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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... mix M1SSRS. OLIVER, NEWBOLID, B' AND OLIVER. DEI DRRBY CATTLE MARKET. ,SSRS. O OIVER, NEWBOLD, and OLIVER j-n' I hEod SALES of FAT STOCK every TUESDAY Q at h aalf-past Nine o'clock. . . i Stock should be in the Market not later t han Nine plat 'cleclock Bed BAR UN COWS AND llEIFER;HEIFERS CATTLEC MARKET. DeM I m gESSRS. OLIVER, NEWBOLD, and OLIVER PL E .,ill w SELL ons FRID llAY Next, the 21st ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURE' HALL, DERBY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 16 and 17,1879. GENTLEMEN NIGGERS. IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE DERBYSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB. GRAND OPERA, WAGNER OUT-WAGGED. PThiCEB OF ADMISSION- FRIDAY, May 16.-Reserved Seats 38.; Second Seats, Is. Wd.; Gallery, Is. ; a few Back Seats, cd. SATURDAY, May 17.- Reserved Seats, 2s. 6d.; Second Seats and Gallery, Is.; Back Seats, 6d. Plan of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I a T HE GALIGNANfS MaS3;ENGF.o saysti- Messrs Hora ns. I fare had wosderful success with their J famous tea in the PARiS EXIliInITIOj i t is possessed of * at. a most delicious flavor, and is unique i nquality; the 0C Vprice, too, is such as to bring itWithiR the ireach of all. p ?9, LIST OF HORNIMAN'S LOCAL AGENTS. A s Alfreton-HIll, Confectloner. Iikeston.-Oreaves-3farshsiL , re, Ashborne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... llJh.lzzatinns. LACKWOOD'S MAGAZrNE for APRIL, 1870, B No. DCCLXII. Price 2s. God. Contents. d Reata,; or, What's in a Name.-Part I. it My Latest Experience. rl John Caldigate.-Part XIII. llatilet. f Contemporary Literature-V. h - Biography, Travel, and Sport. h The Country in 1849 anid 1879. W. BLACKCWOOD and SoNS, Edinburgh and London. l ' ~~NEW SERiES. 1,_ _ IALES FROM BLACKWOOD. f 37 No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... b$1tss Andtion. BY MESSRS. OLIVER, NEWBOLD, B AND OLIVER. 58, MACKLIN STREET, DERBY. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BED ROOM &v. ITEMS, CHINA, GLASS, BOOKS, KITCHEN to REQUISITES, &c. Del ftIESSRS. OLIVER, N EEBOLD, and OLIVER M~i respectfully give notice that they are favoured 'with instructions fron n the Executors of the late Miss _ SEARL, to SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY, VA October 9th, 1t79, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *DRESS MATERIALS. BES WICK, SMITH, & COO' hAVE NOW RECEIVED a PULL ASSORTMENT of DRESS MATERIAL'3 'for the SPRING, LI including the LATEST PRODUCTIONS. ALL WOOL FRENCH BIEIGES in useful Shades, from 9A1. to Is. Di~d. per yard. BEAurORT CORDS in the Faphionable Drab Tints. CREPE, CRlOISE 1A:ND THIBET CLOTHS. All wool, suitable for present or later wear, CASHMERES, POPLINS, SATINES,~ &c., with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. OLIVER, NEWBOLD, AND OLIVER. SALE TO-MORROW. FREETHOLD LAND, FARMSTEAD, MARKET GARDENS, & HOUSES AT CIIELLASTON. VOTES FOR SOUTH DERBYSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messieurs OLIVER, NEWBOLD, and OLIVER, At the NLEw INN, Clidllaston, on THURSDAY, the 31st day of July, 1879, at 5 for 6 o'clock in the Evening, in the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed upon at the time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL FARM AT EERVTON, IN THE1 COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM. rTo be LET by AUCTION, at the 'TOwN ALL, in 1 Newark-upOon-Trent, on THURSDAY, the 24th April inst., at one for Two o'clock, for the term of 15 years, to commence from 6th April; 1879, with iigne- diste possession, subject to such conditions ai will be then produced, a Valuable FARM of ARARLE MBA- DOW, and PASTURE LAND, coinprisini i Gbod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Andon-- Bt MESSIIS A OL1VER, NEWBOLD, I AND OLIVER. DERBY CATTLE MARKET. 'Sg. O(,1VER, NEWBOLD, and OLIVER hojld SALES of FAT STOCK every TUESDAY St half~past Nine o'clock. a shouldc bc in the Market not later than Nine 18 O'clock. -__-_---- is, DERBY. abi VA&LUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLT) BY AUCTION, 4 By.Messrs. OLIVER, NEWBOLD, and OLIVER, 2,6 At tle BEI.I. HOTUL, Derby, on FRIDAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WA NTED, a youth to milk one cow, attend to a pony, and to be generally useful.-Address, with character, and state wages, II.B., MERCURY OFF1 . ' ANTED to Lend £6,000 in various amounts on Vr Mortgages of good Freehold Securities.-Apply to W. HOLLIS lBlumos, Solicitor, Wardwick, Derby. W ANTED, Left-off Clothing.-COLEMaAN'S, 1, Traf- W v 'fic-street, Derby, still continue to give the highest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j-b iatx s I - 1879. THE SUNDAY AT HOME. AN ILLUSTR&TED FAMILY MAGAZINE FOR SABBATH READING. I F Among the Subjects In preparation for the New Year are:- H0OW JARVIS GOT HIS HOUSE. By Mrs. PaossER. A TORNY PATH. BX HESBA STRETTON, Author of ti AllJessica.'s First Prayer.,- TIFE'S CHANGES. By the Author of Muriel's Key- a L Note. Alo, ONTRIBUTIONS by Mrs. WALTON, Author of Chrtleatl' I C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D0THDUN CORPS (WIRKSWORTH) IF ANNUAL BALL of the above Corps will be lel in the TowN HALL, Wirksworth, on TUES. __ pAT jan. 14. 1879. Ij LAIy ATRONEss-Mrs. JOHN EVANS. STEWARDS t -Co. CAVID'TsEsq. Capt. ARWRIGIT, 1R.N., l~uilitK AK)a~IimuT Faq M.P ,gptI1BLACK\ ALL. H. W. WVALTHALL. ElEj. f Cs t~fi*, Es. HRBiERT STnRrI, Esq. Jo. AR.1, Esq Capt. PONSOxnY SHAW. W; A SpECIAL TRAIN will leave ...