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Advertisements & Notices

... 7'ALUABLE DISCOVERY for the HAIR.-A very V perfuco heirrcslul called the MEXICIAN HAMtI no big od ost chemist ?? Shochout the coantry, at.9 se. po rbott Is, fast supers ediniq all th old restorers and dyes Sor the purposo riniging grey or white hair to its natural original collour for it will positively restore the hair Is everycase of groyne'ss to its 'originel Motour wiout diei It or levng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d BIRTHS, MARRIAGE8, AND DEATHS. n The fortieth reportof the Registrar-General of Births, x Marriages, and Deaths in England for the year 1877, r h9s been issued. The statistics are prefaced by the . following remarks:- a The year 1873 presented a remarkably high marriage d rate which since that year has declined to a low point; nnd . in that has followed the depression of trade according to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . SPRING CLEANING, &o,, &f. SOX'S EXTRACT OF SOAP GOLD Gained the GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, and the IG1EST MEDAL PARIS EXHXBITION, i I 7i ftor all lVashing and Cleaning purposes. FAM)ILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. geleryichere in lb., i. and I-lb. PacIets. [3435 tILOES I NOTI;D ! ! GLOVES I I T .C -rPSONS TWO.BUTTON FRENCH KID, fSait~nn and Sizrpesice Hailfscsiny ; by post Ro stamnspe. Greens, Prune, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROBERT CASSELLS OLIPHANT. HIIE PARTY WHO ADVERTISED FOR T Mr. ROBERT CASSELLS OLIPHANT In the Australian papers some time since will bear of him by applying to WILLIAM O'KEEFFE & SONS, Solicitors, 4, NaesAu Street, Dublin. 4883 MONEY. £500 WANTED, TO BORROW, FOR A aD500 term of Five Years, at 6 per cent.; will be invested in a safe and remunerative busineafs, and good solvent security given. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GuVERNMENTS STOCK TIL INV ESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1872. Paid-p ' Ulpitpil ?? .. 500,000. IN ?? ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 6. . Cent. for FIvE Years and upwards. 5 per Ceut. for ONE Year and upwards. Less than One Year acoordissg to Bank rates. Deposit Notes issued under the Seal of the Company, with cheques or coupons attached for the half-yearly interest. SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ril,)st1Ij1T(,U5RI.Il,,a. Otr ieeoiurilte L Se~ou 0rI r vt~ Cehax wily r oto.2ii.W -vrrp ?? ?? Libe. e r r , I r A ' I I E ~ ?? xrton, MIt ie Daxte 5, Bte'. * Jly l ?? 5 . .,0t ?? .s5 . 50t' . Iu e6 Inillee onf,,1racter an(I zT 'dttI ~URAICEbA% t ' I gf Itroc *H fla 22 .jtt;Emgl;S' t25a,,lr' to oJt~t~ SPAR'£' TEdAltadl t ( oprenat~l~lai (,iiierate' l -t Aprt': tsit,~f l =:o ntittatt~l, C~it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f IOPIfIlt miiL3 DO5 015(, Inl (lxVciitib'g tsr ioll rlild a itvolt tihe Oltiicos ol thle Notlbicuil) Echo1, pllo'lirrgtOulr Stochien, 1lidldlobruiigh, UlrrtlopOll trirt West llirrtlsl' rh W I OST AND FOUND. OS1, DLitold Tan CUR DOG Finder will be R1wrded.-APPII. (3. G. ALODOII, Cowton. 2224, OCS, on SUn dIy, April 2z0t, a Wh te GlhY- - tOUND BITCf, age 1 yea; tail rather rough, ani aerres it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ra' ' ?? ?? i;; r.ALe ., -- -. ?? . - . It is not waste of money to ?? leodcon, even if the moau( for doing so must be carefelly econowised frstm other- expeni ture. No investment which can be mnanle in a familv w dill bri greater or more lasting returns. It will cale Wonie more atttractiveiandsavemore expenlsiveandadanrerousaii en' The Melodeon is very easy to play upou-uuore sO than an' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ClOELDE'S ANTIBILIO1US PILLS..1 'LJ . 1 usoe78year: FORB INDIGESTIOM. . .n boree at Is. 13d.. 2u.69d., 4s. Cd., and lIn, ( OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS .PILLS. PFOn BIIOUS AFFECTIONS. In boxes at Is. ltd., 2S. ui se. M, and ls. i9a~L:E'S-ANT ?? BPIL.. w ?? uno 15 years. FOR LIVER COtMiLINTS,.: In boxes as ls. lid., 2s. 9d.tds. Cd,, and Us. T MOWLE'S agH LORODYND XI . Qves pad RD88DD f in DIARRHEaiA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALKATI AND SODA, WORKS A UPPER RAfGETOW CARDiFF. TE' GROOWES OU1?. SHITP CHANDLERS. OWNERS OF dEM Bb5SR, AND OTHRS.- GEORGE DOBSON Wishes It to be known that he Manufactue SODA CRYSTALS, ?? haeR bO gd to upply a guateed good Foro in uantities above S ct. at D0 which; will cam A pete with an Chemial Wor9 Kfingdom, ?? Cask ol 2 cw. sent to any staio In onu Wales on recipt od P.0.0, tor 1Q. 3 - ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VER TISEMENTS. 15.-In return for Post Office Order, free and safe by post, one of BENNETT'S GENTLE- blEN'S GOLD WATCHES, perfect for time, beauty, and workmanship, with keyless action air igt, damp-tight, and dust-tight,- JOHN BENNETT, 65 and 64, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. COCKERELL'S COALS.-Best Wailsend, 30s; Waflsend, Class B, 28s.; Best Inland, 5sa.; Inland, Class% B3ss.: Nuts, 201. Coke, 13s. ...