... ASTON PETTY SESSIONS.-YESUZRDlY. Before Meissr.& r.U rind Fmoles ASSAU1LT. - Police-sergeant Amplslett, of the Aston conlstabulary, was e snenmolles for assaulting William Nelson, groons, of Wlhitlro. Mr. MAsisnder aippeared for I Nelson, against whom there wisi a suisniona for using abusive ?? was stated that or. theevening of rs the 13th instant elitiplaina'it wnvted to take a horse o ...


... i 3E B EXTENSIVE ROBBERIES FROM B SWABSEA TRADESMEN. I At Swansea police.court, on Tuesday, Elizabeth on Collins, Maraden.street7 and Mtary Nixon, C1armsr. too then.road, were charged with stealing a pair of eleo drawers, the yroperty. of Evan Jones, draper, for High-street. The prosecutor heard a noise out. hai side his shop on the 1lth instant, aon goigooat eta he saw the prisoners there, ...


... ABF?IYEEN SMALL ?EBP OOURT. .? 1- FItI iOSPV4E1 i GRAVS~o~. SherEozzie'Thomson-gao judgment~ on tairday ip is ionaw~behaaeardona^Tlrrsay-at' Fkiday. p.Tle action~wasat the instance .of Mids Eilizs4beth Jack *, Gtrn, residiing at 20 &3ino~nt .$treet,:A@beideen-, wio sued'James x Ewen, drec~utor of the~e late John MI'Dade, for~ thee 'sum of' £l'2 being the'jpriecf a-f moo meet which the ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tu8 Dan AB8CHES COURT. AT 11. 1l3roas L3os PZSZANCZl.- IL blil Roo6 lroun q 1krs. i- 'Fur Learing: Perkins v. EAm~t clerk. CHANCERY COURT OF YORK. Low P'bNAxCa.-I his roflu. SX190 of Lond& Ut: motiva: 1)en aMA othes T. Omreen. elrk. R&ULWAY COMIS1ON. Av ?? *UB~ 1lA1LWN'. C ?? eti 9rWnt cuminittee lie, Houos of Lzds.-For jpgaint,: The 1laleslllroveunett anid 1'r1WaLyB ...


... .T I . .. . .O.. Os d. Z4#rka.buhle OMoWg before b, 7deri* bii, ha vevtet~ibem9waut* V. ~ tbe :ib*d .sUit4. ?? I* ttime; Tbutabci ?? wntnfrfraa~ ~t~ Baled ttovo p~ues did-n ei-1=' bd ?? 4rdedon-' ~aftcplA$e ?? thopi$4 'eu14 o0. th4smydoclim o1QF tosn n J44igooect 4li abhut ho ~clwd oa j Pri~o.a, that the eat. ?? in dsnl~ a Ike psiugt ?? Siir 'nver.w Lbako~ax i~ts the or~~ivarp tbaht weit t6 ...


... oENTRORnAcxT, (Before the Phecrder.) On Wednesday eveningthe graed jury g tle- brought in by them, rturned t te bi i aiast Ander- man & F. W. Trascott for libel. It appeared that there had been no previous inqiry, tbat the only witnesses who appeared in support oi the charge was the prose-t cutor, and that it was upon has evndence alone that the grand jury foud a true bi~l-:r. Montagu ...

Alloa. —The bodies of the two boys—named Cairus aud Hill—w!i«» left Alloa Harbour a flat- | bottomed duck-boat ..

... sail to Stirling ou Tuesday the .1 uly, and who, previously stated, were supposed to have been drowned, were found midway between Stirling and Alloa—that of Hill | on the Stirling side of the river on Wednesday, and that Cairns Thursday night. Hill was buried yesterday, and Cairns will interred.J - ...


... The fallowing has been received from the India Office 44 FROM VICKEOT. August 1. 1879. ...


... PElT'TY SESSIONS REPORlTS.I COLCHESTER (COUNTY). SATURDAY. August 2.-Before P. 0. Papillon, Esq, (chairunflW; J. W. Lay, E. Roberts, WV. Macandrew, and H. R. Edwards, Esqrs., and Captain Brett, A Figlh oui the Quany-Henry Turner, mariner, was sUan. oooed for being drunk and disorderly on the quay at Wyven- hoe, ou ttt 20th July. ?? Hewitt sald that at about half-paet five on sondnv evening, ...


... CORONERS' INjU(!ESTS. ?? - ac ,, heist an ?? at the O.N Saturday Mr. HImptlreys liela an inquiry a, -i i' Town Wall, Shoreditch, as to the death of Mr. Bsi i mirn ; Thorpe, thirt~y.three, of 30ol, Old.street, E C., of the firm of Drs. Dlackmore and Hlicks, of that addreA. About noon on Tuesday last he left the dispensary in tcharge of a lad named Ellis, and entered an outhouse, ras he said, ...


... kOLIC1;JNTsLG . Gtl~ jnrvI , llonr William Bart- I ?? machilue ruler,f l'c tc, AI Fmier , litl beirg drunk F e5 chatc- pelleforSe,, I lleriflacisemn in ihe eli [ploy f if ,esri' tcoioeilrit; randt Snrr, -tillers, Suri-streec ' tt.S. ii h 1 Ie ?? WO3s occasisnlally eec-~ NI.*i lbi lr Oa c ?? day atcrnoon Ile was the I ll I (l b! tile tiril-l l ie~s adviel bin to go home f ,or-eo f c' dl 'ea. ...


... -SATURDAY. I SOUTHERN DIVISION. (Before Mr, Exham.) SMNITARY CAsES.-Patrick Callan was fined 20s for permitting overcrowding in the houses Nos. 7 and 52 Plunket-street. Peter Kellet was fined 3 103 for the unsanitary condition of the houses 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 Plunket. street. William Kennedy was fined 10s for the unsanitary state of the house 13 Meetinghouse. lane. ...