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Cardiff Times


... 1879 187S In. De B. e. 4. JB SouLhEMterti 38:'¡;; 3'}749 5179 Loudon.Brighton.&S.C 5PS07 3H47 tCtRO Lancashire aiij Yorksfure 6222!j ()0865 1361 Rltyllllley 2643 2S21 273 Mtdtama. 1 i4:i:J5 Metropolibu ir6,i, 10431 225 Met,rot)o]i),:UtDistrict. (i -.13 6383 1:{3 Taff Vale 8 7 — 340 elia,i-tli littrbou, &,e. MM MM — 153 Pembro]¡e and 'fenbv 493 517 — 57 Br&eona.udMerthyr' 1H2 1191 — 7S ...

THE WEEK'S MARKETS, ----.......,.

... The annual meeting of the Mutual Assurance of the Police Force of England, Scotland, and Wales, was held in S dford on Tuesday. Mr Strettou, deputy chief constable of Cambridgeshire, pre- sided. The number of mell! belE! was reported at 7,430, and upwards of £ 3,400 had been distri- buted to widows r^l nominees during last year. The finances are so healthy that it was agre-'d to have three ...


... FOUR CHILDREN IN A BURNING PIGS'-COT. TERRIBLE SCENE. A CHILD BURNT TO DEATH. On Wednesday night, four children shut them. selves up in a pigs'-cot on Lord Windsor's estate, in the parish of Bromfield, and commenced play- ing with lucifer matches. Some straw caught fire, and the pigs'-cot was soon in flames. The eldest child ran out and left his companions to their fate. A man named Jones ran ...


... At a sale in Paris, a missal bequeathed to Queen Catherine, wife of Henry V. of England, by her father, Charles VI., and afterwards the property of Henry V-1., Henry VII.. and Ileury VIII., was bought by a Paris bookseller for 76.000f. A manuscript which belonged to Mary Queen of Scots fetched 10,000f. The five days'sale realised 633,000f., and a fourth portion next May is ex- expected to ...


... Archdeacon Ffoullier and Mr Hanbu.y Tracy, M.P., were present on Wednesday at a Sunday closing meeting. gyThe members of the International Literary Congress, at the invitation of the Mayor, visited Shakespeare's birthplace on Monday, and in. spected the newly-erected memorial buildings. On Monday a petition in liquidation was filed in tho Wakefield County-court on behalf of St. John's Colliery ...


... 1ST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Holy Communion at 8.39, 1$IORNING AT 11- Chants C. L. Willitnis AFTKRNOONat 3.30— Cook in C, Anthem, Judge me, O God. Mendelssohn. Caiioii in Itesidenco, Rev. II. Hawkins. ...


... TAFF VALE BILL. Yesterday (Thursday) the Select Committee to which this Bill had been referred re-assembled at 11 o'clock, Lord Stafford fpresiding, and resumed the hearing of evidence. Mr Wetherhel, one of the directors of the Great Western Colliery Company, objected that an arrangement on the faith of which he spent his money should be altered. If the railway company were invested with such ...


... MERTHYR. FOUND DROWNED.—On Thursday afternoon George Bates. 51 years of age, an old man in the fish trade, wa.s found drowned in the Glamorgan- shire, a. short, distance below Parliament look. Bates, when taken out, as lyins in the water, his face downwards. The poor old; man was widely and deservedly respected, and how he got into the water is unknown. An incmest will be ...


... CARMARTHEN ENDOWED SCHOOLS The new scheme for the future conduct of Car- marthen Endowed Schools, which for a long time, has been under the consideration of the various bodies and individuals interested, has at last been definitely settled. Under its provisions each of the local public bodies have the power of appointing a certain proportionate number of governors, who hold olfice, without re ...


... RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. iOii. THE PAST WEEK. 1879 1878 In. De ze. e. 4. £ South Eastern 421;G 434!;3 1317 London. Brighton. & S. C 39310 509>o — 11615 Lancashire and Yorkshire 80030 63935 21)35 — 2699 2002 203 135) 3 113165 Metropolitan 11109 10570 539 MetroDolitan District 65C8 6260 248 8310 t'319 429 Penarth Harbour. &c. 02} 1886 143 Pembroke anil Tenbv 504 510 Brecon and Merthyr 1038 1194 ...


... RIFLE OOMPETITION AT NEW- PORT. SWANSEA V. NEWPORT. T'oe return match between theee teams took place at the County Range, on iiaturday after- noon, at'200 and 5J0 yards, seven ehots each. T lie weather was thick &ul not favourable to good shooting. The Newport proved the winners by 38 poiuAa. The ranges weis 200 and b&0 vards. Tite tKsvrioK was as £ oliowv kbwport. Laeutenant Bryan, Srd 4!oa ...