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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... 1KI-TAKE CARE OFYOUR HORSE-is.- THE HOISSELKJ;lTIlys lE~I:IFI' Tl. Now T cIItbe. yJ IOU , . SAX~~',il 1,1.. F I I . l I~ Wi'aos dir 0\1r t-nieo abored ?? ,d ],ioOiuC a teui~t os tsls rrsrluck yell cilSheel' It: illi c10, ?? Oot:ltin o ?? ' s cT.: 'I-atree 5o.ifs $ells and: e::y ~li it:I roes: ?? lirellue Plysing tim: t Ilk hI. sOtril, ear. yr t~llli-ruc 0:1TW tr::- geesn lee. roo,ds uranits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... coat I cAdreratedp a ti%;.otS act'-6laoam. root~ts-retafla1 tta foatcl a'oc, btalraaiZ Att ly aot 1r7t- ¶0ImiI-. I le-aiexx ?? ti a- Freet cla~s. aplyoonee. . ta, as r~ par, 01t a 18 ci aoO ntIA and Ot0e-aOA ?? baa ad ned wtehse I'ousC ?? .X. ¶ r .anpiat~ C700. xh 20- rd I, arllmel-pr' Y' Cral5and Oters- 'oklaceoCataO la sod Stout~c n hectabledaelobboas- D.,1ali2t rTcesca, al ?? an -ora Otal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jit s AK Ol risbdldto r~e ?? asbsc$ Ia I~aaied ?? ,aellflrrilolhofdoms 1:1] ra~ e~1107~ hrtrier to usrand WnhUS All£at lrnet of lteage2 ,,itt t- tree S ]tt 0yoh ~ toybrewall jdO 7j ?? u alvsh, 4. High- ?? Or- A 1 * - ~aoad PubIic!2,10585 CaCoser1 tlhrangbill-healtb., C~ .~t~-r;!§~oales-.etreet. Si.E tt . - is the Narth. of Landau -I a ,-at-t -Pa~~rtiairloes awa- ~ ,fl~ta '4¶ ,7$o hsaars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GARDIENING ILLUSTRATED: BEST and chcapest paper forall interested in flowers, ?? ,,vegnotoblns, and ;ulorisan, villa, ctalome. towvn, and sinsv gardlolige. Fruit anid egetablol coolerv, Bees, Poulty. tipestie. &e. Wccklnid. All ooneoora0. Cnpy by poet lid in stamps. - Offie, 37, Seuthomnpton- heet, Covent grgalen, Loudon. lY.O ROOTED CUTTINGS. (Choice Varieties With Names.) Free and safe by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAKIE CAR= or YouR HORSE. b . W. SAVI LL , },l.It S. CotlruttO ?? I~ Bud Pa l~wa: 3and ?? ii dooB, 1,1 oo macne etoore 00 ag 100 TUElSeDA .CLI)2lA ?? 1onoTIuRenD Yeo onL Stig t rnto tt tuitI i, roo-th'u, 0 1 turte1ta f ?? 60 ourse, fo sproral ?? on, She. illin.O 0 Grado-I o-nd S eogad Ca lrt- ?? Ilodrlllrl ?? codt-'r,dd:ero Ro flfo.Choh~Od E Nlo Pl~~tl ffom teSUadAY ?? IIiand Nandsru ?? IIi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUJSEMVENTS. lamn MAJESTW'S THIEATRE. UARL ROSA OFEIIA COMAPANiY. SATUR1DAY N1IUT, FEZ. 15. I~AGNE107I GRAI O1 SlPECTACULAIt OFLIhII.A. iRIENZI.` INTIRDLIY ness ard maginen cs,,tnmseR by Aaeol of Venice, Eatitllatrtos, of Drosilos. sesuet by Walter Ilana. jI~RST ACT-Grand Sluare in Borne, ?? the Lederan Church. ECOND ACT-1agifcnlt -1ailtl the Capitol. ?? Fea- K.3 cossion ltlet ap I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LOND)ON 3DAILV cNaONIOL Immense Success ,Nr CRNOWLLj)(u,oto cleit Lot London. Moning c Ltc-ci i c ?? olciditici Iltillo, bt.i'lt iRCcittit'tile, hite INDrgA-~ltoi I'rla''~~]gmm~s ?? enaioe r0- claltrig totitiga at UNITED SNLGIt~ iit Tolegcaora from ioolaad, Sotllcttt, citt Nto~les. LEADING AitTfIES-l'rlcltoaifl and naoi1-ky tics ocet,,ontort oftrio day. NRLIA~tN~rlhY~llctoitaO onor Spooial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,w De i O -ceor! I'll,0 rey 'la rde n s Ele~~~hantl~ 500 5 ro es, f etted d two C000 - ,fitL Ris.Nipe - sh uoo tv Savo Rent. °d ,nd 6s per weel-sets of two prei i'bO ilotted with ev00 orvereo 4 k too580 i w to -,n a liandsouoe tsr 1014 *,jf oo DOOOitia in the beautiful 00Iter 05pierl o mscO- e to the station- rieo I0vs w o lcket to V'ictorir 41.-Apply on Pre- 0oDa ocelkY . ticet tl00dlhii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Ftre'esoer(ccc ~o M 1t, LbtIll reoces with ?? ?? hich [tr oargo Itciti I itormica ti t. ilit In r.G _o WII hs rpll~il ~eInElgacldc A caretby aoco roovacy hoc bci,. ois!seil, iuluu Me.srs.ISehio vl llocoit. tdel~ii 'I iO S Idassoc~ t~oo~ Uiridicle. Fr)iksM 1ilPBi, Harry ecttn.Mia ra belokd k50sit, it gll',irabo. Nafefrhaig. - Acting- fart tstoois a~I iD stAItAGER MR 0 JI~lcy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMEL¶TSn LYCEUMTHATE Sets TrEIsXts Are fAIN55O Sin.iletit tisriiO. VR*. seis l'tor.5 srtttl ?? t presented fl Sshoienroissedvo TiEM'i 'N'i OF 'VENLC '-Site ~or, Mlr. Irviing-Siir.FeeWfiiesF opr isd nricro, ~ ~ ~ ~ ihso 0oCossrCaoe lionero, Iorbes, I~sst5 te ?? h msss erisrei cbire! eri. '~csoesI GAIETY T ARE. STRAND. rutST n~ighs of a new baiote is .C aetocle V ItliislllI.NO ROY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADGIDS or LON4DON IrSITIITX FOR THlE ADVANCEMENT OF C NI CA 1i E D UC(A TIO(N. ~ l .EVENING LiECTURES~ CHENISTRY Onud PHYSICS, o esn ,1iv with reference to thle iust, action o esn el obont to engage, in monufooturiog ind un. ?? Scoiiols, Finsbury. VWi A' RTON AM .. Inst. CE., will dellvre lol IoejaLectures onl Thle Pi Intiles 'ii Ma. 0 ii~~ sorosae Hodiy evenings, Commcencing ~o 'tRM4RO~~tiF ...