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Advertisements & Notices

... YOiuEhs GAIWEtiN-YOURT GA5~if3iDLN'. . r F i00 cocatto know celto to sowv and wvhat to grow. til. ho to al gti0o00 se5 tad heat it f-t rGo. See It CSb- SST1'S OIVltISlIRATND ALMANACOC. Free 7d. Wiustlliley-t'ad, Lodona, SoW. Choice New Flower Seeds for 187S. Tle Cottager's Packet ftRegistered.) TIMi Cu)T'AIkoUL'S PAC't;ET OF CHOICE Coljtlaixls 12 BUAnutHtIl 17RIieties, Of Csy ca1otuie foe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M I S S; 1M A R R I 0 T T, .LYI. THEATgE ROYAL, HALIFAX, March 17th, Six Nights. Address, Ir RICHARD EDGAR. I S S GENEVIEVE WARD. ANIERICAN TOUR. Address, care of Mlessrs Jarrett and Palmer, Booth's Theatre Buildings, New York. I S S W A L L I S. MPX All business communications to be addressed, Theatre Royal, Drury-lane. MISS LOUISE M OO D I E, 41.ElHAYTMARKET THEATRE, Disengaged. Letters as ...

Published: Sunday 16 March 1879
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3041 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... pAERAVICINI'S A G E N C Y, THEATRICAL, MUSICAL, and GENERAL AGENT, 49, DT1KE-STREET, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON, S.V. (Office Hours Eleven till Three Daily.) M. S. A. de Parravicini has Special Correspondents in France, Bel- giUm), Holland, Germ'any, Austria, Russia, Italy, America, South America, and the Colonies. DRAMATIC and MUSICAL AGENCY for the negotiation of all business connected with Drains, ...

Published: Sunday 16 March 1879
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1091 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... A SELECTED LIST OF FINE-ART PUBLICATIONS AT REDUCED PRICES, Of which only a Limited Number of Copies remain for Sale. Reduced from 3xs. 6d. to 075. 6d. net. CADORE; or, Titian's Country. By JOSHIA GILBERT, One of the Authors of The Dolomite Mountains, &c. With Map, Illustrative Drawings, Woodcuts. Large 8vo, cloth. From the Saturday Review. Seldom has a more graceful and loving tribute ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDWARD WHITE (from Dent's), MANUFACTURER OF CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES, AND CLOCKS, GOLD CHAINS, LOCKETS, &c, Of best quality only, and moderate price. PRIZE MEDALS -LONDON, DUBLIN, AND PARIS, For Excellence of Workmanship, Taste, and Skill. X.B.-Every Article in Stock marked in Ptain Figures, and 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT for CASH allowed TO ALL PURCHASERS. 20, COCKSPUR STREET, PALL MALL. o -In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAINLESS DENTISTRY. MR. G. H. JONES, SURGEON-DENTIST, Of 57, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY (immediately opposite the British Museum), Will be glad to forward his New Pamphlet, gratis and post free, which explains the only perfectly Painless system of adapting ARTIFICIAL TEETH (protected by Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent), WHICH HAVE OBTAINED FIVE PRIZE MEDALS. Lo.2don, 1862; Paris, 1867 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE EXAMINER: AN INDEPENDENT WXEELY REVIEW OF POLITICS, LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. PRICE 6d. CONTENTS OF NO. 371r, MARCH 55, 1879. Political and Social Notes. Royal Marriages. The Zulu War. Bismarck's Third Defeat. The Ideas of the Day on County Government. Lncal Option Indian Frontiers. Mliitary Jottings. Witt in the x9th Century. River Managen ent. Christianity in the Churchyard. Letters ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &VrOM, VAL~U~ATION. tqX. AN 3sTATB OFFICES, Iti T. W LNsS.ANBLONDlON, B.C. loM S. G ?? and 8 0 S FOR THE REGISTRATION OF A)MO M,'s1FOR nm~l0TUEN-T ON; MORTGla. MARCIX, 1079. A1!OUMI TO BE INVESTED ON MORbTGAGE. £7.0430 in the Court of Chancery to be lent on Froiliold Piopery of ample value. moe' remain III to 12 yeals ?? 2.003 £1,2Daprorirct.origoodl loure!O! o IJ ?? £00,00 and is20,000 to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VATIONAL FUNERAL and MOURNING RE- 1OP1i A.RSOCIATION.--Aply to the Hon. Secretary, Wleton.mouwe ilineloy, Lelcoat.Slt°lle. , BEStDEEN GRANI1'E MlONUMENTtS &to {\ MACi)O\t FIELT, aed Co., Cofrtrhe o nd Workoa ~rileen.XEWV iltREzlSE5 i'n IoDdoI1. 37S. Eudetoroad, whero LTtIeoII tta smpls of Monumn lel aml Architectural Work msy bo ICOr4er ileolgoo aod ormatioe nddres 373, Wsto-road, tb.W. to lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6ALES BY AVOTION. valableaston of En lish Colste the 51V_1 10 A%_ E O1l, RRIST17 , MANSCD~01) e Dt th they will AUCTIONAM O t at ~ St JIcesMj~~efTE, DAY t oa gutinlan. corn i h olw~mo-t epoth n, Charle ragtoomwo% rlr'.t L Ixodpon.14 Charles I. pattrnewsbric pond, 648; d1.os. Shresbrywb ball. -1 B lainI Winaf Vh 1s . WSrewsbu'he-ou, 1012'Crl. IrOZ ={osod and arll ?? ; Crow93RS. Charles, Ai. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '- STARCH. STIFF'S STtAROR I1 Wa,- ranted RsE rFRoMz i1l1Lrh, oTN. sMessrs. -9mIF AND Co.- -I 'F., SSTARC . 'however. etot gnarantee any SI unless the Box or Pac~ket benrst CH STtheir Trade Mlark, ' QUEEN17 STIFFS ' STARCH BESS. n-IF'S STARCH I Dr, ARTHUR HILL HAS- SALLbas AnalyseLlonrStarch, and reported it to be a pure. TiFF'S SR TARCH. genuine,andwell-manufacturel TIFF'S STARCH' article ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NKZ E W T H E A T R E R O Y A L. aonayger-Uco. Jllrcreodj Chutte, Jras. Merereo'.'i Chutze. DrsCircle Zs. (JUv. 2s. 6d.); Balcony, bonnets aalowed, 35. (Juvy. 2s.); I lpperBexe5, 2s, (Juv, is); P it Stalls, ls. itS.; Pit. Is,.zGallery¢, 6d.-Box-offloe open from 11 to 4,30.' Ne S Price. Doors open at ?; commence at 7.30. LAST TWO NIGHTS OF THE VOKES FAMILY. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), March 21st. ...