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Advertisements & Notices

... I'REPA1I) ADYiER'T'SMENT,[,.s fcOiJQ1'.'J']3N l\'OflfS 1'f Ol SP~1?JNCE, Tin-co Inaertions, 16 5d, - 16 to 21 vwor;.s, Ono Inseclion, is Od Thoco do; 2s QdI fs'to EU ,, ,, las d ,, Os Z0dd Ol to il ,, , 2s c ,, 5s Od iFor i'uoinederinantiaucd C'lasses o; AdvertisenlenlO: I -Lost aud Foun~d, Situaltions6 Agencies, do., wsantcd o otLrord; Asuntincnts, Lodgirgo, or Btoard, san~todY or offe cd; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' ATnS: 3 S Jind &ld for eclooy additional Nliue Werd0sY.. I ttiROQlueOCCWOI)I muet 'oa lnutliitlcfted by tbomy.O and R ddreBB Ql the sender, Potatlge eteoxys ucoly be. Sent In naymout. ne BIRTHS8. RIMLr.v-JuzO 15, at Wylain Ootta1oe WVyiro-on' = Tyuo, N orthumberland, the wife of `tC.sgravo Ridloy, rEc., of a daughter. DEATiTH. 161DDLFTee.qApril 22, at Cawnoero, of t3 PLOW fever, *,W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRE NORHflER-N ECHO. .UlVLIS, ll PdlL}' (HACiFT SUNDAY'S). CHAlGES FOrt ONE ADYVERTISE ElINT, S.d) d .I s.d. Ilio o .. 0 0 6S to 41 . 4 oLine , 6 Sine. 1: 05 to 6LinesB 2 0 ,41id civu raire fil Ze1jinIc bovo ni.- I.O1q CON(,r nC UTlIE JINSE1UTONS. to ll rti. ..p. . er Lino. Ito ad ) _ pU3BLIC NOTICES. T A CAPEL, NORTH- A , fMtf TL OPf ODL Pii WVl\i._ -.D(AY, 11th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING AND EMIGRATION. N 'A A N L IN I D J t1 I ROYAL 3MAIL STEAMERS, nl - 5 LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, as follows:- CI OlTY OF BERLIN ThursdayJnne 12. CITY OF MONTREAL. Tu. Tuesday, June 17. C OITY OF lICH.'OND . Thursday, June 26. C CITY OF CHESTER . Tu.,. eTnesday,July 1. t CITY OF BRUSSELS . Tuesday, July 8. From Queenstown following day. , Saloone roplete with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITE NOR'THtERN ECIIO. FUE1L18HED DAILY (EXCET SUNDAYS). CHrArEO1S FORl ONE ADVEISTISBEflNT. v. d. I9, ~~~ed. ILin.e. 0 01 Sto 4LInes. .1 6 2Lhins .. 010 to 6Lines I. 8 0 All( lmj,Tenlee for' er-eqi Line above Six. 1OICONSJ2CUTIiE INSERLTIONS. i10 5In1Dlrin. .1. 4d p jr Line, umISC NQOTICES. ~j~uU~1)S REARD. -The ~'~1VO rwaidvol bepaidto oyareto who ~ Prwl 1I5La r-tul~a o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRE NORTHERTN ECHO. 1'UBLJS.11 ED DA4IL' (EXCEPT' SUNDAYS). CHAIRGES FOr; ONE ADVEflTISEiUENT. Lines .. - I6 ttoLines * 0 nd71r(oo pteure for ereol; Line sbove Srx. rOl' CONSECUT1IE INSERTIONS. tto d51 u s ctiono. 4dtper Liao, 1Ctolu ., ,..,,,,. 3! to 2t7 .. C,, _~ ~ t _ __ _ __ _ PUPLIC NOTICES. ,RT OFS I'ULL SOCIETY'S tj. 5.1U ASD il;iSFIEN'S ORPHAN liU lpor 't ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREPAID ADl)VIRTISBAEM ~N'TS. PVU1ETEER?1 WVOIRDIS FO0R SIXPELNCEIl. Threo Insortions, Is 8d. to 22 words, Ono Insertion, Is Od Threo do, 2S 0.1 tof so , is id be Osa B to e , 28i 03 6 OaOd For the undermentioned Classes of Advertisements: -Lost and lFounid, Situations, Agencics, &e., wanted a offered; Apartmonts, Lodgings, or Board, Nwoated oroirosed; Ilonoy uWairted or to land, Specific ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING AND EDOAIURATIUN I - We 2 p EST HARTLEPOOL STEAM 1 NAVIGATION COMPANY'S 1 EGUJLAl LUNE OF STEAMERS o T Rii G yver Wednesday tid Satarday, aud regular salling to GOTHENBIURG durioatlie measoni -usual casuOtias excapted. Splendid accommodation 3 for paseangors,-For iwfhor informstion aply totac d SHIPPING AND EMIGRATI'ON. n RJ fUY1A NAA b ' NIn a, ROYAL MAIL ~~~STEAME!RS, Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t SHIPPfIG Afl) EMIGRATlUN. D - * J LIMERICAN LINE. - UNITED STATES MAIL STEuAMEiOS, 1. 46t .s I RPOOL TO PUILADELPHIA, n EVfERY EtDNF.SDAY. -Firt,-olasg, lull-poveredt 1. Iron Stoaruships. Acconinoeladioa for PaEsengers 0 equal to aiiy E9uropean line. Passengers and Goods 0 laiided at Philadrelphin on the Wharf of the Porn. !, 8ylvraul Railroead. 1ltt 1 TIMi SILO TEsT AoD BEST t ROUTE ' TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING AND EIVIIGRAr11DN. 4lITE STAR LINE.-ROYAL /d1 I t~~V )NUNITE5D ST_.ATESA.I~tL NAST MAIERS.-LIVERt1tOOL to NEW yON EVIERY W~bltitC ON TUESDAY OH TIHURS. .Yfrorn QOUEENSTOWN on the following day, fnrivarding Paseougera to ail rarts of the United Strntes aud Canada. Unacqualed for short and rega !ar Pnassa-gos, and completeneso of provision for Pas. ;ougorb, soliety and comfort. Apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PlEEPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. FOU]ITEEN WORDS FOul SIxP ECE. Three Iusortions, Is 8d. a 15 to 22 wordB, One inueltioD, ls Od Three do, 2s Od et 2S to 80 ,,I,, s Oil , ei Od SI S to N) 2s00 O ,,i 4sd W T 46t6 ,, ,, 2s 6d ,, Us Odl For the undermentioned Classes of Advertisements: -Lost and Found, Sitgations, Agencies, &c., wantedA o offered; ApartirnoUtB, Lodgings, or Board, warted oroffered; Money ...