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... ATTEMPTED ML I r:R AND SUICIDE. On Saturday afternoon an attempt at murder and suicide took place at Riddaford Farm, Tavistock, Devon, occupied by Mr. Richard Pearson. A young tradesman at Tavistock, named Henry Hoare, had been keeping company with Mr. Pearson's daughter. He proposed marriage to her, but was refused. He took the master deeply to heart. His business fail- ing he determined to ...


... Where is Mr. Gordon Bennett ? The New York Herald has evidently been engrossing him. He is either about to annex the North Pole or to penetrate to the bottom of some American political Scandal, which permits him no time to think of England. Foi he has actually permitted a week's pure sunshine, The summer is come, and no storms have been sent from the New York Herald office to disturb our sere- ...

= mebthyk SCHOOL BOARD

... mebthyk SCHOOL BOARD. YOUTHFUL DELINQUENCIES. fortnightly meeting of the Merthyr School Boarc ni i, C la8t Fday. There were present-Mr G. T, ™*n)' ReV8 J- Hughes, M.A., J. M. Bowet Mia l. Keee, Messrs Walter Bell, Walter Smyth, L. J. WinSu Daniel. J- Price, C. H. James and T. firmed na*nQ^es meeting were read and con- THE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL CONFERENCE—MB. L. J. NAVIES AND THE CHAIRMAN. T \r6 ...


... A telegram from Candahar says:—The weather is improving. The health of the troops is better. The last convoy will return to India under the escort of the 12th Native Infantry. The troops have been much harassed, and 2,000 Afghans are reported as being still in the vicinity. The postal arrangements continue very bad. It also states that the Indian Government has received no information as to an ...

[No title]

... Influential committees are being formed in Brighton and Hastings in furtherance of the proposed Arctic expedition under Commander Cheyne. The Duke of Cambridge has arrived at Kissingen. His Royal Highness will stay about three weeka to take the waters. The Scotch steamboat City of London, wrecked in Barking Reach the other night by a collision with the »Tamburg steamer Vesta, has been floated ...


... AN EXPENSIVE KISS. At the Rufford Petty Sessions, a young man named Thomas Pickavant has been charged with assaulting Emma Blackstone. Mr. Brighouse, of Ormskirk, defended.—The complainant, a young lady of twenty, stated that en Sunday evening, the defendant over- took her and her sister as they were walking home, and kissed her twice without her-consent. She admitted to Mr. Brighouse that she ...


... ,THE ZULU WAB. CETEWATO'S PEACJS MESSENGEES. A telegram from which we take the following ex- tracts, has been received at the War Office, from Gene- ral Clifford, Pietermaritsburg, dated Maderia, July 6: —On Jane 10, CfealOck, Fort Pearson, advanced Buffs and One Company of railway engineeers. Strickland reports from DurbanSix weeks' gnpplies at Fort Chelmsford. Eight wagons with supplies on ...


... A man named Enoch Belton was crossing the Min- erva Hills, in North Wales, when his dog suddenly left him and plunged into a snowdrift. Belton fol- lowed, and saw the head of a young girl just visible above the snow. With much difficulty he ex- tricated her, but found that she was insensible. He recognised hp*- as Ellen Roberts, ten years of age, who had been visiting her home, and was ...


... At the Birmingham Police Court, Mr. Kvnnerslev the boniuKh stlpeuùlary, glven judgment in the of \A ajiam J. Arculus against, the, Mayor (Aldpr man Jesse Collings) and Mr. J. S. Wright J P for an assault alleged to have been committed at the public meeting held in the Town Hall on December iast, for the purpose of protesting against the iTovernment policy m reference to the Afghan War After ...

[No title]

... All the blows we strike should be for a purpose; every nail driven should be a rivet in the machine of the universe. Nothing is so wholesome, nothing does so much for people s looks, as a little interchange of the small coin of benevolence. Every degree of guilt incurred by yieldir g to Jemptation tends to debase the mind and weaken he generous and benevolent principle of human mature. mr. ...


... There is something curious about the way a man closes up the house for the night. A woman will secure all the doors in the house in ten minutes, and spend twenty minutes taking down her back hair and getting her frizzes ready for morning. The man of the house, having no back hair to take down and no frizzes to put up, spends Tus time in closing up the house. He begins at the back door, and ...