Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PUBLICATIONS. Third Editioin, wills numerous Adiations, 23. Gd. A RTIFICIAL TEETFI: Now orvi Wh'lor They shooil b~ e Adopted, and thle blaletrials of ?? they ahoeld b, ADAMIS PARKER, L.D.S.RO. S., LATE Sluiixooc-DFN'TI8T TO airE QUEFccs HosriArt. 10, OLD SQUABB. AUANx& coca. BlAY',N StrcS, lfirminlitliflh. 473 rVII E SELECT LIWISARY OF FICTI0N.-Originia A 2sb. and 31e4. ?? for Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. GOLD. 1 TO ~20 per weok certainly made by eitber sex. No dX lV capital required. Nothing to sell. mend stamp to AMERICAN Co., Patricroft, Mnnehester.s 1,700 2 X 4 MATSIM SI :,QEARE and sounld, at B4 10s. per 120]2 ft.; 33,0001}rn. 0 prepared yellowv at 1-S 17F, 6d. pet, stanidard; 3 x 7 battcins irom perstartdaEd. Aply to Rois:sor and SoNs, 36, TWELVE CARTES DE VISITE, 2s. 04; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... So be it (contimiled from the E-ifA TPale.) ~jILLIAM 'WALLIS, Ageut, hogs to state that the W SHIO1'3 adjoitting the Thl'atre. Sew' I~irl-nte,, are now ready brrctin -or teutatc and tniormnation respecting the~m, ?? p;1,i srt'-street. Leeds. AME:- CHARLES has to LET, in 'WeSt-street, a, TU--iAIC0ChO . Rent;£18. Good reason for leaving. Apply ruO BCD THIERS.-To LET, good HOUSE and S HOP. ri '¶ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MI ~Vibate Coa1ttact jrhousis. 9ain-O. etc. JBLEEDS rc'. CONTY ESTATE OFFICES EE For thne Sle. irrig, or Purl~uoe of T FTTJEIDiIi'NCE'. CS, dScVEMlPlS ~,TATE.5. and fAND), pyitlI V A T ETfLEA r (only). jxol'l WXB. IlWiode and ~:uu, -3,Lop of lark-row,9 toos .v jfNDE, P in I idSU0NY ?? Lbuy HO11USES. NTet t'riC-? a. I o~ E75 21, Park-row. _jr INDLEL aol SON bave, at Woodhiouse, two I9 Mi--S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VER TISEMENTS. PERFECTION.-Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER is offered to the Public with full confidence in its merits. Testimonisls of the most flattering character have been received from every part of the World. Over Forty Years the favourite and never-failing Preparation to Restore Grey Hair to its Youthful Colour and Lustrous Beauty, requiring only a few applications to secure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUPPLIED TO THE ROYAL FAMILIES OF ENGLAND AND GERMANY. IMPERIAIL ROSBACEI., ROSBACH WATER. THE BEST TABLE WATER KNOWN. BOTTLED AT THE SPRINGS NEAR HOMBURG. Professor WANKLYN, ?? &c., says ?? On August 5, 1878, and following days I visited the Springs at Rosbach and the bottling establishment of the Company, which was in excellent order. I consider Rosbach Water to be an admirable table ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Advertisemsent$ fo the PALL MALL GAZETTE ahwuld be sent to the V/ce before Hal/-past Ten ?? on the day of publication. AnnpjOJucefnts of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are inserted in the PALL MALL GAZETTE at a charge of Five Shillings. They may be sent through any Advertising Agency, Newsagent, or Librarian ; or, propetly authenticated, to the ?? of the PALL IIALL GAZETTE. The Subscription to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REAT EASTERN RAILWAY. NEWMARKET RACES. CRAVEN MEETING. April 15 to 18, 1879. FIRST, Sht.ONI), and TIHIRD CLASS TRAIN'3 will nts as o;der:- St. Paicras, Ltivrpool-,treet. Newmarket dep. dep. due. ?? *.6. . ?? . 55A.M. .33 AM. 7.3 A.M ?? 11 22 AM. P. 4.a5 A.M. 9.55 A.M. (Special) .. 51.3 A.M 9.45 A.M. 9.45 Ai.(Special, Ist1 11.45 A.M. class only)I, 10.15 A.M. .i0.5 i.M 0. 7 P.M 12. 30noon 1:2.35 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zrl,11c t4;bit ~Ittcftam.__ _ _ TlL A DY. 1 or%'.LE. OP ILT,1TTRAT~nFIJ)C GNic~ SAND ENG~RAVINGS. vl-NM 1,D N[EEU, l Co. XCTI lN. athe Ii'r.NKl AUOll i gi -t. ;0tieLIBRlARY of HlOOKS: irr~~~1tet i I.Irtol, by Sevoyr, Barrrett, Pr,-Crr Q' vusWvcl Noceir, 23 Vrils. it. Y''1~ inir, d, lnrperiAl Dictioniary, LAI. M 's It;la I'ath Works, very large;,V O.Winrlsor Pealeillo ntr ~ ..w i .1 Ar lt ally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS, The BRISTOL MERCUBRY AND DA IL PO8 to the Leading Paper in Ba-.stol the Went of EngLand, anE South Wat-s, PREe,&IDb ADVERTISEMENTS (CONSECUTIVE DAYS). One Three SLi 'Wkidh. insertion. Insertions insertlons. 18 8d. is, odd. ,.,,.. la. ed. 32 .,.. la. Od. 2s, oa. .. 3s. Od. 48 , , Is. d. s. Od .. . U 4d. Maul W AdcrtiOc5E alre Ciitiocnd against directinsg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . .. A AGNETIS M V. D IS E AS E. EDGAR WETTOY'S MAGNETIC WLihh hrve now becomle O f31110 1s for tha CUTE and RELIEFd 01' A$TIIA, BRIONCHI~TIS, and lumny Wohr Affections of thn CHREST jindl THRIOAT, INDI)51Ei1103 LIVLPR CO0VE- PLAINT', CON.,IATIN p~ E. LClTlTO N, rbO i SCIATICA, NREUIITALI~A, SPINAL 015 EASIIS, NERIVOUS n or GENeIbAL be CILITY, Dr., anil PREVENtheION of oEA MR. GEORGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B OwXS, PAMPLE~TS, &., NEATLY AND e £w~itboseiy PRNTERD a thde Sett.X; -Let MdI3g 7f% orks &>i a9, Doanogall lltyet5 Bt93.R't get ma1~~~~~~fts ItRem SERVANTS' REGSUTRIES. I W A1ITi1D (FOR SCOTLAND), FOR TERM, a gcod Plain Cook; one who can wash and assist In house work; Proteatant; good discharges; wages, £12 to £14. Also, a nnmber of good Ser. vants, for immediate engagements. Apply at the ...