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Cardiff Times


... THE AGITATION IRELAND. KILLEN'slmALCoiTIN^ tt p SI il>i The proceedings at the Court .)\o^ commenced 011 Thursday morning with y0c9^ of trumpets from Mr Ilea, Mr Killen s a who stood on the table before the took their places, and made one of those F ^eeji of which we have heard so many during t 0{ ( 5 It had no particular point, but consis c0k general round of abuse. Most of the nected with ...


... NORTH OF ENGLAND REPORT. MIDDLESBOROUGH, Thursday. —Whether for a permanency or whether as a mere temporary movement is by no means clear, but certainly there has been a marked rise in the pig-iron maiket during the past week. The advance, taken all round, cannot be put down at less than Is per ton. This upward movement has taken many by surprise, especially coming upon the in- crease of ...


... VOLUNTEEHS FOR ACTIVhi SERVICE. Further detachments of several hundred volunteers from various regiments in Eng- land and Scotland for service at the Ca5 have arrived at Portsmouth. ...


... The rifle volunteer prize shootmg, held annually amongst the members of the 10th G. H. V., came off during Wednesday aftern o i, at the Ea-t, Moors Rifle Range. The weather was dull an I hazy, and th-re was some wind. The mist ob- scured the targets at some parts of the day. The rifle used was the Government pattern, 1 >ng Enneid Snider rifle, beating the Government viewer's mark. No extra ...

I jy I D L A N D ii A 1 L W A 1 Jufj!———

... Å BSORPTION V. MEDICINE AND JJISEASE.. HOLMAN'S LIVER 4ND STOMACH PAD COMBINES ECONOMY, CONVENIENCE, SAFETY, AND EFFECTIVENESS TO A MARVELLOUS DEGREE. IT APPEALS STRONGLY AND CONCLUSIVELY TO YOUR COMMON SENSE. This is what our patients say who have expended but few shillings in eSecting a care, instead of many guineas :— Plas Llaiiarinoii, Muld, D. 4, 1878.. Holma-i Liver Pad Company, 16. Ro ...

——- .— — | ISLAND RAIL W A*

... SHOOTING A VICAR. The Rev. James Yates .linker, vicar of Lower Gornal, near Tipton, who was shot on Fri- day morning by Hartlan,l. Lis choir master, is in a hopeless state. He feels one ball at the back of his neck and another over the right ear. These the surgeons pay it would be certain death to re- move, while th4ir presence must being on inflam- mation and death. It ia believed the third ...


... FOR EC ASTS F0 R THIS DAY. (Issued by the Meteorological Office at i p.m.yesterday) fSouth-westerly breezes, mo- 0. Scotland, derate cloudy, some V Ehowers. 1. Scotland E. Do. 2. Engtod, N.E.{SX'rha^»,C'eeZeS' {Westerly breezes, moderate to fresh weather fresh and cool, but cloudy, some showers at times, 4. Mid. Counties. ) Do. 5. England, S., Lon» f-p. don & Channel I South- westerly breezes, ...


... EXCITING FOOTBALL MATCH AT NEWPORT. NEWPORT V. LLACKHEATH. The above-named teams played a match at Newport on Thursday in the presence of about 8,000 persons, while an equal number, it is said, lined the walls and fences and the tops of houses. The Newport team were discouraged by the evi- dently superior physiqne of their rivals, and by the fact that, three of the best members of the Newport ...


... TUESDAY BANKRUPT. Frederick Edward Pearse, of Trosnant Lodge, Pontypool, doctor of medicine and surgeon. LIQUIDATIONS. John Evans, of Morriston, near Swansea, clerk and book-keeper. Thomas Fairchild, of Swansea, butcher and cattle dealer, Christopher Tamlyn, of Swansea, licensed vic- tualler. James Alford, junr.of Melincrythan, near Neath, marine store dealer. Richard Harris, of Neath, boot ...


... The body of a young lady w TS removed from Brighton, on Saturday, for burial under some- what romantic circumstances. The day of her interment was the day which had been originally fixed for her marriage, and her friends complied with her dying wish, that she should be drawn to the grave by the horses which had been engaged to convey her to t; e church. To the catafalque there were attached ...


... A gamekeeper near Leeds has died of injuriea received in a poaching affray. Mr Reed. C.B., M.P., is now on hia way to England from Japan, whither he ha.d gone at the invitation of the Imperial Japanese Government. Mr Reed has been staying at different places in Japan for the last three or four months, and is said to have received a most nattering recognition of bis services in respect to the ...

.......-- - -- - ------__---__------RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. I

... RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. I FOR THE PAST WEEK. 187J 1373 In. De le. R. Pl. Glasgow and S. W — 50 Soui ii Eastern 41k 9 4 H18 31íI London. Briirhion. & S. C 4i' 5j 135i7 North Eastern 11 03 Great Northern — — 38 Manchester. SliefSe'.U, &c. — — — 572 North — — 472) — — 4; 58 G'-eJ.t Norte1 of Sc,)tlo.nd.. — — — 11' Lancashire ant' Yorkshire G;S72 70-l9' — C657 a,iv:nney 3214 3178 2(! 12 97J : ...