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... WEAK SIGHT. Renry Laurance's JMPEOYED GPECTACLE S 44, Ilatton Garden, London. J. B. GOUGE, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, 6 AND 7, HIGH STREET, RHYL, 13EGS to inform those troubled with Defective Vision that he has been appointed SOLE AGENT FOR RHYL FOB HENRYLAT-TRA LNCE'S IMPROVED SPECTACLES These Spectacles are Clear and Cool, never tire the Eye, and whilst subduing all Inflammatory Symp- toms, ...


... MEETING OF CREDITORS RE-JAMES FAZAKERLEY.—The first statutory meet- ing of the creditors of this debtor was held on Friday the 7th inst., at the Crewe Arms Hotel, Crewe. The following were presentMr W. Whittaker of the firm of Heywood and Higginbotton, Manchester, who also held the majority of the proxies; Mr Watson, (Watson & Williams, Liverpool), Mr J. D. Ain- sworth, who held a number of ...


... No, 541, VOL. XI. WREXHAM, SATURDAY, AUGUST: 2, 1879. P-RI[CE TAI-OPIFXc-v FRA Mr. Lloyd. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. FAIR DAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7TH, 1879. ME. LLOYD'S next AUCTION will take place on Thursday, August 7th, 187!), the present entries will include :— A prime lot of Fat Heifers, Bullocks, and Bulls. Several magnificent Dairy Cows and Heifers, Calved and to Caive (this auction is noticed ...


... abtsntm's ùhn$sts. A. L E OF C H A R G E S FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. i — m8, Books, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. les and under 2s. 6d. Os. 4d. Ilaneo,ts-Pitblic Companies, Legal Notices, Contract*, tfrc. ines, and under 2s. 611. 1ditiouu.lline liS. (50.. ■tspectuses of Neir Companies, Parliamentary Notices, and Election Advtrtisements. .Dt-s, and under r'3- 11 d. dditioual line 0(i. Displayed ...


... LUNT & GRIFFITHS, FREE TRADE HALL, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Lunt & Griffiths, Have the pleasure to inform their numerous Customers and the public generally, that their STOCK in the FURNISHING DEPARTMENT is now replete with a choice assortment of NEW GOODS for the Season and it will be seen from the accompanying List, that they sffer every advantage in regard to Price. L. & G. particularly request ...


... The Rhyl Advertiser, May be had from the ioll(o -cN i -i Agents :— Rli YL-iNlr*D. Trehearn, Vv el!mgi.un Chambers. Mr S. Berrington, Hisrli-alreet. Mrs Nott, High-street. „ Mr J. J. Hardeman, Queen-street. Mr li. Parry, Bodfor-street. „ Raihvay. Station Books.lI. TERMS TO ,SUBSCRIBERS. Delivered in Town. s. d. By Post. s. One quarter 1 1 One quarter 1 Six months. 2 2 Six months 3 4 4 [ One ...


... EGLISH SPELLING REFORM. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—At the present time, when spelling reo formeis are more actively engaged than usual in the endeavour to reform the effete and corrupt spelling of the English language, and to substi- tute in its place a more rational and uniform system, there are inquiries arising from all quarters as 10 what this reform leeans, what remedy is pro- ...


... Epps's COCOA.—GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet ...


... Saks his Messrs. Baugli, Jono, & Co. SMITHFIELD, WREXHAM MESSRS BAUGH, JONES. & CO., wiii hold their next SALE of STOCK in the noove 4niithfielcil ON THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 18-1J. Stock already entered, viz :— A let of prime fat Beasts. A lot of useful Dairy Cows. Several fresh Barrens, Calving Heifers, and Short-horned Bulls. A nice lot of fat Sheep, Lamb3, Calves, and Pi-s. Sale at Ten o'clock. ...


... DENBIGHSHIRE. COUNTY OFFICIALS. Hisrli Sheriff James Goodrich, Esq. Sheriff Elect: R. Middleton Biddulph, Esq. Under Sheriff Ll. Adams, Esq., Ruthin Clerk of the Peace J. Peers, Esq., Ruthin County Treasurer J. R. Heaton, Esq., Plas Heaton, Denbigh County Surveyor: R. Ll. Williams, Esq., Denbigh Chief Constable: Major Leadbetter, Wrexham Coroners: B. H. Tiielwall, Esq., Kossett, and E. Pierce, ...


... ftabtsmtti's Jtbtmssfs. R. EVANS & CO.'S AROMATIC GINGER ALE Ie non-alcoholic, nnd from intOsicaHng properties. It ii eminently stimulating an 1 invoteratintr, pleasant to the 4gre, and atrreeible to the As a dinner it promotes di?e=ti>n. It is tho safest bev-'rave for the OVER. HEATED, and is thus specially ada-pted for eventti? parties. It is recommended to he dented (cay two or ...