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... He tA whom tbe law fells feat In Paris find* himself hi due course at the depot or prison of the Prefecture. Here witbiu twenty-four hours he undergoes the ordeal the petit i-nrr/ntt, where lie is subjected the interrogation of one the substitute* the «f the Republic. The work It done quickly. Time preset. There are maoy cases to be examined and disposed of. For all the plan procedure i* the ...


... THE PRICE BREAD IN SPAIN. t, A tslsgrsm to Htm says - L . c °mn»*ate th* enuaad »•« prtes bread. In eavsrai towns 334 *•' hsstoUtsu. and ths torifls exclude foreign ...

LBTTERB TO THS EDITOR. THE CHARITY ORGANISATION SOCIETY. 30 Jamaica Street, March, 1879. Sib,—Although the ..

... have frequently been advocated in your columns, may I ask you again to bring ite objects under the consideration of the public, and it* claims to general support? Its i work, which is often misapprehended, baa three branches. There is, first, the careful investigation into the circumstances of each case brought under its notice persons seeking a livelihood by . begging ; second, the due ...

Scorcs ry PARLIAMENT. —The examiners on private bills met for the first time this ses- sion on Saturday last. The

... Aberdeen Harbour e Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners’ Bill Bill and th the standing orders test, Tue Duke of Hamil accom: Viscount Mandevill, arrived at Hamilton Palace ied by from Arran on Saturday night. The Duchess of Hamilton and a distinguished party have also arrived at the palace, The coverts have not yet been drawn this season, and splendid shooting is ex SusPeEcTED the body of a newly ...


... AND NAVY. THE ARMY The Army and Navy Gazette says id the Arm and Navy Estimates for the year do shiow it will not be at an attem: has not made to curtail expenses ; for on of the sdme care being taken to control pruning knife is being wielded rather too free s haud, and that scant jdstice is being dove by those to whom is entrusted the duty of determin- ing the direction. in which economy ...


... DISA STROUS ee RY 59 LIVES LOST, . explosion resulting im the loss of 59 lives night at Dinas Colliery, near Pontypridd, The colliery belongs to Hunt, of and was formerly qwned by Coffin Co., under which uame itis now worked. It of'the oldest and was about 40 -it was sunk to the lower six foot, the being upwards of 400 yards down. In the day about 400 men would be employed, bat oa ...


... THE WAR, NEWS BY THE JUMNA TRANSPORT. SYMPATHY ~ WITH LORD CHELMSFORD. CETEWAYO ) WAVERING — Eprrion or “ Cape Town, July 23. (Via Jamna transport at Madeira.) The transport Jumna, with Marines under Sir Bartle Frere and Solonel Hunt, leaves to-day. al visited the ship before her departure. The changed aspect of affairs in Zululand is atiribnted to the consequences of the supervision of Lord ...


... eee AQUATICS. Newane Oper Sanixo oat Curan—A sailing mated to byste of this club took ace wu Saturday Port-Ciasgow for prices COUPE Thee three rouge wind was light sed the alter mae Newark cawe tn Drst Cardross Lass and ach thud We teary Keuter Rack tN mile soulling rece bw tricgram from New York that « five for the 10th of betwee, Couitucy the tor $000 a wide ...


... THE CLYDE SHIPBUILDING TRADE, Another contract has been secured for the Clyde, Messrs John Elder & Co., Fairfield, Govan, having booked an order for two screw- steamers, each 1500 tons, for the British and African Steam Navigation Com. y. dimensions of these vessels will be —Length, 290 feet; breadth, 36 feet ; depth, 18°3 feet. It is gratifying to know, as an indi cation of the progress being ...


... blll AT MANCHESTER. 93 AD On a great Liberal demon. stration took place at the Pomene evcasion, the principal meeting There war an immense assembly on the attended by about 18,000 persons. epee cooupied by Mr N. Philips, DM. on the platform by the Hartington, Mr Joho Bright, end a ber of members of Parliament, the Right Hoa. w. P. Adam, Siz Mr E. Jenkins, Mr Jaceb Bright; and Mr A. J, Amongst ...


... MAND. tof the Daily News, referring to the events that followed the departure of the , BAYS: —* For a time commercial affairs were com tely upset; traders refused to take delivery goods one was anxious to send all ~ he had down to British Burmah. Those who missed the loaded boats, and the stream of them passing Lhayetmye for a week atter the exodus of the was very sug- the heart of Tommy ...

Accidents.—A porter named ‘alconer, residing in Caledonian Road, Wishaw, got oue of his legs taken off ..

... ternoon 4 orm by an express eugine. On Thursday years of age, and residivg at Berryhill Rows, Wisbaw, was killed on the railway near Meadow- head, in consequence of a,;collision between au engine and some dross waggens, ‘The pug belong- ing to the Glasgow lron Company, and on which the unfortunate man was employed, was standing in a siding into which it had shun’ in order to let another engine ...