pantomime which raises it above the level of some previous productions. The I dialogue is generally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... plaIn cooking; state age, wages expected, and give refer. ences to last employers, &o. Apply, by letter, to R1. G., Northerm Whig Office, Belfast. 3621 T WANT AN ASSISTANT TO THE GROCERY, I Wine, and Spirit Business ; knowledge of Hardware and Seeds desirable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMART, VWt Steady Mn as Bookkeeper. Salary, £50 a year. Apply, stating experience, with copy of teeti mnils, to Merchant, Whig Office. 13791 r[I'hED, AN ENE RGETIC YOUNG MAN, WY who has had aome experIence on the road, ga Asslstant to the Tea and Grocery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... preferred. Apply at 2, ALBEIRT SQ SAAE. 14869 iANTED, A FIRST-CLASS PREPARING IV MASTER. Apply, with oopies of discharges, to X,, Whig Office. 14799 -rITANTED, TWO RESPECTABLY-CON. W NE(TED, well-educated Youths, 15 or 16 syears of age, as APPRENTICES for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it more life like, The acting of the other parts in 'Simon' may be n' uoticed in general terms of praise. P The Nortltern Whig says :- Although the cha. 0O racters of I Fruilicin and Rip Van Winkle are widely 0' different, there are many playgoers whom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dos gerest credit to the management of Mr. J. F. Warden, under whose superintendence It was pro. duced. (From the Norihern Whig.) There is much in this pantomime which raises it a'bove the level of some previous product'ous. The dialogue is generally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v3lnd of which is £37 10 s03--.. 37 10 0 Lot 10-A Pr-,fit Rent wising out of Premises or. which the Norsth~ern Whig Office is now erected, producing .- 19 0 0 For further particulara as to title, conditions of sale, &c., apply to H. & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... does great credit to the management of Mr. J. F. Warden, ander whose superintendenca it Wua pro. duced. (FromA the Northern Whig.) There Is much in this pantomime which raises it above the level of some previous productions. The dialogue is generally smooth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Manager of Tub. bernaearrig N a tio nal1 School, for like..17 13 6 - 100 0 0 To Paid for Pablishing Acoounts In N orthern Whig, News Letter, and IMorning New/CUs 15 0 0 Dec. 31-To Paid for Sundry Petty E~xpenses, including Stamps, Past.'' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELLINGTON YC UNG, and se. conded by Rev. T. T. FORSYTH. That copies of the resolutions i sent to the Ze-ws.Leeter, Northern Whig, and Liisburn Stan. dard.' Proposed by the Rev. W. D. Ps .uNDT, and as. conded by Mr. WILLIAM BROWNLER - That the best thanks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sense of humour give to the oharaoter a fresh. ness and reality which no armount of repetition appears to dextroy.-Vrtq~ernT Whig. 4 'The Shaughrauu,' one ot Mr. Boojoanul'sa beat plAys, was excollently aoted,-Aforning Newst Any qhangez made in the oompany ...