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Examiner, The



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The Examiner

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... MESSRS. MACMILLAN AND Co.'s NEW BOOKS. Second Thousand, in 2 vols, crown Evo, cloth extra, price xSs. BISMARCK in the FRANCO-GERMAN WAR. An authorised translation, from the German of Dr. Mositz Busch. The Times of Nov. 21st says:- The publication of Bismarck's after- dinner talk, whether discreet or not, will be of priceless biographical value, and Englishmen, at least, will not be disposed ...

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... POLITICAL AND SOCIAL: Notes ?? 225 The Position in South Africa ?? 229 Parliamentary Practice ?? 229 The Zulu Blue Books ?? 230 The Deadlock in the German ?? 232 Our Imperial Vestrymen ?? 233 Legislation on Drink ?? 234 The Unfortunate Nobleman ?? 235 The Schools of England.-V. Rugby .. 235 Augean Stables.-III ?? 237 Carrion Crows ?? 238 THE EXAMINER'S LETTER-BOX:- A Clergyman's Doubts ?? ?? ...

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... SUDDEN MOURNING. ESSRS. JAY'S experienced Dressmakers and M Milliners travel to any part of the kingdom, tree of expense to pur- chasers, when the emergencies of sudden or unexpected mourning require the immediate execution of mourning orders. They take with them Dresses and Millinery, besides Material at Is. per yard and upwards, to cut from the piece, all marked in plain figures, and at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE OUNSTALL HALL PARK COMPANY, LIMITED, Incorporated under The Companies Acts i862, i867, and i877. CAPITAL 55,000, in 5500 Shares of L10 each, 1000 of which, fully paid up, are now offered as a FIRST ISSUE. WOLLVERHAMPTON RACECOURSE. DDIRECTORS (pro tern.) JOHN PERCIVAL, 12, Clarence Terrace, Regent's Park, London F. G. HOBSON, Raleigh Club, London, S.W. JOSIAH JOHNSON, 25, Harrington ...

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... C EVEN PRIZE MEDALS awarded to D GOODALL'S HOUSEHOLD SPECIALI- TIES. A single trial solicited from. those who have not yet tried these splendid preparations. OODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. GThe most delicious sauce in the world. GOODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. GThe best sauce in the world. G QODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. The sixpenny bottle a marvel of cheapness. G OODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. %- Awarded ...

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... PAINLESS DENTISTRY. MR. G. H. JONES, sURGEON-DENTIST, Of 57 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY (immediately opposite the Biitish Museum), Will be glad to forward his New Pamphlet, gratis and post free, which explains the only perfectly Painless system of adapting ARTIFICIAL TEETH (protected by Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent), WHICH HAVE OBTAINED FIVE PRIZE MEDALS. London, i862; Paris, 1867; ...

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... A CA MBRIDG1E: WRANGLEFR PREPARES for Woolwich, Sandhurst, Civil Service, Indian Forests, Student Inter. preserahit's for China and Japan, Cooper's Hill, and Indian Telegraphs. Has passed dusing the last few months ost (twice), 3rd, 4th (twice)-Wrangler, Rochester House, Ealing. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. P SELECT CLASSES, Twice Weekly, at the Residence of a Parisian Lady, dijts'a'nde. Highly ...

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... MISS BRADDON'S NEW NOVEL On Feb. IO, in Three Vols,, at all Libraries V NX E :THE w NOVEL By the Author of 1 Lady Audley's Secret, &c. MR. G. A. SALA'S GREAT WORK ON LONDON. [ POPULAR NOVELS EDITED BY MISS BRADDON. This Day, price 2S. 6d., cloth gilt, 3s. 6d., Illustrated with Forty-seven whole- Price 2s. picture cover; 2s. 6d. cloth gilt. page Engravings, from designs by M'Connell, forming ...

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... UPON CO-OPERATIVE PR I NC IPLE S. THE MUTUAL DRESS SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, LI I TED. Registered under the Companies Acts, 1862-67, whereby the Liability of the Shareholders is Limited to the Amoumt of their respective Shares. SHARE CAPITAL 100,000, divided into 20,000 :5 Shares. Issue of 5000 4`5 Shares, each Share carrying, by way of bonus, one Transferable Coupon-Voucher for goods of the retail ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CEVEN PRIZE MEDALS awarded to ) GOODALL'S HOUSEHOLD SPECIALI- TIES. A single trial solicited from those who have not yet tried these splendid preparations. OODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. G The most delicious sauce in the world. COODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH, G The best sauce in the world. G OODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. * The sixpenny bottle a marvel of cheapness. r OODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH. G Awarded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MESSRS. MACMILLAN AND CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. 2 Vols, crown 8vo, cloth extra, price a8s. BISMARCK in the FRANCO-GERMAN WAR. An authorised translation, from the German of Dr. Motitz Boscb. The Times of Nov. 2ist says :- The publication of Bismarck's after- dinner talk, whether discreet or not, will be of priceless biographical value, and Englishmen, at least, will not be disposed to quarrel ...

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... Mr. Dixon's New Work. BRITISH CYPRUS. By W. HEPWORTH DIXON. a vol., demy 8ve. Net wee. IMPERIAL INDIA. By Val Prinsep. Containing numerous Illustrations, made during a Tour to the Courts of the Principal Rajahs and Princes of India. Demo 8vo, 2rs. Second Edition in the Press. THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A STORY OF FEMALE PRISON LIFE. By MARK HOPE. 3 VOIS. If this book is by a new writer, it will ...