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Advertisements & Notices

... fTEADINGLEY - HILL CONGREGATIONAL CRUROB. I-IL DOMESTIC MiSSIONS. A SALE OF WORK, TO-DtAY, 5 P.M. I TEA ?? or Plain), from 5 p.m. B 10523 a] tgtHE; CA' lTTLE MIAR KET QUESTIJN.-A al ?? pl B~(M EErNG wfill be held on Saturday. Marv 31st, in the w OTrdtau rinds, at 2.30. Alderman GAUNT in the chair. Coun. E ethers t ask and Laker and other gentlemnen wiltbe present.m °OROU G OF BRADFORD. t ART ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? of Rest ISEa mogt excellent magftvlt,11e. which Is clearly J) A anY ai cm jie4TTe'l s Gd. moanthsly, richly illustrated. oethe January part fosr cantrsitnliacs by C. T0. VAUGHEAN, MD. ~ ?? BLAIlliN. Ki~iiDfowN, I. Ii. Lttoubo,, it8C.C. 'IA'ittiiY Ait, rcs O'RELY tie centrib nti tos; tin 1 isrtile ia oftlemasles of en-tbtheu l'- -i, en. MIYAIOs .XV-citsslor. tont tl Di,'at -[5 d ?? Bi Y Cm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRUMII ADW'ERTISEMENT& (Ino all 7ases t he ctash muse Abs recsivod Wfers ~ITA'!INS thetfirst itm fre-j t SIU~ sWA=TED, APARsTum m TS'o EN LTT, fre SITUATIONS VACANT, PARTNES1SRSPS WANTED, Got APATNYucTS WAN'rscn Mowar WA.N`E, cha MISCronnANYOUS WA.NTS, 11011ME ANDI OTHER P51EXiISES Tro l3E LET ORl SOLD, B1 I'BC0lFIO AnilIsc pao, SAft, n3Y P~trVATP CONRgrAoT. Three days, Three days,(1 Any other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01nlts bpt Muctforl.- OR01USHIRE 1IORSE and CARRIAGE REPOSI- Lotries ehonld Le ernt in at once fot the Sala of HORSES, CAR- ?? iARlNESS, &e., to he held an Tu'sdayo t,exl, attwelve 'oloei. HEL'PERl andI SONS, Auctionceer and rroprietor . D 24520Od This Dav, at eleven o'clock. t9ECON D DAY'S SALE of the Desirable HOUSEHOLD LFUMIt 1T-rcrE and Etlecta, at the residence of tho late AMiss Read. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThMClPPL. Hnuslet-lane. - CEO. HINDS. I e~n evcat 7.30: Rlar T. ZSLIVAN aind I flA Ilan. Awak4-2. awai.1 33 - CTh6\UkEGATION'_AL CH IC-Rev. ?? OXA.. hU.B..W Hoiitherlhatn tollezve. will LE-14.BAPTIST CIIURCH.'V0o-1orrow, M.rr.Nionin 1;.0.43: Evedning 6.30. Cs 24004 ii 'HeTiPX u tel., 1atiover-sqtlina1;Pastor, 03r' yr~iS§HURCH of EN-GLAYD.-Tbo r -4-~ PIESDTER.xN CHIURCH?. Caveidislz-road. will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PR~EPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. (JiaJ all ca~ses the eashi futet b~e roceived before Is ~~~the Just insertiond) 17I'UATXONSW2TO AP IRWA E TO s 3o UT Ai111,7ZONAIOS VACANT, PARTNERIPOSIS 1WA3TED, W 'IIJT ~ANIT1h1, WLONY IVANT MI, 111ISCELLANEZOU. W&NTS, llt h AD ITIEI PIIE1,IIsEs we jon Li.:T onl SoLT., 8IJI:Clrtc Ai.'rCLES FORl SA1TA: fy rIOv.ATft coNTO&C Satllrlinr. day. So~~Ntuirday. 6:.turilay. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -yHEN YOU ASK FOR 'OMXORR9W'S -HULL TIMES, ,S3BllTA*T !0YOVT GET IT. 1 ?? LKLEY'H1.GH SGBROOL FOR BOYS. ON Princlpal-W. Mmcax B.A, S~t John's Co]l., Cam., . Assisted by thoroughly efflqie Mayters, as follows M~aurice Davy, ?? ijwacid Science. IN J J. C. Healey E ?? 'nglish. Herr IHenE e; Doe, Pb .Fr1r, Ghpnan, Music- Winsloe Mi;tchell ?? Paintinasi Dra^wing, in all i Qt bbchiel. Spacious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WW HAT -S INVOLVED IN TECHNICAL EDUCATION AT THE PRESENT DAY? See Part 1 of the Re-issue of CASSELL'S TECHNICAL EDUCATOR, now ready. Now ready, price 7d., Part 1 (including COLOUrcD P FONTISPIECE) of CASSELL'S TECHNICAL EDUCATOR. (To-be completed in 24 Parts.) In 'CASSELL'S TECHNICAL EDUCATOR,' says the Daily Telegraph, the publishers have achieved a task of almost rnational imyortance. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DLACKWOOD'S MA GA Z I N E D for DECEMBER, 1879. No. DCCLXX1 Puice 2s..6d. Contents. Theatrical Reform: The Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum. Reata; or, What's In a Name. -Part. IX. Progress. Bush Life in Queensland.-Part I. Old Squires and New. The Broads and Rivers of Norfolk and Suffolk. A Liberal Address. Political Rabies. The Late John Blackwood. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD and SoNs, Edinburgh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. T3 N intl NE) N SES upor Borc Recc day the i Juro recol give of t3 anur Icr Grai calleo of th As into t the ( Cler} be tr Al aalce surre An or to that calle, estre to be NC be el of th July taki? busis Ni Th Club ANN cours DAY valus At AQU MAI 01 27th from in CO: 9.30, Farel Class avail train 5.16, On will 3 4.16, Lo K INGS UONHUPLL CHOOL BOARD.- WANTTh D.bThe ?? the services of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kq~lLrMGBA ELHunslet anc .- 11 B1NDF3, T, SEneayam.o.' ?? tm.. p.m., Ren. S. Bl. pi \ SW IVCXI JUVENI ~ ISONARY~ ?? e~tr.~nida.T~v SEMON'wil bepricelchd in lirunswick to ev .1 1. SIOL. ericetocommence in the Mora- vitenoo at 0 t~I IUOLN'SSER1VICE will he con- ~ ctO2 lte eah o th abve ervces, in aid of Foreign F 3010 d 7 C(l L ~ l~E Al OItI -ofu XAN ('IAPEL 11 To-rorow tMor~nlc, lc0.3.. Ilne. ...