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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND.—Procrastination with many is the besetting sin. Everything is put off till to- morrow. The torpid liver is unheeded until jaundice, con- sumption, or abscess of the liver is established. These met- ladies are curable if arrested in time by that fine tonic and alterative medicine, PAGE WOODCOCK'S WIND PILLS, rhousands are taking them for almost every complaint, and ...


... HAPPY DAYS! There is something of regret and gloom ia the tirst appearance of grey hairs our prospects are often blighted by their premature appearance. MRS. ». A. AIIB'S W OK.ld'8 liallt JttESTOKiia happily aiiords a sale and sure means for restoring them again io the freshness and beauty of youth. It is the old established standard and teliable article known and spoken most highly of in ...


... FLORITINE!—FOB THE TBETH AND BBEATII.—A few drops of the liquid Floriline sorinkled on a wet tooth-brush pro- duces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevenst tartar, stops decay, gives te the teeth a peculiar pearly white- ness, and a delightful fagrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from ...


... NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND.—Pre srastination with many is the besetting sin. Every tiling is put off till to- morrow. The torpid liver ig unnccdeci untti llloUIldice, con- Mimptirm or abscess of the liver 18 established. Thene ma- ladies are curable if arrested in time by th>t fine tonic and alterative rredicine, FAG K WOoOCucjK's W liN 1j tiUUs. '.thousands are taking them for almost every ...


... MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS AND SON'S NOTICES H. W. HARRIS & SON, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, VALUERS, ROUSE. ESTATE, LAND & INSURANCE AGENTS, FEW AUCTION MART, Court Btrmt, Mkrtdyr Ttdfil, B' EO to inform the Public that all matters en- trusted to their care will be punctually, promptly, ana earefully attended to. Life, Fire, Plate, Glass, and Accidental Insurancegg effected with the beat offices and ...


... THE LATEST MARVEL,.—MR. B. A. GEORGE. Dear Sir, -Be good enough to forward me another gross of your Cough Balsam,' the sale of which is rapidly increasing in this district; indeed, I have never known any • Cough Medi cine' that has so quickly obtained so great a sale, and given such universal satisfaction.—1 am,dear sir, yours faithfully, PHILIP KALPH, High Town, Hereford, August 27, 1S7 Dear ...


... XHKOAT AW'ECIIONS AND HOARSEKSSS.—Ail suffering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably sur- prised at the aim immediate relief afforded by the use of Brown » Bronchial Iroches.' These tamous lozenges are aow sold by most respectable chemists in tilts country at Is. '■if;. Per bo1J £ troubled with a hackingcough, slight •i.° f °r bronchial ailections, cannot try ...


... the first appearance of grey hairs our prospects are often blighted by their premature appearance. MKB, 6. A. ALLEY'S WOKLD'S HAIR KESTOB-EB happily affords a sale and bure means for restoring them again to the freshness and beauty of youth. It is the old established standard and reliable artiele known and spoken most highly of in every civilized country. It requires only a few applications to ...


... ROSBACH WATER—Bpst Table Water known. In regard to organic purity and wholsome properties. Kosbach is FAR MTPERIOU to any other mineral water I have examined (Professor Wanklyn s Report.) Cheaper than artificial waters. Tn tie-down cases, retail, 5s. per doz. small: 6s tid. p^r doz. JfJ? bo-tles In tie-down cases, 5j large, 23s. 6d. small bottles 34s The Hosbach Company, Limited, 35, Finsbnry ...


... DUNVLLLK & 00., Belfast, are the largest holders of whisky in the woriu. Their old Irish Whisky is re- :ommened by the medical profession in preference to French brandy. Supplied in casks and cases for home ise or exportation Quotations on application to MESSRS. DUNYILLE AS CO.. ROJAL IRISH DISTIL- LERIES, BELFAST. 737 ...


... THROAT AFFECTIONS AKD HOAKSEKBSS.—All suffering from irritation ot the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably sur- prised at the aim immediate relief afforded by the use of Brown's Bronchial Troches, These famous lozenges ara now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at Is* ljd. per box. People troubled with a hackingcough, slight cold, or bronchial affections, cannot try ...


... PAGE WOODCOCK'd WIND PILLS have for tweniy-flvo years held the first place in the world as an effectual antidote to Indigestion, Wind on the Stomach, lSiliouauesa. and ail complaints arising from a disordered state of the Otoinacli, Row ells, or Liver. Tonic, invigorating, and purifying, they form the best remedy extant. Uf all chemists, 1. ...