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Advertisements & Notices

... for 8s. Od. each. THEATRIPAL FRENCH BOOTS and SHOES-- T THE PARISIAN BOOT STORES have just opened a London Depot at No. 4, CRANBOURN-STREET, where Artists will find, at very moderate charges, Superior FRENCH BOOTS and SHOES, warranted' made at their Paris ...

Advertisements & Notices

... quotations, and: shall be glad to forward samples and terms on .cpplieation:- Sa. , East Kent Golding.. 2 10 to 5 15 . Mid Kents ,. .. c 2 0 to 4 0 I Weald of Kent .. 1 10 to 412 ?? ,. 1 0 to 3 5 ?? ?? 2 10 to 5 0 Bavarians- 210 to 4 15 'Yearlings, English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vWest of Vnglnid-Apply to C n, 36, Mark-lane,London 1l3 ROC., stating London reference. [6122 rlBf. E W i ANTED, SittIngs of GOLDEN PHEASANT HEN EGGS, ireet 1' pare brced.-Price and particulars to Albany-villa, 163 Blsbopston. [135 eall- XTZANTED, a good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mataa Soatton. Groat linoteon Baitoesy. T01'IENtIAIO. ?? YottOo. No.. land 0,Aihooto attino. ?? noend.iood. doe, to autot ml (boot Booteron Itoliwoty Blailnna, roni.Iooiotat so-eon rontito. with ?? and stehilne. Rent £30. Loose aheot ?oaos (Ornood-onool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... god TWest of kriglaud. -Apply to C B,36, Markicafle, Le4~l and B.C., stating London referesce. 5U I aten WANTED,Sltttlngs of GOLDEN PHEASILNT HEN lOG dS Ila T T pure breed.-Price and particulars to AlbAny.vili, C 33isbopstinn. [3 IX ANTED, a goa)d Second-hand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... London Firm in the West of Snglnd.-Apply to B, 36, AMark-lane,Londen, E. Ea stating Lodon reference. [612?, ATED, Sittings of GOLDEN PHEASANT HEN EGGS, pUre breed.-Price and particulars to Albany-villa, Bishopston. [135 W ANTED a good Secondhand CRANK AXLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... deet.-celonel. honorary Seoretary. HOSPITAL FOR 3DISE:ASES OF TR= TnROAT AND CHEST, Golden.ScQUare. W. Soutlern lranch-7. Newington-butts, S.F. rrflE maiu to tal (Golden-square) is ?? daity at B ,10.0. audt on 'bouosdlev eveming at 6.30. Tite qra ,lew~lo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... con- bahom w ?? good yard; garden'ln front. Just painted and papered. Kent 925.-Apply 42, High-street, - Wavertree. ItMYlt I, XREN-obe ea pair of VILLAS, clorse to Arawilvey i tation. Kent £28 and X515. Containing two r pairlouts. kitchPons, &c ; four bedrooms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... glseu. oh neotoers. dooneutin uhotilO. aood oolen00.-htoy be ,leono'l thu doy prior lo? and morobogo of rain cci cotnlogoos boot ohm orradrl, on too ore. - mioco. nod at tho udlotu of lion AooclbnnOooo of Cbsrloos.rross, 5?W. II Tho deniroblo oldonue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8-45 A.M. 4P.M. I 7 pm.. WM. BA1N. D CO Loeb Street, and 44 Union Place. A Notice to Debtors sad Creditors. r G EORGE MORRIS, BOOT AND SHOE MAXER, Cumiaestown, Monquhitter, having granted a 'T'rast I Deed for behoof of his Creditors, all parties having CLAIMS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vino de Pqto. ,,cibilnn's. Doinerceff. (el l Tavily. Fino Fino. Fi:neTaw nV, very old, Old Eset India Brown. in wood. Light Golden. Fire old Madetrs St. Jnlier., St. incimion. and 3ldoo, )lareta, to doren Chsampagne, In qeertr and Dpits; Ohablie, Jchan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Books and Auctioneers' Job Lot Circular post free.-Henry May, Birmingham. 1280 1Y WANTED, LEFT OFF CLOTHING to any extent- Boots, tYV tl Furniture, &c,--Mr. and M1rs. Dove, 7 and 8, Sims's. alley, Brondmead. [431 Se mo'90 RETAILERS OF TEA.-Wanited, everywhere ...