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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r ,XXA Q^ A 21D DA1'jrg must be fully a :5 2Aeanled by a rmittftuee ot 2s. td ?? > ?? f ~ d or each aditional 9 Wort _ ?? lunocasebeinserted. ~~ BIRfrJ. i iy.Dec 1- at BelsiZe-ParSk-grdens, South Ramp. Rebd-}, on the wife of Samuel Octavus Gray of d;u~t p- ;5*. ?? Albert Grey, Dorchester House, Gi E CIondon, o! a son. yvPs.O;_Mr, iS. at Thonastown, the wife of _ Id johnnton of a daughter. pc. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. T. M'CORMICK, P.P. Itis with deep and very sincere regret that we announce the death of the good priest whose name we have given above, the Rev. Thomas M'Cormick, the respected and estimable pastor of the Donny- brook parish. The announcement will be a source of surprise as well as of sorrow to many who will read these lines and who knew up to how reeenE a period he bad been ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... gIRTE, xAfwfttwl, *aD3 T8 f ?? Announcements meut be fully ?? S ad accompaied by a remittance of 25. 6d. for 45 words or less, and od. for each additional 9 words, rithout which they cain no crse be inserted. BIRTHE. 3SEr-Jnly 12, at Hammersmith, the wife of M3r . C. Barnes, Surgeon, of a son. BUNTING-July 12, at 3 BrightU-v4illas, Western. road, Cork, the wvfe of Stuart Bunting, William. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARAGES, AZVD DEA THS. 1 UTCH Anournceiaents must be fully authenticated and accompanied by a remittance of 2s.6d. for words or less, and ea. for each additional 9 words, rtbout which toey can in no cae be Inserted - RTBS. BLMES-Ang. 21, at Robertson-street. Greenock, the wife of Dr.-. By. Eimes, R.N., H.M.S. Hercules; ot a-daughter. LOWE- Sept. 1, at Kiltegan, county Wicklow, the wile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... &IR1TdS, MARRMAGE, AZND DEATHS, S UCH Announcements mut be fully autbenticated S and accompanied by a remittance of Ba.6d for' M5 words or les, and Ce. for each additional 9 words, . without which they can in no cue be inserted.I _ I BIRTHS. BAILEY-Oct. 17, at 83 Holland-road, Kensington, London the ife of Alfred Bailey, Esq., of a son. CURTIN-Act. 16, at 49 Percy-place. the wife of John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT,, MA9SRRIA G. , .130 19, 1r7T 033e2ncenen:a m~ust be fally ' . a'ed ad 5 accompwnied by a retu:ttaz e - .ts. Gld. for 0terd or lest and 6d. for each a iti-lal Sw words, outwrhicb theby can in no case be inlcr-:d. BIRTHS. FGARD1E-JulY 319. at Baveno. ago lag. & t~he Coantess de Bellegsrde, de St. Lary (ne5 ,Wetkef Smith), of a aton. ZrCtSEYrJUly -21, at ,. Lower Pen;brke-street. Dub- i Sb ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRBTHS, MARRIAGES-,AND DEATHS. AnUnoncemennt; must be fully authentf. c cted sad accompanied by a remittance of S&a 6d. for 45 words or leas, and od. for each dddional 94 words, without which they can in no case be inserted. BIBTHS. ?flCAY - Feb. 25. at 5 Compton-ternce , Brighton, thewife of T. Doncan. Esq., o a daughter. flNCB-Feb. 28. at Canterbury, the wife of Major .v. J. Fincb. Royal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR BTS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. QUCR Announcements must be fully authenticated SUCH and accomp nied by a remi'fance of Ps. 6t. ior 45 words or less, and td. for each ad ilitilual 9 ioidst without which Itey can in no case be imserted. BIRTHS. DAWSON-On Holy Thursdac, at St. 'Michael's, Dal. key, the wife of Ch:irles Dawson, T-C., of a son. O'NLiLL-Aprii S, at 43 ihathgar-road, the lie of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF MR. ADAM S. FINDLATEB.s The remains of the late Mr. Adam Seaton Find- later were conveyed yesterday morning from his residence, The Slopeas, Monkstown, for interment at Mount Jerome Cemetery. The high respect and esteem which the deceased had earned during life was fally testified by this large concourse of persoiR4 who were present at the funeral The procession extended ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1RiHS, MPARRIAGES, AN-D DEATHS. To insure insertion Announcements must be anthenticated by the name and address of the sender, and accompanied by a remittance of 2s od. for 45 v. ords or less, and 6d. for each additional 9 words, without which they can in no case be inserted. BIRTHS. EIRNEY- At Ranikhet, N.W. Provinces, Ind*a, the wife of 31a;or Birney, It E., of a son. C4ArMN1AN--Jan. 14, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,aIRoH.5 MARZAGB38. AND DEAT2HS DOES AUD0ooeSUoUb ttS m f011 leatheicated S daccoanpanted by ?? of 2 d. i.I ss words or less, and &. for each additional 9 words, withouttwhch they can in no came be inserted. BIRTHS. 0fjSebkD atX Brookiawn Eouse, Tua, *k. wt~ o hr ud Blalke, Esq.,of aa so. oLiSCRo-S-eot. 9. at Roobdale, thxe wifeb of Capt. Glencros 20th tegt., Adjutant24th liahr .. of a son!. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 5IRTRS, MARRIAGES, A ND DBATHS. OUCE Announcementa must be fully authenticrted and accompanied by a remittanee of fa. 6d for j5words or less, and sd. for each autc it'(nalY Vords, without which they can in no cm, be inserted. BIRTBS. DARBYSHIRE-May 20, at Bionrewood, Abbotsford. road, Crosby, Lancashire, the lite of Frederick liar- yire of a son. O$R['EN-M'y I8, at Cratloe Woods, county Clare ...