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Glasgow Herald

Glasgow Herald

... FRIDAY MORNING. Jose 13. Four days' later news hand from South Africa. to the of attempt had made to advance into Zululand, and another change iu I»rJ Chelmsford's plant menaced, bis ir.tcutu>ii now being to enter the territory by a lower route than that Conference Hill. There further news the ]«rt of Otewayo, and it is stated that the have collected in force at L'nlini. Probably the ...


... Glasgow, Tuesday Evening. _ 'A* -sner.tllv expected, the demand for Mo»»* ia l..mhar I Street ha* .rreetly he Wed with the turn the hvlf-vear. and though few anticipate that •the requirements of the approaching and tomorrow's Conbol settlement My present its immediately subsiding, borrowers were most sdverse mung more than li per cent. (hurt loans. The rates for discount soil quoted li to per ...


... The sixth annual session this iati* u. which is described *'au international society tue suppression of intemperauce, aas y> - terday lu the Good Templar Buildings, Councillor Croft, York, presided. The secretly, Mr Chapman, Birmingham, read a report dealiug generally with the p>aiUou and tl ...


... A Standard telegram from Berlin, dated Toesday, says-Tbs Governor Eastern Roumelia is reported to be persevering in his sction sgainstthe proper execution of the stipulations the Berlin Treaty respecting that province, and it is becoming more and more that H—'* will not evacuate until she is to so by the joint sction of the Powers* ...


... For * poet who got hi* inspiration from th« lea and the mountains, and who yet preferred, he confesses, the plainstones of the Trongate Glasgow, it must have been a serious affair to design a garb which would approve itself in a monumental statue. Mr Mossman, in his statuette Thomas Campbell, must in fact have found the choice dress as puzzling the expression of feature. Whether the poet ...


... few day* ago we gave bur reader*, as j eoncise form as possible, priucjpfl results Reducible from the large blue-book just published on merchant shipping in this country. Since then the Board of Trade has issued further return, giving additional comparative rtatiatics the greatest interest to all connected with shipping. It consists of series *• tables showing the progress British merchant ...


... The usual monthly meeting of the Glasgow Town Council was held yesterday. The Hon. Wm. Collins, 1 /ord Provost, presided. THE MAM DEPOT IN BRIDGETON. A deputation, consisting of several member* the First Ward Municipal Committee, and gentle- 1 men resident iu the Bridgeton district, was intro- ! duced in order present memorials praying for the removal of the manure de|>ot in Baltic Street, ...


... The monthly meetings the Water Commia»o tiers, Improvement Trustees, and Market Trustees were held Hon. William Collins, Lord Provost, in the ohair. The first meeting was that the MARKET TRUST. THE OP AMIMAIA The Lotto Provost, in moving the approval of the miautes the Market Trust, stated that the had bean detained for a short time that morning (previous reference haviag been made to a delay ...

Sheriff Criminal Court.—Yesterday the following casesjwere tried before Sheriff Speus:— John Fisher pleaded ..

... a duster troin a house -*-'1 Stirling Koad, and was seut to prison for 14 da} s. Joiiu Burns was sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment for an assault committed on a boy on vacant piece of ground in Saltm.irket out the 2Sd ult. Win. Graham was sent to prison tor 14 days for stealing four umbrellas trom the Athenauin between the 21st and 25th of June. Portrait Mi: William M Gavin.—The West of ...


... nnntif. Pnwt. in Cuakt -The aanualahov Mi ni Mon Saturday end l«J U« MM •uoeeel'ul that y«-t taken place. Ttu were •arj uum«MM, STS-»Ii:-3 ...


... Balmoral, November 11. The Queen went out yesterday morning attended by the Honourable Mary Pitt aud the Honourable Ethel Cadogan. In the afternoon Her Majesty drove, attended by the Countess Erroll. The Marquis and Marchioness of Huntly arrived at the Castle, and had the honour of dining with the Queen. Viscount Sandon was also invited. The Honourable Mary Pitt left the Castle, and the ...


... ROYAL CINQUE YACHT CLUB The regatta this club oommruced yes . a strong wuth-west brevxe. in bia cutter aa, • match resulted Arrow i lortuo'a Toe .. t- ; three start, ana the Arrvw y ovesh , but coula not eaten her. uu Uie u*t w »*•*- * dead run the Varoe tl awuin i : anip. and tneu beat back to Dover I« ...