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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... NO MORE LAWYERS' BILLS I Now ready, Sixteenth Edition, carefully revised and corrected, containing upwards of 3,00O statement* on points of law, verified by the addition of Motes and References ta Autucn rities, Crown svo, price 6s, 8d. (saved at every consultation) strongiy bound in ciotn (postage tid.) EVfcRY MAN'S UWK LAWYER: A Handy Book of the Principles of Law and Equity. BY A. ...


... WATER—Best Table Water known. I prefer w ti ° k,er Mlneral Waters before tne public. (Prote«sor UeP?rt-; ^°ld everywhere. ttetaii «js. per ..osen GnnrVri I0?60 ?uart4' 0riSi«»al packages, containing 50 J* Glass Bottles, Jtfs.. or 1 Fiut d.tto, 4oa —Tne Company, limited, 35, Finabmy-circtu, London, E.G. The medical profession order Cadbiuy's Cocoa Es.enve in thousands ot cases as the most ...


... DUKVLLLX & COL. Belfast, are the largest holden of whisky in the woria. Their old Irish Whisky is eommened by the medical profession in preference to French brandy. Supplied in casks and cases for home tie or exportation- Quotations on application to IfMHBH. DUNVILLB Go,, Roufc Ism torar TEMPLE OF FASHION, MERTHYR. January, 1879. Madam, I beg respectfully to inform you of my usual WINTER ...


... THE LATEST MARTKL—Ma. B. A. GKOKOB.—Dear Sir- —Be good enough to forward me anotlier gross ot your uougii Balsam,' the sale 01 whiuh is rapidiy increasing in tAu. district; indeed, I nave never known any Cough Medi- cine' inai has so quickly obtained so greata sale, and given such universal satisfaction.—lam,dear sir, yours faithluily, A'HILXP itALPM, High i'own, liereloru, August z7, ls7 ...


... TEMPLE OF FASHION, MERTHYR. January, 1879. Madam, I beg respectfully to inform you of my usual WINTER CLEARANCE SALE. The WINTER GOODS, such as Jackets, Ulsters, ï, Millinery Bonnets aud Hats, Trimmed and Un- trimmed, Flowers and Feathers, Dress Materials, and the Fancy Goods will -be marked at such Prices that will ensure a complete clearance, During this S ale all regular goods will be ...


... SIR HENRY H.A.VELOCK.-Havelock was at this time in his forty-eigth year, and although as conscientious and intelligent an officer as ever drew sword, he had not attained to high rank or high command, for the simple reason that he had no fimily interest or political influence at his back. He came of a fighting family, three of his brothers had embraced the profession of arms, and his sons were ...


... MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS AND SON'S NOTICES MESSBS. H. W. HARRIS & SON, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, .VALUERS, HOUSE, ESTATE, LAND & INSURANCE AGENTS. NEW AUCTION MART, COURT STREET, MEKTHYR TTDJFTL, BEG to inform the Public that all matters en- trusted to their care will be punctually, promptly, and carefully attended to. Life, Fire, Plate, Glass, and Accidental Insurances, effected with the best ...


... PAGE WOODCOCK'S WIND PILLS have for twenty-five years held the first place in the world as an effectual antidote to Indigestion. Wind on the Stonmch. Biliousness, and aU complaints arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Bowells, or Liver. Tonic, invigorating, and purifying, th«y form the best remedy extant. Of all Chemists, ls. l|d, and 2s. 9d.. per box., or of PAGE D. WOODCOCK, ...


... FLORILINK!—FOB THE TEETH AND BREATH.—A. lew drop of the liquid Floriline sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush pro duces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly white- ness, and a. delightful fagrance to the breath. It removes all UD pleasant odour arising from decayed ...


... NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND.—Procrastination with many is the bssetting sin. Everything is put off till to- morrow. The torpid liver is unaeeded until jaundice, con- sumption, or abscess of the liver is established. Theie ma- ladies are curaote if arrested in time by that fine tonic and alterative medicine, l'AGE A'OuDCJOK'S WiNi) PILLS. Thousands are taking them for almost every complaint a d ...


... ROSBACH WATER.-Best Table Water known. I prefer it to the other Mineral Waters before the public. (Professor Wanklyn's Report.) Sold everywhere. Retail 6s. per dozen Pints 8s. per dozen Quarts. Original packages, containing 60 Quart Glass Bottles, 29s.. or 100 Pint ditto, 40s.—The Rosbach Company, limited, 35, IJnsbury-circna, London, E.C. The medical profession order Cadbury's Cocoa Essence ...


... WARNING KECKITT'S PARis BLVE,-The marked supe- riority of this Laundry Blue over all others, and he quick appreciation of its merits bv the Public have been attended by the usual results, viz a flood of imitations the merit n the latter mainlr consists in the ingenuity exerted, not simply in imitating the square shape but making the general appear- ance o the wrappers resemble that of the ...