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Glamorgan, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... A PUZZLING CASE. A correspondent writing, says :—A singular case it very-much-marrying came up before the Borough nagistrates London, on Monday. Henry Mosforth iVas charged, by the direction of the Nottingham Board of Guardians, with neglecting to maintain his Fife, and the chargeability was proved. On being tpoken to by the relieving officer, before the summons ivas taken out, said he would ...


... THE ZULU TIL ''j MOVEMENT IN ADVANCE. The Oapt Times in its latest telegram published the steamer was leaving on May 6th says:—Oii Saturday morning Clyana's people crossed the Tugela at Ulyana's Drift, about nine miles above the Lower Tugela, to gather in the crop. They were fired on by an ambush of Zulus. They then retired, and re- ported to Captain Lucas, who sent 500 border guard natives ...


... ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR. THE BOROUGH ELECTION. SIR,-The election days are approaching — Lord Beaconsfield only possibly knows how near they are. It is to be hoped that when the time comes, those who assume to lead, will not introduce as a fit and proper candidate to represent us in Parliament any one but a believer in the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His ...


... CANADIAN RAILWAY DINING CARS. While attention is being directed to the scantiness and dearness of the accommodation in the dining rooms connected with our railway stations in this country, it is refreshing to see what the energy of our Canadian brethren is doing in the matter of railway refreshments. Not content with drawing-room and sleeping cars, a novel addition has been made to some of ...


... THE CABLE TO THE CAPE. Among the parliamentary papers issued, is the agree- ment mcvde by the Government with the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance and Eastern Telegraph Companies. The agreement provides that the cable between Durban and Zanzibar shall be open for the transmission of messages by the end of July, and tho portion between Zanzibar and Aden by the end of December of the ...


... LONDON CORRESPONDENCE: But one topic occupies London—the »d flow# which the wires from Madeira flashed to tii that thfl Prince Imperial had fallen beneath the assegais of the Zulus. Wherever you go no other subject is dis» sussed, and regret, genuine and hearty, find expres» sion on every side. I feel bound, however, to recofd! that, with the deepest sympathy for him and hii now crushed and ...


... The Royal party left Windsor on Monday travell- ing by a special train on the South-Western Railway, at the niiinitcs past five, and reached Chislehurst at 6.10. The Queen was accompanied by Princess Beatrice, Prince Leopold, and the Marchioness of Ely us Ladv-in-Waiting. Preceded by two outriders, the distinguished party drove slowly to Ely House, uud it is satisfactory to note that the ...


... Shortly after half-past ten o'clock on Sunday morning a destructive fire broke out at the extensive works of Messrs. Joshua Crook and Sons, cotton epmners, Springfield Mills, Blackburn Street, Bolton. The firm is one of the oldest in the town, having been established early in the present century. The mills are three in number, and contain an aggregate of about 80,000 spindles. The fire broke ...


... Serpents are said to obey the voice of their mastel. The trumpet-bird of America followed its owner like a spaniel, and the jacana acts as a guard to poultry protecting them in the field all day from birds of prey, and escorting them home at night. In the Shetland Isles there is a gull which defends the flock from eagles; it is therefore regarded as the privileged bird. The chamois, bounding ...

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... The death ia announced of Mr. Craven Robertson, the well-known impersonator of Captain Hawtree Caste The deceased visited Birmingham some weeks ago, but was unable to appear, owing to an attack of illness which resulted in his death at Aston, ^oloneTSge Chesney, R.E. presidentf of the Royal Indian Engineering College, at Cooper s Hill, contradicts the report that it is in contemplation to ...

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... Friday being the anniversary of the Queen'c accession to the throne, the occasion was celebrated with the customary rejoicings. The Congregational Union of Englafid and Walet will hold its annual meeting this year at Cardiff October 18 and four followinc davR. A gentlemen styling himself Father Christus, whose proceedings of late have aroused considerable iuriosity at Wells, has appeared at ...

[No title]

... A monument to John Knox is to be erected in •! '^contemplation, by the Board of Admir- altv, to allow Royal Navy lieutenants full pay during their probation at the Royal ^aval College, at [ kr2bout°ten thousand persons attended a demonstra- I tion held at Milltown, Roscommon, in favour of a reduction of rents. Imitation pike heads and b&n. ners, were carried in prooeesion. HAPPY DAYS! There is ...