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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. The BRISTOL NERcURY AND DAILY PO@7! In the Leading Paper In Bristol, the West Of Eugland, mat! South Wales. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS (CONSECUTIVE DAYS). One Three Sx 'Words. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions 18 ,, . 1 Od. .,,. IB, 6d, 32 ,,,, . 1B Od. .,. 2B. Od. 3S. Od, . , .. , Is. 6d. 3si Od. 4B, 6d, r Adwertisers arc ccauitioned against directing rpiiea to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. The BBISTOL MERCURY AND DAiLY roar to the Leading Paper In Bristol, the West of England, and, South Wales. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS (CONSECUTIVE DAYS). Ond Oe Three 8 Word. dsertInsertinset S~r olW inrtin a .. . d. ea. 3 2 Os . O , * ~ ~ C !3 , o i 32 .,. le. 3. 2s. ; 2. ,s. Oa. 4 8 I - . Gd, as.,O,,.3B,..d. ,, 4ea. off A viisvnveree a e a ea againA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *: Balbretses. PORT ANIT N O TICE. In corsequence of the succoss attending Mr. GEORGE lAEHeIVo nal rfeisional Vist B tolBristll with EDGAR WETTON'S PATENT MAGNETIC APPLEANCES, For tte CUre, Reliefl and Prevention of Disease, in order to pioiid. inure adequate accommodation for his Patients, HE HAS REMOVED FROHd 13 TO 141 PARK--PLACE, CLIFTON !Near Victoria Rooms), BRISTOL. Hour, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t l1 OK-OAT, ~CLIFTOIN. ~ ViESU i-i H . FALRGUS & CO. will SELL jA'1f ','!; , on the Promises, by dlirection of the L~io; o-, 'U i,'.S~a and WEDNESDAY Next, AMarch ~ lfeclet HOULSPHOLD FURNITURE, ~ l~in~nion fefnd PIANO FORTE, by Broadwoetia; r~u P~NWuT iTE, by Cadby;- ca-0 . ~ an TE E1ICSu GLASS, 1RA 1,01lt'Al SUITE, Climiney QLASSiES, ',Cpillict pe DINING 'TABLES, PedltSIcestall SIDEBOATID, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E foqllowing are worthy the attention o T HF=mt10ies 2swd large consumers:- Bestlard-Bladders, EBd. and 6d. per lb.; 28h. palls,Ed. Mrdi Cured Bacon-Equal to English from 6d. per lb. Sugar Cured Hams-6d. and 6d per b. ; 101b. to 121b. each. American Cheese-From 4Wd., to very fest, Id. American Bacon-Prom 8d. per lb. CANiNED GOODS-Salmon, Lobster, Oystors, Sardines, Beef, Mutton, Rabbit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. The BRISTOL MERCURY AND DAILY P08!P lo the Leading Paper In Bristol, the West of Elrgland8 =a South Wales. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS (CONSECUTlVE DAYS). Vod. One Three Six Wordo. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. s1 I .. . is. Od. ,., lo. ld. 32 . Is. ,d.,. d2s. Od. 3s. O(. i,, e 6d. . 30s, oa. .. ,,. a, or Adtvrtiarm8 are catutioned againsrt directing replies to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '- STARCH. STIFF'S STtAROR I1 Wa,- ranted RsE rFRoMz i1l1Lrh, oTN. sMessrs. -9mIF AND Co.- -I 'F., SSTARC . 'however. etot gnarantee any SI unless the Box or Pac~ket benrst CH STtheir Trade Mlark, ' QUEEN17 STIFFS ' STARCH BESS. n-IF'S STARCH I Dr, ARTHUR HILL HAS- SALLbas AnalyseLlonrStarch, and reported it to be a pure. TiFF'S SR TARCH. genuine,andwell-manufacturel TIFF'S STARCH' article ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NKZ E W T H E A T R E R O Y A L. aonayger-Uco. Jllrcreodj Chutte, Jras. Merereo'.'i Chutze. DrsCircle Zs. (JUv. 2s. 6d.); Balcony, bonnets aalowed, 35. (Juvy. 2s.); I lpperBexe5, 2s, (Juv, is); P it Stalls, ls. itS.; Pit. Is,.zGallery¢, 6d.-Box-offloe open from 11 to 4,30.' Ne S Price. Doors open at ?; commence at 7.30. LAST TWO NIGHTS OF THE VOKES FAMILY. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), March 21st. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~~ ~THIS DAY. TO TAILORS AND HAWKERS. frnS ALEXANDER, DANIEL, & C(. a f};l S~ll- AtTION, at tho BANK AUCVIO f T 0 lrS. STRE}Yr, THIS DAY (THURSDAY) the 6th ,llCib i.h A Q'iMItity of CLOTH: .r DARK ard LI(GHT COATINGS, FANCY DOE, n~Ch'i 'S.lACK CLOTH, Italian CLOTH, LC I)OEsK1{IN, vations TROUSERINGS, A nd inany ot'aers. : Stirphlh Stock of a largo Mion'facturer, and fId:tS ° ,j itl l'e Sold v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .3ATH. _ THE BRISTOL MERCURY . B - AND DAILY POST, MAi BE OBTAINED OF Mr. BOARD, Bookseller, New Bond-street, Mr. HART, ,, Chapel-row, Mr. HOWE, , Southlgate-street, Mr. HYAX, . Wslcoit-bulldlngs, Mr. J. MOTT, ,, 3, Abingdou-buildlngs, Mr. NASH, ,, Uuon-passage, AND OF A1J OTkER BOOKSELLERS AND NEWSAGENTB, SPRING FASHIONS.-SEASON i879. MEswns. JOHN J. STEADMAN & CO. Solicit an Inspection of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ADVERTISERS, 0e BRO11L MERCURY AND DAILY POM Ig the Leadfaig Paper In BrIstel, the West ol Engl=nld a South Wales, PRZPAID ADVETTISEMENTS (CONSECUTIVE DAYS), Words Oneo Three Six Insertion- bnsertions. Insertions. la 6d . is. 04 . , lo. 6d. 82 ,. IsI , Od a . 3e. d., 48 . , ,, , 01 .,,,, 4e. ,B. or vatertis are cautioned against directing resplies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NT SALE OF BUTTER AUCTION, at the WARE- Isr.SY'MES and COMPANY, =rstl so MIOND AY Next, Aisrcb lOtb, cI! i'nso Haynes, Milil OZPcondC CORK BtITIOR. 23 FirknCnfllSFrtOiO 40 Firk!' Contiell's FhirA COR KS 40 yFrilii' Caonys TiMrd CRS 103 liokilis fline t;LoNMEL.. ,g F'rliins tine Ti'.AdLR. Also 72 pjsils NEW YORK BUTTER3. Approved Bill-. will bje taken. ror friffler V:irticII!ais apply to ...