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... H. A. STEER & Co., (LATE W. WYNNE) 'WHOLESALE DEALERS IN yy INES, jgPIRITS, L E AND JpORTER, 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sberry-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Sound Port-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Dinner Claret-12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne-28s., 42s., 54s., &c, per doz. Best London Gin-13s. 6d. per Gallon. Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys-16s., 18s., & ...


... Extensive Alterations-In consequence of ex- tensive alterations about to be made at Amos's Sussex-street Establishment Boot and Shoes Of all kinds may be had at half the usual prices. For particulars see advertisement and hand- bills. ...


... The Rhyl Advertiser, May be had from the following Agents :— RHYL—Mr D. Trehearn, Wellington Chambers. Mr S. Berrington, High-street. Mrs Nott, High-street. Mr J. J. Hardeman, Queen-street. Mr R. Parry, Bodfor-street. Railway Station Bookstall. ...


... FREE TRADE HALL, HIGH STREET, RHYL. LUNT & GRIFFITHS Beg to inform the Public generelly that they are now showing the largest and greatest variety of the choicest class of NEW GOODS for the present Season, at the LOWEST CASH PRICE, that has ever yet been exhibited n North Wales. Dress Department. In this department we hold a very large and well selected Stock, great care being taken to ...


... Teas, Coffees, and general Groceries are supplied at merchants' prices by C. K. BENSON and CQ. 14, High- street, Wrexham. 77 Substitute for Milk.-The Editor of the Mediznl Mirror has called the notice of the medical profession, to Cadbury's Cocoa Essence, which he calls, Gadbury's Concentrated Vegetable Milk, and remarks The excess of fatty matter has been carefully eliminated and thus a ...


... ftabtsmtti's Jtbtmssfs. R. EVANS & CO.'S AROMATIC GINGER ALE Ie non-alcoholic, nnd from intOsicaHng properties. It ii eminently stimulating an 1 invoteratintr, pleasant to the 4gre, and atrreeible to the As a dinner it promotes di?e=ti>n. It is tho safest bev-'rave for the OVER. HEATED, and is thus specially ada-pted for eventti? parties. It is recommended to he dented (cay two or ...


... Saks Im Juxtiorc. Messrs. Baugk, Jones, and (;0. SMITHFIELD, WREXHAM 1\,f ESSRS. BAUGH, JONES AND CO., will -i-v £ hold their next SALE OF STOCK in the above SmitLlield, ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 187?. Stock already entered, viz :— A lot of prime fat Beasts. A lot of useful Dairy Cows. Several fresh Barrens, Calving lIeifers, and Short-horned Bulls. A nice lot of fat Sheen, Lambs, Calves, and ...


... Sales im urf ion. Messrs, W. Dew & Son. NEAR LLANGOLLEN. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. First Annual Sale of the well-known Herd of Welsh Cows, Heifers, and Bulls, Sheep, etc., at Important to Breeders of Welsh Cattle, Flock Masters, Butchers, Farmers, and others. Attractive Sale of seven pure-bred WELSH COWS and six two-year old WELSH HEIFERS, all in calf to prize bolls, takers of prizes at the Royal ...


... H. A. STEER & Co., (LATE W. WYNNE) W_„ „ 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN INES, gPIRITS, A L E AND pORTEE, i nu 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. l Pale Sherry-21s., 24s., 30s., Ac., I G per doz. °°d Sound Port—21s., 24s., 30s., &c., G per doz. 00(1 dinner Claret—12s., 15s., 18s., ...


... Hollowoy's Oinmtnt and PilU.—As spring approaches a most favourable opportuniy offers for rettif.' 'ng irregularities reo moving impurities, and erasing blemishes wb'ch have arisen from the presence of matters forbad by winter from being transpired through the pores, 'his searching Ointment, well rubbed upon the a kin, penetrates to the deeplyseated ),rganis, upon which it exerts a most ...


... CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements »f THE f*ll*wing kinds, PAID FOR -I WHEN ORDERED, are inserted in tha Guardian on the J onowinc :— Twenty words :—One insertion, Is three insertiotp, 2S M six insertions, 4s Gu. Thirty words:—One insertion, Is 6d three insertion?, 4E six insertions, Gs Cd. I Forty words:—One I-PORTION, 2s; three insertions, is Gd six insertions, 8s Gd. The above ...


... IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. In the course of the next few weeks the PRINTING AND PUBLICATION OF THE NORTII WALES GUARDIAN WILL BE CARRIED ON AT THE NEW OFFICES IN ARGYLL STREET, Which have been erected, and are now being fitted up for the purpose. At the New Offices, the paper will be printed on a Dawson's Improved TWO-FEEDER WHARFEDALE MACHINE. These Machines are admitted to be the newest and ...