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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... On Monday Ne-vt.~t East Rigter, near Boaci.ey Ritllway Sta tion. _ ET INA, _NkS~VDFAT - ~ -iFat llBULLOCKiS. P~5~ at ILLI ?? il Ii, ear colyitic. tint ri'ndrediend EIghty Fat HOGGETS (will be clipped, wreather 1,ermoittirale. 't-eity eilf-bred Fey STIIEARLINGS, in the wool. This eine Mt. S. Thoeropron'sl lie tenth Annual Unreserved Sale, ,he Supecrior quality of Lie Fat Stock. is so well and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ther ftutire Bucciurzi> too ?? tot V3 assif[t('1011t e of FRADORD FULL-DRESS SUBSCRIPTIO,; BRAD 'oRD CON 2UERTS. FOURTEENTiu SEASON, 1f7S 70. I to SEVENTr GRAND coNcERT a of of the Soason Will be given in o ST. t T E O B ( R O ES H A L L. OVa- On FRII AY, 14th March. 1S7., Lcres DOn thich o siou will he pertetmn.l. i2r tle tush HDS A or in ]3earord. 0oirs VERDPIS i illtAN 'rEQ!TE:L arge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R0 OBE?,T COCkS & CO.'s NEW SONGS, & COMFORT AND PEACE. Sacred Song. Just issued. C Written by JAMzS Roscon; Musio by W. T. WRIGHTON. 3SE.; post free, 18 stamps. FAIR INEZ. New Song. By Miss Al. LINDsA (Mrs. FL J. 5!W. Bliss). No. 1, in G, for Contralto. No. 2, in A, for Soprano. 4s. each; post-free at half-price. IITHEN SUMMER DIES. New Song. By Miss W LINDSAY (Mrs. J. W. Bliss). In C and D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (V0021tjnued froni Me N~inth PageJ TREOUGR ROUSE, 4s.3d clear. hMrs. Boylance. 04, Oxford-road. 1_fILLIAI'sI WALLlS haa a -Through1 HOUSE, BOCAT WBarley Church. Rent 53. 6d. clear. ie, Infirmary-st., Leads. WILLIAM1 WALLIS has a Through HODS E, Victoria- road, J~eadingley; two kitchens, two reamsa, six bodroaise mn Yaedrrd andemaillgarden. Eenti£19. Iulirnmary-stroet, Leeds. . W ILLIAM WALLIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRE-PATY) ADVERTISEMEJNTS., (1)4 aa1 earses lhe easra i met be received before tkseyirse insfrtisjpt.) SITUATIONS WANTED, IPEMcT OB it ,51TUATtONS VA-CANT, PARTNERSHIPS WANTED, A APRM SWA.NTED, MONEY WANTED, MIPCELTANEOUS WA.NTS, HOUSES AND OTH1ER PREMASES TO BIE LE9T OR SOLT,) ?? ?? ?? SALE It ?? CONTRACT.~A.E y ~rAT C~i Three days, Three days. Any other Incisudiro, not tacladirig Fora Sal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vjartnrsjtips. 50jAT IR ELxparieitted workmanrn wants a PARTNER, to Sept, ok.&e. Address K 357, pdareurr-office.A p ~ £1. wrstd, inetbihdfnnilbuofoess. (apitsl 15,A DV ?? T.I'-zll is n ?? of a PARTNER isleepng ororoiira) A wuo otboist £5.J5I, in order to extend a good and safe merharejraj, t*-ness sfeoL 0 ecryole.- ?? xp-renou with the largest and best; tirms~. nfo sizt IL-. r tr1io r-LirrC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~T~t~lLJSE M'OP, WESLEYAN ~ IN-lil ?? ?? ac-vcrin, a LECTURE. wfill' if.tar- I jla', ,t! 'tXo soo.Ioruuei P-tr WesirranI 0 ?? .1% T N. F -a jc' ?? Now Turn satiu~ritissby hl C~al to be, taken at eigobt ~, i~~fbHOL'sV OLADSTONE'S ,,CSD~JDFUR LI EDS'flth LI stEiAL ELECTORS Na -L-: crl. wilt ?? its thle Minerr' Institute, York- u.i~tk~iiisYt. at 70 ?? Corin-cill)r~s -o theI a-t:ltstr the noest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *ituahiOns5, ?? 13 atncrs [;ip 5. T a PARTER acive orothricel. wxith ret let: 411 . the l~trseof usbec Jif~ ory valoabil patents £r~~7 ~ ons 001cc prfect tatorocr whoreQ used. FL-st- ~ .~rwisrafs Sa'!ln nd deA-4 ~n:in trill work) Ehown, B 1srrcnki gven totoni ftn r~nitwhti only. Apply$ J~ocla at do, A:'srrote.Ceio-iroe. ialitax. Fnr~ C'-emn'l end Rnezisteoo'i fent ist, Low-rood 1: pe.i ~ s-rw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iales bp uction 0 R K S H1 I R B HIOR S E and CARRIAGE J. REPOSITORY, LEEDS. Sale, 'Tuesday vext, M1arch Eleventh.ea Entries of all descriptions bf HMORSES, fAuRRAGES, HARNESS, ko., solicited as early as Possible to-day. _ ?? and SONS, Auttioneers and Proprietor h E 4302 a Th'is Dayr, at eleven oleek. r-6WBOCR sixty nahQUARTERLY .U ?? ONCUDI E sDAY'S SALE of the valalbleyUN.EDEEMED I'LEO)GES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~EP ADVER'rISEMTS (13aui aeme. ehevashn t bet reved-.%ftri the first insertion.) ?? WANTED, 5.AlARa7OETs TolE LET, JITUATIONS VACANT, PAI1TNERSMIPS WANTraD, 'A,.&.E2(T8 WANTZD, MONEY WANTED, S aos; rLNOoS WANTS,'E n OD ~OV7ER AND- OTno PI~M)ISES TO BlE LTO O ftnO1NtO A.ETOLES IyOL. SsALO BY PPJVATE CoONi11.o0. e Any otlier including not inclarding For a Saomrday, day baturday'. Saturday. week ...