... nTHE POLlUE (X)URTa I. B B QB O UGO;W-ST}RElT, ?? .Dtqckwel surgical i'istrument maker, Great i d Cor-streat was exgod on a warrant, before 'Ur. I ,d Newton,.wtth unlawfully causing bodily harm to tis ?? cowjplaupant statod that o F4y left her bushnd aesuO aome and told her to keep quiet, afd he o then steunk her ou the side. Io struck her repeatedly s7-terwax~s, and in consequecoe of his ...


... BIREENHEAD COPT 3 I lTRATES' COUKEf MONDAY, J-E 3E IlEFORE MESSRS. W. as. AsLoE A1 CujaRGn OF BREAKlNG INTO r; James Quigley bhrckmasiser, Dee* et two 8o0s, t2omas and Joeeph Q'1iie Wjillims, arabourer, liv ing t N Fe 'on euselcion of ?? brokel in-a Ferry 0telandetolen alf atgaeld C empty bottlea.-Mr. 'N .bar Sted morrig, the lsth instant. bediver ballroom, whica was situate la the i the ...


... Match eren*ng George Graham, London, played a match «|unit* with Haddow Khettksio:! tjuoit ths game wm at yards, and the wiuuiug uumbrr. Haddow wai favourite in th« Mine. and *L*rt got a capital ad, and a*, head wm 14 4 cr»-. litest «>r.iham The latter then made a tine run li «k»n and ansuiued the lead. This only kept for one and a fine give aud take gatne canned rill they 24 to If.widow up. ...


... THE ATTEMPTED MURDER AND SUTICDE I AT WORCESTER Yesterday, at the Prison. William Henry Ballard, baker. of Wolverbausptoin, and formerly of \Xrorcester, was for. fmay charged with attempting the lifo of Suean Little and alsocutting hisownithrolit. It will be'rernembered that Ballard wias sumnimoned to appear at the Shire aill on 'T'uesday last, to show cause why hie should miot contrbilute to ...


... Ws QUEEN'S BENCEH DIVISION-MoND'AY, thf [FROMt OUR SPECrAL REroRTtR] [Before Mr. Justicef O'Beelr and Juettles FcrTZ CO GER6LD and E!ArtmY] at;, ELUISON AND WFl'J V. NXlLL, SlACiflL HUM.PHREY, r ANDP ROBERtT HUMPHREIY. Mr. CuausN, for the plainatIff, applied that the time and modej of trial in this action should lie oeV fixed. It was an action to admlitister the real andwa personal estato of ...


... LIVERPOOL P?tt? MONDAY MONDAY JUNE A Seuanzs ?? dirty-lookiing Pmta ?? and with w mand , waebarged With i prosecutor saad tha e an S-s' > ° I ergse-view, and tede , Ca sdy morning De and bets WIthSare 1 ,Inhen the prison eroI a Btui4 Be with something. It llet a ?? temple and the SJ her blast anjttq found a knife at the fct of e. : ' ?? asked what hIoal, 1 , th cr 5 f or tt: 're wished for a ...


... THE EUSTON 4SQUARE MURDER. & tf *14 4. - - ?? £X&2 2.J M- 1 --±. The Junce session of tbe Central Criminal Court was i opened yosterday morning. Tbere are 73 male and 12e female prisoners for trial, aud the calendar contains three charges of marder. The principal cases to be disposed of are the charges against Catherine Webster for the murder e at Richamond, ?? Hannah Dobbs ior the Eustou ...


... FOLICE INTELLIGENCE. ot IRFECTED MEAT. -At Cardiff. police. Hi ,ufr court, ion Monday (before the Mayor, Mro RA. 0.W hin Jo-a, and Alderman H. Bowefi). ?? en Iobaind a orer or hedestru~ction oftwo ar I ea'sees of pigs, which had been suff-ering from thi typhoid lever, The owner, John Murrs;, had H( en5 of communicatod with the inspector about the meat ms ae the in the firat'plfce. He was unow ...


... iAW INTELLIGINKG& . ?? - HIGH OOURT OP Ut~OZ. Qun1~ws BENCH: bIvisiON 8tgain Bum.-(Batore Just~ic~s U and Vaniaty.) a ii this cmec rue bad beers obi;ained b~y'ki. Q. HaSU, on hbax fo F~idoWilln, fora rule ?? a~bneas - opp to oritig u the bodies Qf his tvo - IarJrvia Wills andzwa~ue ;ervia Wills-=gd~eatvl y oeveand inie, nw wn the cnetody of &onrawt Joe il wi. E.i babetb ?? residin3g at ...


... PElTTY SESSIONS REPORTS. BECCLES. Bar POL1CS COURT, Friday, June 27.-Before Rev. It. C. sohi Denny (chairman), John Crisp, and W. E. Crowfoot, a Eliqrs. A Atleged Theft. - Iubert Gostling, Beocles, weS charged with chan steallag ?? cap, value de., on the l3th June, the property 27ti of John Gooeb, of Bueenos, marlne store dealer. P Tue prienoer was committed for trial at the ensuing Quarter a ...


... DISTRICT SESSIONS, ST. HELENS. I Prb Ycsterday, Elizab~eth Warren was ?omui~tted to gaol for three mionths as a disorderly person, sbe having Arfibi been 41 times previously convicted. Joseph Targe Was Lient lined 69. and costs fr re uigto quit the licensed Martz pre~e efJ ?? he. Hope and Anchor Inn, Cruet! Windle city, and was also fined is. and tcratl and Is. Cram, dsns ge for bsrsalslng a ...


... THE EUSTUN-SQUARE MURDE.L At yesterday's sitting of the Oenutml riminal e Court, ths Recorder in his charge to the gsnd juV,, af whom Mr. Thomas Ihaggett was elected foreman. sad he d wa son? to inform them that the calendar contaied the z names of a rather large number of prisouers, and he vws Wm alllo s r to id tt there were no less than fgurcharges d of lwdilul mirder. One of these cases, ...