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... DISTRICT. SESSIONS. pal, ST. HELENS PETTY ?? (at Yesterday, Elizabeth Lewrenson was sent to prison opi for three months, and Mary M'Nevin for seven days, att, Ir disorderly ?? proprietor of thc $S Iff I,.s gra Aewojpsper and Adro'rtstr was summoned by Mr. F, by i Hsdgsou, stationer, for an alleged libol contained in a tov, letter published in last week's paper, which had been 1 written to the ...


... i LIVERPOOL POLICE COHR. I I SATVRDfl, xoGrEMTE ?? BEl}'o1RE ;:a. RAFELMc'. PO rltN(' A WIDow.-EFlzabeth Vipood. a'o' ...


... I of d of PROSECUTIONS BY TEE POLICE. P0iy the At, the borough police court, yesterday, before Mr. rater Raffles, etipendlary magistrate. Alexander Phillips and Archibald Anderson, temperance lecturers, appeared ia adanswer to two informnations~chargtngtliemwichhaving Mr. caused an obstructvion In Scotland-place on the Vand Nloe, inst,, and with having, at the same time and place, Mr. sided ...


... , I , - . .. ?? ~ - X as I Ot The inquest on the human remains found at No. st 4, Eustou-square, London. was opened yesterday Molnt n afternoon, at the coroner's court, St. Pancras. 10 to I e0 Evidence was given by a boy named Stronmau, in secend re the employ of Mr. Bastendorff, the occupier of the stake us premises, to the effect that while cleaning out the 10Tb.: al cellar, which he had ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICE COURT I SATUIRDAY, APRIL 19. e BLEORE ME. RAFFLES. > Axe ExPEesivE DnINx.-Edward Roughsedge and o Le Fh ancis Smith were charged with hsavingstolena (Liantity n a1 of wine, of the value of 4s., from the Spanish barquee Augusta Elsa. On Fisday afternoon, 1ougheege wa s - engaged in scraping the vessel, which was lying in the 7 George's Dock, ajid the other person was w tl hion. ...


... t mu wumvb. l . . ; * - - - ?? L U - &-A a; Aann~ hoo TO in A breach of promise case hais just been tried at~ to as inch2' fhe Cork assizes, before Mr. Justice Barry' and a .. gae special jury. Tile plaintiff is Miss Julia M'Evers, will: 'O0LY. and the defendant, BMr. W. Lane O'Neill, a solicitor bocys .the practising in London. The plaintiff is the youngest had I n Of daughter of the late Dr ...


... REMAEK ABLE PO[SOWLNG CASE. One of the most remarkable cases of wholesale porsonlng since the days of Brinvilliers and Palmer concluded on Thursday bcefore the aseizes of the Bonchea-du-Rhone. The court sat at Aix, where the affair created the greatest sensaion. TLe priscner is a middle aged voman named Bat isti e Philip, end she is accused of havinig p.lisoned h-r mistress, her uncle, and ...


... ICOUMAEy jMjGIS.I.IRATEW COUTI Ir LF asE MSSS. w. W 2. DHOLT 5V) (. ND Ons. i (IlR;Os' LFtVFULLY\~OUY~l~ FAY ~t e, Richard ThTeifall was chargeC O'i ril r. wounded a ma, namned Jares GsraYdo t, The prosecutor stated tat heWbhane, o'clock in the evenig of thc i h fuybe CY1g n bomefrom Aiatree races,anc near . - 2, passed the pilsoner and scone ohers, who ?? 2, him. He tmrned round and asked ...


... BANKRUPTCY COURT, de. tFORE R. CE r, C . 'rV. res- be WHAT CONSTITUTES A FPACD'1-2 and PREI'EP.ENCE I stias IN BE ELEAZRl Jo01^O--Ibtrrua ws a~- wer vas reported in ostr clos:ngs on MIat Con by an Insolvert debtor, nl tie day Ie t:el. Bar. to a particular creeitor, v ;th a r. . the preference over his otter crec:ror'-a6 re- creditor is not aware of the deccors ro.,c isis intention to give a h ...


... 6jaemeia, nave ?? notnce ox rmtrucuson. I s, TEE IliIf4TORY CEREMIIONY. id The bigh court yesterday sat in secret forseveral fol, tb hours, for the parpose of discussing the report of te the connaittao appointed to revise the irntiatory tw, ut ceremony. The oeremony had been amended ,, r during the year by ibe executive committee, but ext their amendments were not by any means satibfac- tr ...


... ,BIRKENHEAD COI5 ?? AT'lLS' COURJ. M ON D AY. A I; T r'5j31 ; aO . :2 15t1-. C'tAI, A1,AISSTALF h Sexton, livery-stalc 'eeC Che terf r tip cii re?2and chargeo 'alt * - arid an old hcarse c ia:r, the p'rri ?? 1tua , mtrv faniner, Barnst ?? 1lh P0 1 a ,,lfe e tfieej .area yig l~.,zO ?? pee ih:g ?? fit tim trap. £a'e t nrtmtled Svoift found ?? ir i bills, ard he took them xi the' - . ...


... TIhese seesicrn were continued yesterday, at St. Ge rge's Hall; the Recorder (MNfr. J. B. Aspinall,Q C. presiding in the first, and Mr. J. D. Fletcher in the second court. THE GRAND JURY'S PRESENrMENT. I The Rieccider, upon taking his seat, ?? reading the presentment of the grand iciry in the newspapers this noorring, lie observec that the grand jiiry had said j pa something w hich would ...