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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ~ Next Qarter wil commene on Moday. Mach1st. All dilate ase non terms,&c.. ca he oa~ined atyte. Sdolls, or - yt~oors.- i-ir L1~5, I econ Cm~s Thid Olass, 10 siitigfied the I o- C N'AC'AD~EHY ?? and I t c,-ilwirciisl School for Youug Gentlemen. Next Quarter will - April led. W. DAW60ON, Principal. Z- pKiC L(iC of a couintry rlarisb. Nwho earl ticvote ri.ChlatttentOo to his 1t1101le. hasaVACANCY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT& JI (Ill aIJ cases Mei cash mutl be C1,6fired bofii,0' ~~ITUAT~~o~ ~ ehei r&sd instirtors.) 4 STrTOSWANTED, APARTMIROTS 'T0 N3E TIT,x, ASITUATIONQ VACezer PAsRNRnSMIss WV)NTED, AARTUEogNre wANTTD.1, MONEY WANTED, MISCEaaArEOUrS WANTS, 110USE8 AND OTHER PRnIgtSES ToRO L3ET 030 O3.1, V0ICIgi Am~oLEs YofR SA.LE BY PRIVATE C ONTRAcT.- Three days, Three days, Any other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRUMII ADW'ERTISEMENT& (Ino all 7ases t he ctash muse Abs recsivod Wfers ~ITA'!INS thetfirst itm fre-j t SIU~ sWA=TED, APARsTum m TS'o EN LTT, fre SITUATIONS VACANT, PARTNES1SRSPS WANTED, Got APATNYucTS WAN'rscn Mowar WA.N`E, cha MISCronnANYOUS WA.NTS, 11011ME ANDI OTHER P51EXiISES Tro l3E LET ORl SOLD, B1 I'BC0lFIO AnilIsc pao, SAft, n3Y P~trVATP CONRgrAoT. Three days, Three days,(1 Any other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -yHEN YOU ASK FOR 'OMXORR9W'S -HULL TIMES, ,S3BllTA*T !0YOVT GET IT. 1 ?? LKLEY'H1.GH SGBROOL FOR BOYS. ON Princlpal-W. Mmcax B.A, S~t John's Co]l., Cam., . Assisted by thoroughly efflqie Mayters, as follows M~aurice Davy, ?? ijwacid Science. IN J J. C. Healey E ?? 'nglish. Herr IHenE e; Doe, Pb .Fr1r, Ghpnan, Music- Winsloe Mi;tchell ?? Paintinasi Dra^wing, in all i Qt bbchiel. Spacious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5aEdts by ~urttcfla IITATER D. HOLLI9, AuctioineerMand Valuer. ny1f1coet-0e. Alislee-street. Leeds -ad at Gafortlth. Te-d-ty iris'ticdsyl. a'tone uealscis. 24, Spo-stie,,t. Sc-I-trCt i0icck reeds. In Lqa sis.Ic (i-nie Semns. HEirer. Dle. WALTER D. -11t,l$1 has, ?? from Mr. ltas-- )lrir. 'r'oc&and i-!.wsnsrl.tihe Trsitcc, to hell by Akurtion, 7-ki- 1. fa (-sras on tale shbave iprPalisi-i. I ea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rOHAMN 0. REINHARDT AND SONS, W the OLD-ESTABLISHED CHIEhSIST'S AND BDRUG&GGISTS. now supply l A T E N T T I E D I I ES. r P.ERFU51ERY (;OODS, ?? 4,] aJ t greatly to -pE D U C BD P RIC ES. in HEE 13JD. SIZES FOR 10jD. au T 13yd. Cockle's PLIS for '5d. du 13l-1d. Bieecham's Pills for 101d. of 13Ysd. Poweil's Balsam of Aniseed for 10Yad. a 132d. liokeas Pills far l'ijd. pr lnhd. Bl air's Pills ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aliCie. ri for ?? a's tsrm 0 tse tof ha 'ic.snsa 1IILPE ft ad SON,, Auctio-s'-.-s, s-ii p Sal of201Pai, o (21 i, sas' (1-as4d ota WUL a t c ai AiLE DAtF St MO U itV l oUF)I, Lii. v-n'1 ateee Or aLTaat, O-sde ox Cat-Los- t~tre~-on. Srvats'I-loll ?? Ievit. Mr. srOS ss. l ee eataleJuno, 'S (atae ?? t aihnd1:~ SON,,AuDioesoLous A `11h'e ay of sle, Fbacs(M-iizo M, atrl--,n OLIVbEransti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LlN CHARITY HOSPiTAL, March 27th 1 r -.n ?? of the deith of the Matron. 'Mrs. Dean, 1 ?? sj~i~o'jtu1 will nor be openeda on the .'th Aopril. Notice of the en ?? il be atto teticed at a futuze date. a ?? 4>-,NL'AL 311-dTIN(4 of the Subsenhers will be held at the th sI- -1 E ?? the ;th of.Speril, at c1 i a.m., as atreaday advertised. U F:: By order, D. STANSFELD, Idon. Sec. in 1' 2-9511 ha -fl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iva ig THlE PUBLISHERS' COLE, IN. bear AMPSON LOW, MARSTON, ANDc.' S PU~~~IBLICATLONqS. Cht THE GOVERNIMENT of ZI.. TiHIElRs Byn T1 Tis-Simron. Translated from thel~rtilch, esd. y~st extra, 32s. ~m v. lt im rHE HISTORY of ROSSIA, from Le s 1,,m to TL~ear 17.BAlfred Rajahaul, ?? I I an, Sceoe f St. Petersburg. MihSxBs.: %a I'o so], Trastimated by~trs.L. 03. Lang. With tcieak.a tae. aid Al* cs' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fEALTE WITHOUT MEDICINE, Tnsoi. roduencs, or Expense, in DYFPEPSIA%, Chronic cof, tion, Diorebmo, Nerrous, mBon'u, ]9usrionerl, antod j, plltDebility, Asthma, Wesinug in o~id or ?? ' Vomaitig, RESTOIIEL) by flU EARRY'S ?? the - tcnic, ?? con>**).~iliz, tlicry- Ll-I, to-vero, Born throats, catarrobs, colii4-.i a ~ an Ears c Linalit~iL. gout, t.Ocey - cens. e ci-nts4, bpleoli. noosnty. Natert:U ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *ales bD mrtcton M~SSRS. }EEPPER and SONS, F AST-PAR1AD~E atid YORcK-PLACE. LEEDS. G 216 Yorkshire FHorse and CarriaceI Rop1osOttry, LOds Select Monthly bale, Voes inty next, April JIirte. 1jNOW4 iI~INTER8~, p-lipes-ior Harness HORSE'S E2 Nai ACKS5, COBS, and PO.NIESi and air Aldernay COW, aF.ALso, the pronerty of a gentlemnan, IrmaY ay ENTIRcE Ii OLLSE, by Grand Inqtnisitor. di by Comus, ...