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Advertisements & Notices

... \VILSON AND JESPERS,' ASBIONABLE TAILORS, tc., MANUFACTURING lASEIONABLE CLOTHIERS, Are now Showing Specialities for Autumn and Winter OENTS, YOUTHS, AND BOYS CLOTHING. OVERCOATS, In 11 the leading Styles and Materials, from 4s. 6d, to 50s Thu Largest Selection! Valuo Unequalled I TFp pflESTON TAILORING AND OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, 5 AXD 6, CHEAPSIDE, PRESTON. f AL1)LAND TEA PARTY AND BALL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY. I RATIS. A MEDICAL WORK showing G suffererA bow tbey nay be cured and recover lealth and 'Vitality, wvitliont the aid of Quacks, with Itecipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affec- tiusn. Free on receipt of &tamp to prepay postage- wddresa, Secretar), Irstitute of Anatomy, Birmingham. (NE Box of CLARKE'S-B 41 iw ranted to cure all discharges from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lEVBE1RTOlN'S UNRIVALLED F Fl;ILITURECPEA1 ?? CUrot be excelled for brilliancy of polish; requires less I lahboir than many furnituro creams. Sold wbolesale and retail by W'ILL IAM PEIM'BERTON, 51, TTIiEIBARN-STREET, PRESTON, Wlhere may be had his eelebrated Pills. NO9 STABLE IS COIIPLETE wITIIOulT ] L L 11 A N 'S ROYAL EMBROCATION. Eor Sprnins of all kinds, Curbs and Splints. For Overreaches, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?? = _ . 1011 de PRINTING, STATIONERY, D00ooINDING Do(P (8 Dre Dre LITHOGBALPHY, &o. Du Eon Ele Era Evc _ ?? Fai Fat Fai Fat Fat Fal PAR ILEIT I.ON. P( R O RI I E . Fr Fet Fir R I Iq T I .0 W Fri Ga Ga 2k1 CANNOtN-STBEET. Ge Gi1 Gil 'Gi' r . -> ?? Go Go Gr Or e 1 V Fj R. Y D E3 S a Rt I R T I 0 R l (Jr GU Hi HE Ho s P R I N T I N G Hi Hi s R O GIFT BOOKS, OLEOGRAPHS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wunep. CA EVERAL Sums ready to be advanced on Mortgage.- Z)- ?? DEAN, Solicitor' Preston. QEVERAL Sumsof MONEY TO BE LENT on hort t gage. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM BANKS, Solicitor, 42, Lnus-strest, Preston. 5TABtIOIJS SUMS ready at any tibae to be V ADVANCED on Mortgage.APPIY to C}IXLES FRYER, Solicitor, 12, _Gildball.street, Preston. M ONEY LENT on Plato,WateheB JeWollery, LJJl Clothing, Guns, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 03~llD BDEPAPTME',NT', 5 ? l, CHEAPSIDE, PRYSTON. W OL N~ rr SPPnIN anid SUMMIER WOOLLENS ijin nil the new Stles taud Fabrics, bought from tho 0.fliooufoeturtrn in IhO trade at exceptionally low tes, e o litrArx, aud weo resoiaclfully invite imspec- *v Malc I)epartment contains the most exten- orz e*,S erlortiln in town or district in 0y1XIEMEN'S, YOUTHS, & JUVENILE CLOtrHiNG, 1o all tiei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHE ANCHOR PERMANENT BENEFIT T BUILDING SOCIETY, PRESTON. Is now receiving DEPOSITS bearing interest Bt 5 per cert. per annum. payable hal! yearly. ADVANCES made on Property, re.payable] by easy instalments. The borrower may ye-pay all or any por- tion of his advanced sbares at any time. Further information may be had from Mr. C. Tn TAYLORl, Solicitor, Guild Hall.street, Mr. JA.ES CLEGO, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tim L===XNo U.IAL PAPER. J LAC}PO~OL & FLEETWOOD GAZETTE ST. ANNE'S AND FYL'DE NEWS. The0 ZgTTF. ANDl N ?? the lediR ,,,I pa)er atnd th aclknowledged er'd VtininO lneshiiim for i Ntices, Propertv Salen, Wanteds, To Lnt'4, and ,thera \Otlneient, ?? fullest fnod m0ust tcntw~ther ^ ~r~eptnS ~anl the best compiled Visitors' ListM a11 durial lent Sca5ofl had a larger circnilation than tho tlher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 TSC I~ OVERCOATS I LLSTERS I ULSTERS ! y i-S . .O`S FOR 12 ?? o es & Ey S. T ~~~L AND JESPERS, , I CIICrPSIDE, PRESTON. C _LC C HItI ST A B C & r.D S. ?? TbIOlsvads to select from, at the OFFICE, FISIE RGATE. 12 -, ?irco ju ?, 1tu where yon can get the very latest Mi Painted on Satin, &C., ?? =, AUDL.VS)A TEA PARTY AND DM B LiV'It tate place on Moi.otY, Fo)..'2nd, 18.rec ,0nTON ~HO NUI E a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MD II NEW AND POPULAR PIECES. IMMENSE VARIETY. THRERPENCE EACH. May be obtained at H EW I T SON' soI THE C HIRON I CL E O FF 13 Qld opposite the end of Cannon-street, Preston. The various parts are full music sizs, well printed, SOLE AGENT and correct. __ SOL AGNTIN PRESTON FOR BATH'S .MUSICAL MUSEUM, as AND AGENT ZOR DOeAJOWSE(I'S MUSICAL LnBaARx. Selectionsa from the Musical Mduseum. 5, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i EVER&L Sams of MIONEY TO rlF LENT- on '1oit S gagc. Apply to M.r. WILIIAM 13 5 Solicilto, i2, Lune-screet. 1'cesn. 1i rON;Y LENT on Plato, WatrlherJowolloryI LVI Clothilnl, G'.rfs, Furn.ure OB.- Vos, Pawn- broker. 81. B5a3-lanp, nne the Covermd market.t- W TARID-US SUMS reedy at nuV tuLrO to be % AI)VANCEV' (In 1tortgamge.-Apply to CUARLES FICE St, Solicitor, 12, Gulldbhall-strcet. plreston ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF WOOLLES CLOTHS, &c., AT EXTRA- ORDINARY LOW RATES. CLEARANCE of the STOCKBINSTRADE of a TAILOR and WVOOLLEN DRAPER, bought at a large Discount frm Cost Prices. \VILSON AND JESPERS B,,pectfullY announce ?? they will offer the above THIa DAY (SATURDAY), and Fellowing Days. It cDoSI;8 of West of England, Scotch, and Yorkshire, SUITINGS, TROUSERINOS, &c., of the Newest Styles ,,a Best ...