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... FLOBILINE !—FOR THE TEETH AND BREATH.—A few drops of the liquid Floriline sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant MOur arising from decayed ...


... SCIENCE AND ART CLASSES Board Room of Town Hall. COMMITTEE :— Hr. 8. Perks, Chairman. Mr. Wynne, Treasurer. Rev. Duncan Macgregor, Secretary. Mr. E. Powell Jones. Mr. James Taylor. Mr. R. M. Preston. fffr. S. Pat-ry. Mr. J. D. Ainsworth. Tuesday evenings :-Short hand-7 p.m., Mr Rowlands; Drawing-8 p.m., Mr. Norbury. Thursday evenings: -Botany-6 p.m., Rev. J. Op-en Jones, B.A. Writing-7 p.m., ...


... ^u&tmssts. gCALE OF CHARGES i FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. j Auctions, Books, Trades, Amusements, end Charities. Seven lines awl under ''s- fi|- Per additional Hue 4d* j Miscellaneous—Public Companies, Legal Notices, Contracts, ...


... Epps's COCOA.—GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING.—By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfe,st tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save ua many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of ,diet ...


... Erahcsnun's GARDEN AND FARM SEEDS. Y. S T R A C H A N BEGS to offer a splendid selection of Flower, Vegetable, and Farm Seeds of the VERY BEST QUALITY PROCURABLE AT MODERATE PRICES. Collections of Vegetable Seeds from 10s. 6d. to 00a. Collections of Flower Seeds. Seeds of 20s. value and upwards, Carriage Free. Flower Seeds, Free by Post. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. An Illustrated ...


... Bitks Im Mr- s pe KHOSLLANERCHRUGOU. Mils, of Braobvj Plant, Household Furniture, and other Effects. ME. SNAPE will Sell by Public Auction, upon the Premise!?, at the LION IXX, Market- afcreet, Rhosllanerchrugog, ON MONDAY, 24TH MARCH, 1879, The uneftil BREWERY PLANT and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the property of Mr. Jehn Rogers, who is changing his residence. The Sale will comprise a compact ...


... Holloicay's Ointment and Pillv.-Rheumitism and Rheumatic gout are the most dreaded of all diseases, because their victims know that they are safe at no season, and at no age secure. Holloway's Ointment, after fomentation of the painful parts, gives greater relief than any other application; but it must be diligently used to obtain this desirable result. It has been highly commended by ...


... CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. of THE kinch, AID WHax OEOS?Kt), are insrtd in the f-mardia» on the folio win;; seale :— Twentv morris One insertion, Is three insertion?, & 8d six insertions, 4s Cd. Th'rtv words:—One insertion, Is 6d; three insertions, 4s; six insertions, 63 Gd. Fortv words:—One insertion, 2s three insertions, 5& 6d; six insertions, Gd. The abovo prices refor to advertisements ...


... Saks his Messrs. Baugli, Jono, & Co. SMITHFIELD, WREXHAM MESSRS BAUGH, JONES. & CO., wiii hold their next SALE of STOCK in the noove 4niithfielcil ON THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 18-1J. Stock already entered, viz :— A let of prime fat Beasts. A lot of useful Dairy Cows. Several fresh Barrens, Calving Heifers, and Short-horned Bulls. A nice lot of fat Sheep, Lamb3, Calves, and Pi-s. Sale at Ten o'clock. ...


... THE YEEINACULAR WELSH PRESS OF THE CHURCH. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. Silt,—Will you kindly indulge me with a small space in youf columns to deliver myself of the thoughts that have troubled me concerning the present state, influence, quality, and circulation of the Welsh periodicals, emanating from under the shadow of the Establishment, and fostered by her enlightened care ? The ...


... Pure, strong, and delicious Teas and Coffees -1 always be obtained at C. K. BENSON'S Family Gro~w» Stores, 14, High-street, Wrexham. jj7 ROSBACH WATER.-Best Table Water known. I prefer it to the other mineral waters before the puhlic. (Professor Wauklyn's Report). Sold everywhere, lieuil 6s. per dozen' pints; 8; p. r dozen quarts Original packages cont lining 50 quart siass bottles 29- or 100 ...