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... fraaes nun's ^irtssts. | g c A L E OF ( 1 H A R G E S FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, B-»ks, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. Per additional line. (15.4d. Miscellaneous—Public Companies, Legal Notices, Contra{s, ¡{:c. Five lines, and under 2s. Gd. 011. 6d. Prospfct'ises of Xeio Companies, Parliamentary Nattce*, and Election Advertisements. .ine=, ami under *s- Per additional line ls* U(i- ...


... Saks Im Juxtiorc. Messrs. Baugk, Jones, and (;0. SMITHFIELD, WREXHAM 1\,f ESSRS. BAUGH, JONES AND CO., will -i-v £ hold their next SALE OF STOCK in the above SmitLlield, ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 187?. Stock already entered, viz :— A lot of prime fat Beasts. A lot of useful Dairy Cows. Several fresh Barrens, Calving lIeifers, and Short-horned Bulls. A nice lot of fat Sheen, Lambs, Calves, and ...


... fn&tssnKt'* SWwmhbs. seA. LEO F C; RARE E S FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Books, Amuseize.iis, and Charities. Seven lines and under 2. 6d. Per additional ime 4d. Miscellaneous—Public Companies, Ligal Xoticts, Contracts, etc. Fire lines, and under. 2s. 6d. Per additional line o. 6d. Prospectuses of Xeic Companies, Parliamentary Notices, and Election Advertisements. Jnes, and under 5'- °d. Per ...


... CHEAT vEn y^EiiENTS- Advertisements vi IH followinpr hr.ute, paid FOE WHEN ORDERED, are inserted in the Guardian on the following scale Twenty words :—One insertion, Is three insertions, 2s 6d six insertions, -5s 6d. Thirty words:-(he insertion, Is 6d three insertions, 4s; six insertions, 6s Forty words:—One insertion, 2s three insertions, 58 6d; six insertion?, 8s (id. The above prices refer ...


... Printing of every description can be executed at the shortest notice and upon the most reasonable terms at the Guardian Office, Wrexham. Teas, Coffees, and general Groceries are supplied at merchants' prices by the North Wales Public Supply Stores, 14, High-street, Wrexham. 77 FOOD ADULTERATION.—Dr. Tripe, public analyst of the Hackney district, reports, that all the samples of cocoa he ...


... EHOSLLANERCHRUaOG FLORAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. The sixth exhibition of this society was held in Uanerchrugog Park on Monday last, and the -society was favoured with fine weathar, except somewhat rough breezes. About £50 was offered in prizes, and a very excellent competition in most-all the classes was the re- result. On the whole the show was signally successful, and a very large number of ...


... 26, BODFOR STREET, RHYL. IESSRS. s HEARI) & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, Lave much pleasure in announcing the opening of lhe above Premises as a First-class Tailorihg Estab- ishment. The Stock, entirely new and carefully selected from the best manufacturers, will be found replete with all the latest styles and novelties. IMPERIAL TWILL COAT & VEST 63s. BANNoCKBURN, CHERCOT, TWEED AND ANGOLA SUITS ...


... ^fcrtssts. OF jp H A ft G E S VOS, ADVERTISEMENTS. Char it it*. Seven lines ond under Per additional iiue {!i■ Per additional line tj5- ljd. ProaW'W-s o/' N*w C irpa.I\tr!>n>-ientary an*-#. ind ttini'-r ',1- Per addition; line Displayed Advertisements. rrade, is per inch. Public Naiccs, ice ni per inch. If set across two columns, double. Ad vn-tifemeuts for a Series taken by i special ...


... H. A. STEER & Co., LATE W. WYNNE) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN yy INES, GPIRITS, A. L E AND p0RTER' 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sherry-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., Best London Gin-13s. 6d. per Gallon. per doz. Good Sound Port—21B., 24S., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Dinner Claret—12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne—28s., 42s., 54s., &c, i Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys—16s., 18s., & 20s. per ...


... H. A. STEER, (LATE W. WYNNE) WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, SPIRITS, A LE AND p ORTER, 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sherry—21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Sound Port—21a., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Dinner Claret-12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Good Dinner Claret—12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne—28s., 42s., 54s., &c, ner doz. Best London Gin-13s. 6d. per Gallon. Old ...


... THE DEE SALMON FISHERY. The great destruction of fish which has recently oc- curred in the Riser Dee has led the Home Secretary to send Sir. Frank Buckland and Sir. Spencer Walpole, inspectors of fisheries, to inquire into the pollution of the Dee and its tributaries by lime, lead, refuse, &c., and its effects in poisoning fish in the stream, and also to receive evidence as to the proposed new ...


... U. A. STEER, IRIP.IJF'.IRVF' ■; (LATFE W. WYNNE) WHOLESALE DEALER IN -TP- INE8, N FLRLTS, A. LEA N D PORTER, 7Sf HIGH STREET, RHYL. vr«; Good PalelStherry—21s., 24s., 30s., Ac., Best London Gin-lSB. 6d. per Gallon. per doz. I Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys—16B., 4 J Good Sound Port—21S., 24S., 80s., ...