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Advertisements & Notices

... A. II. HANWELL, WOODSTOCK CARRIER TAVES WOODSTOCK every MONDAY, LWEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. and SATURDAY, at tlevn o'clock; and WITNEY every THURSDAY, at 10.4t Allfavours executed with punotuelity and despatch. HAIL STORMS. FARMERS' COMPANY, No, , rfolk Street, Strand, London, insures WHEAT, BARLIIY, OATS, BEANS, PEAS, and other CROPS ag ainst LOSS by EAIL STORMS at 5d. PER ACRE. S:EEDS and GLASS are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GuVERNMENTS STOCK TIL INV ESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1872. Paid-p ' Ulpitpil ?? .. 500,000. IN ?? ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 6. . Cent. for FIvE Years and upwards. 5 per Ceut. for ONE Year and upwards. Less than One Year acoordissg to Bank rates. Deposit Notes issued under the Seal of the Company, with cheques or coupons attached for the half-yearly interest. SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JEFFERIES' SUPERIOR FARM SEEDS. SW D.Per round. Prize Hardy Purple-top Pd. = wsS, Chamllpionl Pulrple-top ,, 10d _ Imroved Liverpoolh, *, 9d. TURNIP. JF ir SI Improved Green Globe . d Selected Grey-top Stone .. 9d. 01 ~ JMANGOLD WUPRTZEL. Prize Golden GClobe .. .. ls. Improved Yellow Globe .. 9d. Selected Ianmunoth Long Red 9d. The above rank among the best varieties in cultivation. A- SEED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEE IMPROVEMENT OF LANDED ESTATES .By Drainage, Inclosing, Clearing, the Erection of Farm Buildings and Cottages, Water Supply, &c. TPHE LAND LOAN and ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament, JL ADVANCES MIONEYZ- ?? the OWNERS OF SETTLED and OTHER ESTATES, for the erection of FARMI BUILDINGS and COTTAGES, and for the DRAINAGE, IRRIGATION, ENCLOSING, CLEARING, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clarendon Hotel Livery Stables, Oxford. MR. ATTWOOD E G B to return his sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Oxford and its vicinity, for the liberal patronage he has received since he has taken the above Business, and respectfully solicits A ?? of the same. The POSTING DE PARTMENT is replete with every kind of Conveyance, inlcludinlg roomy Flys for Balls, and Landaus, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AND I- B A Ii E I AND CARPET SHOW. ROOKS. 1, BROAD STREET, OXFORD. BEDDING FACTORIES, DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURER OF ARTISTIC AND DOMESTIC FURNITURE. SEVERAL SUITES for SITTING ROOMS and BED ROOMS, very inexpensive, mllay be inspected in the Extensive Ware Rooms and Galleries. CARPETS, CURTPAINS, TABLE COVERS, &c., en. suite, with the above, - at equally Moderate Prices. CURTAINS ill miAPSTRY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jefferies' Complete Collections -aw7 Or FRESHI IDrORTED CHOICE FLOWER ROOTS, FOR SPRING FLOWERING, IN THED OPEN GROUND. Our Collections consist of Selected Bulbs of the moat suitable kinds FORi PLANTING IN THE OPEN GROUND1 and invariably produce a gay profusion of flowers. THE GUINEA COLLECTION. 30 Eacinths, fine mixed. 12 Campernelle Jonquils 60 Single Tulips, mixed. 60 Striped Crocuses. 25 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TME BEST SWEDE Price 10d. per Pound, 35S. per Bushel. Orders of '20s. value Carriage Frea, Five per cent. discousstfor Cash. WINNER OF FIRST AND SECOND PRIZM At the -PIRMINGHAM Catt1e and Root Show For Seven Years in S*-cession ALSO ]FIRST PRIZES at the LONDON, EDINRURGH, And other great Root Shows of the Kingdom; Beating all other competitorsa From Edward Aeton, Esq., Brockton, Wlrch 24th, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIlE IMPROVEMENT OF LANDED ESTATES 13y Drainag, Inclosing, Clearing, :13mbanking, Reclaiming, Planting for shelter or for Periodical Cuttings, the Erection of Farm Buildings and cottages, Water .upply, &C. FHE LAND LOAN and ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorpotated by Special Act of Parliameat. ET ADVANCES moNEY- ?? the OWNERS OF SETTLED and OTHER ESTATES, for the erection of FARM BUILDINGS and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Safe and Convenient Investment for Money. TH[E OXFORD BUILDING and INVEST- TL WENT COMPANY (Limited), are now prepared to issue more Bonds. Persons wishing to invest their money inni apply to the Secretary, Mr. JOHN GALPIN, 30, Now Iain Hall-street, oxford. Any amount, from £.; upwards, can be lent. he loan can be withdrawn on three months' notice, or Ab may be otherwise agreed with the lender ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY (Saturday), June 21. I S L I P. 32 Acres of Excellent GRASS CROP, with the 'Afterfeedl till the 1st of November next, in Young's Grounds, Islip, 11L BN~ 30 NiAS PAXSTON, SOM,&a CASTLEfr, At the Red Lion Inn uIslip, oll Saturday, June 21st, at Five o'clock in the eveniu7, by direction of the Executors ef the late hr. Thomas Tirrill, The Crop will be shown on ?? to Mr. Robert Tompkins, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNION BANK OF AYUSTRALIA. RS-.TABetD 1837. Plid-up Capital , .. £1,487,600 Reserve Fund . 783,500 F ETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS on DEXAND, * or at Thirty Day f'Sight, are granted on the Bank's Branches throiabnuttt Australia aud New Zealand, BILLS ON THE COLONIES are negotiated and sent for cillection. DEPOSITS are ri'c'iv'l,, nt notice, and for fixed periods, on terms which nmay hie ...