Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IJB Eb1E ATh O F T HlE P RIii 6 EL. 1I1PERILAL IMPIIOVJII CONDITION OF TILE to EMPREFSS EUGENIE,.ia VISIT OF IIER MAJESTY THE QUEEN to- P115>5 ASSOCIATION TELW5UAM.]si I am exceedfingly glad to be able to ifr.M *readers that the improved state of health of the Iex-Empress Eugenie which was visible last evening Me wvas rendered moer favourable by a good night' a e re~t and the faithful ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATH OF -PRINCE LOUIS NAPOLEON. (BY SUBMAUM TiLGRAPH.) (FD.OM 001 OWN COBBREOONDNT.) at PABIS, MOC N IAM . T The Wase newo of the death of the ?? E Eugfnie was extensively circulated in ol Paris and Versailles. The Pays, instead of fraikly f4 denying the report, says there is no preclse con- re firmation of it. Prince Murat proposes to go to Madeira to cs meet tbe ship with the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THEHE]T. PRINC E PRINC LOUS f .NAPOLEON. 8 I .. . : vfho ave s yetbeento th houe areloudin thir p aie ANNOUNCEMENT EMPRESS. TO THEL ESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN. On the melancholy intelligence reaching the ox- Empress's household at Chislqhurst, early yesterday morning, steps were at once taken to prevent the Empress receiving the information suddenly, and hence it was determined to prohibit the ...

Glasgow Herald

... FRIDAY MORNING. Jose 13. Four days' later news hand from South Africa. to the of attempt had made to advance into Zululand, and another change iu I»rJ Chelmsford's plant menaced, bis ir.tcutu>ii now being to enter the territory by a lower route than that Conference Hill. There further news the ]«rt of Otewayo, and it is stated that the have collected in force at L'nlini. Probably the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE PRINCE IMPERIAL. VISIT OF THE QUEEN TO THE EMPRESS. In the Roman Catholic chapel at Chislehurst MLonsignor Goddacd celebrated mass on Sunday morning, and preached from Peter 1, chap. v verses 6, 7. 8. Alluding to the death of the Prince, the preacher ?? to his statting I wrote him a letter, reminding him that it was the season when all true Catholics approached the altar, and did ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 8IPRT}I, MIANRIAaJS, AND DEATPI8: - 'wQ Lnxes, on lG W~onne,le 6d. .and Gd for every additional Nino Worde. jrbflflcolftaent3 mut be antitentioated by thoname and addreee oS the 6ender. Poetage 3tamp3 laay be enut iD paymeont. ' IB¶IRS. fi.LIsoil,-jtflG 24, the wife of William Alh'eofl of lftlvlogtou, Thlrak, Yorkabhire, barrietet-at-lawv, of a ExTsa -Jun~e 25, at the Palace, Exeter, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 33irtbs, jllarrnaqc;, ano Bats CHARGED AS ORDINAIRY ADVERTISEMENTS, At the following rates:- Two LxnmES, oB 18 WonDs, 1S. (In., And Cd. for every additional Nine WVordss. ?? euch announememnts must be authenticated by the name and address of the sender. 1: ostage stamips may be sunt in payment. '3 irtlli. &rDnRcTOor.-On June 2nd, at Clecihelton, the wife of Chnrles P. Andeetos, of a son. B ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .* Announcements of Births, ond Marriage can- nomiceneent6,1eisll Alo iardya attatheJ, oare charged as Adi'ertisecmeats. BIRTII. BRYANT.-1Sth iust., at Whitton, Ipswicb, the wife of J. ll. Bryant, of a daughter. . ARRIAGES. GnEzNwooD-LAW5VBNCc.-26tIh ult., at the English Cathodral, Quebee, William Henry, fourth son of Robert Ellington Greenwood, Esq.. of Sloe Hlouse, e Hlastead, Essex, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... trtiixls, 361arla.3f, all) ?? d CHARGED AS ORDINARY ADVERTISEDENTS, At the following rates:- Two Lruirs, On 10 WonDS, 19. Lo. 0o And Cd. for evwry additional Nine Wordg. A UA sneb announcements mast be authentieated by the namne and a address of the seuder. lostago ?? r ay be cent in peymont. ?? ?? 1lhcces-BoXD.-Dn Tuesdty, the 17th irst.. at St. An.-ostine's, Scis- mn 6ett, the Rtev. Edivard ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... toBIRTHS. At 3. River Street, Brechin. on the 26th inst., the wife of .JOHN Course, mnanager. Valley worsts, of a son. - BMARRIAGES. iech At16 Albert Street, Leith Walk, Edinnur,,h. by the Rev. J. C. M'Phal, tuirsa Cow, forester, L angiron, to ISA5ItLI.A, rnIdaughter of the late Alex. M'Lean, Achan ur, Nairushire. us At the West Parish Chutrch, Ruth;ergien, on the -27th inst., by the Rev. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... not- BIRTHIS. ° At Banlk of Scotland, Stoneisavenz, on. 23rd in-taco, Mrs 1 iSa- MARTIN, of aso50n. cliC~ M1A.RRAGES. oth At 233 Unliod Street, Aberdeen, (,n Ti's layS,24th 1instant,! by the Rev. George H. ltrnigh:, Free Sos tii Church, Gn. at,;:| lad- DAVIDSON;, Atrulee, to SARAHs ELIZAREFTII, yoUnger daugthter ofIs the late W illiam Williamson, Esq. of llreadalbanoe, Au~stralia.i rer- At the ...


... ROYAL CINQUE YACHT CLUB The regatta this club oommruced yes . a strong wuth-west brevxe. in bia cutter aa, • match resulted Arrow i lortuo'a Toe .. t- ; three start, ana the Arrvw y ovesh , but coula not eaten her. uu Uie u*t w »*•*- * dead run the Varoe tl awuin i : anip. and tneu beat back to Dover I« ...