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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? io nexdrapera. ,i9Tl-TIATE oparlgi for tibe abofoe-in a crowded 40- sel'onrh5ood - 6lsoO fading the mumn road.- W v 2. V o ~ln terr re. P o o rsliatto reS a~tO arll SolettA-A Hrargail. u Hyoots' Patet Sterm Boilers of 100 horse-power TVss, oit the nsual danttlgs-price only £100 eneh. tbe sien in full sork at th e Pater Mili4 Sitting. i 'close to the reilwaY station). Baker's Patent Mylangle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sr£ FanciY ?? to all I ncuow, for t is the most usetul wors i bave ever ,ik%'39 -see .-Contents: Plain lnt~cton o ?? POSy5 15itvt e very desedinpti~ont .fLaulei e and Chicldieit' Costumnel JD & Fridercltti,,it: a Low-l dry -Ceckand[Tradesments Port-free two stamps. f YlE. Leach. V08,fgOLD 8, J ohluoetice*OOrt, 1,0 - Fleet-zl ree, 1oodat., and United Kitngdom. L e f Oiprenter N ?? e it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIG1 AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE ROWAL. GOVENW GARDEN, FroMessacle ConCe~rts. Under the Direction of Messrs. A. and S. VATTI, Musical Director Mr. ARTHIURI SULLIVAN. Conductor. Aeir. ALEf'RED CELLIBB. Every evoniseg at 8. The following etrsties will appoer durbing the week:- MDLLE. DYNA BEUA1 Eill. Mirs. Osgood, Nlada-me Mtary Cam.- linins, Miss Marriott aerd Alies Mary Davies. Madame Patey liss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT WESTERN RAILWAV. SExcur6in trains wvill eio no, uniter:- SUNEA Y. ?? 7115.-Ti, Ib~llnstilr Psiegier 1,,, sin, M1'clstord, lilicol, S itonton. ?? sc miiCi110 jlViffiizm, Shiiiri5Isnin, like Oi,%iisloe ?? p iddietta' a-t 7.45, and We,tIhoirne-Icirk 7.50, iiAT1 Rot i. on S1-ve~fr I kinc ir, lsreled lrol ,l hut li, RtatlOir. leasing Praddinkcleo at i ill si.m. Westbourkir ltirl 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ST, brstween ?? arnil Finetlehy, en the 111Ce. antI iusceytirii,-A cel t:,ktng the Narmn to Metesrs, WUI llAAAi1 a i 0 ttinrs`a lo5g~te'OtIect, Cit, o h bv eiad CALLIERS. i~/1S C.OA~l~lit0.haIn 1501 gave herrnddrust hea at eontaii ohe ?? Uliligt i - IF MARY ROSS, Wlo ia`I157' wit living at 1,,isatem. Near, will .inioi~l£to tol fiIr. I%. It. Churcli, taosoluler, ofbtt. Sury.inesll bear of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EPPS S NEW MI)LSI. U Tlise extensive preniso li Is toal , aze to itollaud streret, l3lackifriin a itt0 320ft. The heightsfromitlm -Cm a abt to the paralpets hary from 61 It t 1,011 1cr the clock tower stind, ihoo1t l4b 11 ?? level, the whole formnso n isa m o rjl ingr whether m1ewed from tile ill. ?? TI r a tile various floors, &e,, amounts t Ltl a acres, while ?? area of glaos t5rOlyer, is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENS THEATRE HOWAIO. coVENT GAIUDENo promenmd. Cozn6rt. Uadsr the Direotion of MeFssrs A. and S. (1ATTLI If ieo-a Dret~r M. R,1hlUR SUJLLI VAN. ?? Mr. ALFREDCLIR Thes following artice wilapa aitho week:-. FatnyMess Orid9n Prs Cit.l 2lyrca 6dl Star. 2s, oluey Mr. S. GLAR0, Edwrd Lloydith lebforcancdwlalt Hwird COReynlds E comedy from0 BlzoER ATucce ifth Howea sCAeter, bfor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ASSAGES to AL PARTS. N Z; J ealnrud. £16, Canida. £4 Ar,,a. £G.-Apply to HEABB)IT ^Co, Irue ' squrc London (ooruer of Fins- raloadeY Stamer, li to 60 Guineas. .,,traa 1 Nw iwZealand, £16 Canada, £4; QAIttlA~id~ieier d'6to £15]5s1. Canada Guide, 6d; 18 rltlolr.1 o a'ng d Os.-P. 0. ordets for passage MLSJB nod Co., 82, Mark-lane, l,odon. SiONDON TO fiCNEW WORI. £ t o Ghrge for totorisions. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sa5's R- Hous as fr tcitlease 90odacotl toed P pe~l~t for p Mrthe stimsonj ?? llthat and Catet ?? attontmflw fl0W Wtllhft droan ljlo jiodresed to b1ele hrls 50ee h'o. id i e uie-a Ima gon at sotu'lmt 00 ~oro~h05p~,and the pro. ]2r.r rt and Cattle)- Cl0 lls too lrephaldvi ie~o iii ,Br t sia~ot' fng14 for the Workinog ~rcos4 Giwaoeei Dote DtoW Selldn, 4 he'reo ?? to Celseae ir rto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | ZW WO S I5 = A cSUE ?? AT CNET13fE PRot (iit A5.SSELiL'S TEMI.NICAL ruk V 11 *\tli0thly J'arts, 7.1 kid 5,Ecir:i, ii 'i'eans speci i~du ttot 0 I,e tmbe l-5 W (ilj Isrl OltyIF^ t1z; rits mrlito (itoo ye ?? trlo'it soleitriflollortie Itn l.tuI It ut icatitilitg Itirticitdrto vi OSc0 0z rsi]leb s(oireadiy on it. 'eitt.llulb,, ' well astosttrderts 111 every Iat ?? itsrtie tRIX Atituu c-u. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLI(C AMUSEMENTS. THE~ATRE ROYAL. COVENT GARDEN, Promenade Concerts. Under the Direction of Mcssrs, A. and S. CATTY. Musical Director, Mr; AIXTIIUB6ULLIVAN. Coscductur. Mr. ALFRED GILLILEIS. Lastweek bout ott. Every venitg at S. RS. OSGUOOD and Ms~ls Mary I~a,,op. Mliadaoto Patey. isi Miss Orridge. and Madame. Antoinette Sterliugs Mr. -Ldw.,d Lloyd, Mr. MtlUuckiu it V. Maybriek sod Mlr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT WESTERN RAIL-WAW. Last of the Seaslon. flSATURDAT 'YS,,tmhar27th. an Ene'Totinitan ha Pt-,r eato½ awcpeiia avr icmtocilrcad WilnloiCco.Otci cot li~ttltoirr,~, iw~btri. V ~ -idaetheii. I3,bbj, 3,d flscrdg~radiO.S.titeertr ~ etrnipicei. bos ltf, ndliridlte .4 i~t. vii at'.be ooed bee 0(1 ornteoOO~d. a~s¶pt7 irirdClttp. [roo ?? Uralo, seaam. etrtin~aorciy: .at ige fares, as ?? RERSON. ...