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... EGLISH SPELLING REFORM. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—At the present time, when spelling reo formeis are more actively engaged than usual in the endeavour to reform the effete and corrupt spelling of the English language, and to substi- tute in its place a more rational and uniform system, there are inquiries arising from all quarters as 10 what this reform leeans, what remedy is pro- ...


... DENBIGHSHIRE. COUNTY OFFICIALS. Hisrli Sheriff James Goodrich, Esq. Sheriff Elect: R. Middleton Biddulph, Esq. Under Sheriff Ll. Adams, Esq., Ruthin Clerk of the Peace J. Peers, Esq., Ruthin County Treasurer J. R. Heaton, Esq., Plas Heaton, Denbigh County Surveyor: R. Ll. Williams, Esq., Denbigh Chief Constable: Major Leadbetter, Wrexham Coroners: B. H. Tiielwall, Esq., Kossett, and E. Pierce, ...


... Epps's GLYCERINE JUJUBES.—CAUTION !—These effective and agreeable confections are sold by most Chemists, by others, however, attempts are often made at substitution, we therefore deem it necessary to cau- tion the public that they can only be obtained in boxes, 6d. and Is. Labelled James Epps and Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London. Epps's COCOA ...


... Sales triy 2ludian. Messrs. Bangui, Jones, and Co. SPECIAL AUCTION. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD, THURSDAY, OCT. 30TH, 1879. MESSES, BAUGH, JONES, & co. BEG to announce that they intend holding a Special Sale of FAT STOCK, on Thursday, Oct. 30th, 1879, when they will oiler :— Several Prime Fat Cattle. A lot of very Ripe Sheep. Fat Calves and Pigs. Sale to commence at Two o'clock prompt. Settlements at ...


... THE GREAT SALE v OF DRAPERY GOODS, Is now going on at LUNT & GRIFFITHS, Wales General Drapers and Outfitters, i i! FREE TRADE HALL, (iJIlfli JU'jIl'OX.' '•r^;i;HIGH STREET, RHYL. The genuiness of our Sales being so well known, we have every confi- dence in inviting our numerous customers and the public generally to inspect the immense bargains in all departments which are now offered ...


... H. A. STEER, (LATE W. WYNNE) WHOLESALE DEALER IN INES, SPIRITS, A LE AND p ORTER, 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sherry-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Sound Port-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Dinner Claret-12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne-28s., 42s., 54s., &c, per doz. Best London Gin-13s. 6d. per Gallon. I Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys—16s., 18s., & 20s. per ...


... Sales bn Jlucfmit. Messrs. Baugh, Jones, and Co. SMITHFIELD, WREXHAM MESSES, BAUGH, JONES AND CO., will .1 l\(Ùl their next SALE OF STOCK in the above Smithfield. Ox THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1879. Stock already entered, viz :— A lot of prime fat Beasts. A lot of useful Dairy Cows. Several fresh Barrens, Calving Heifers, and Short-horned Balls. A nice lot of fat Sheep, Lambs, Calves, and Pigs. Sale ...


... A-Urfrressus. •: A L E OF ( 1 H A R G E S FOR Auctions, Books, Trades. Amusements, Charities. •en lines and under 2s. fill. additional line us. 4d. miscellaneous—Public Companies, Legal Xotices, Contracts, ...


... CHEAP PREPAID AJ>YJ3HT ISEMENTS- Ad v:: r t ise me nts of tic f^llowir.g Kinds, FA ID YOR When ORT?Rtfi, are inserted in the Guardian the following scale:— Twenty words inserti-aa > tlvfca insertions, 2s 6d six insertions, 4s od. Thirty words:—One insertion, 1 Cd three insertions, 4s; six insertions, Gs eel. Port words:—Oae insertion, 2s three insertions, 58 6d six insertions, 3u (ill. The ...


... DENBIGHSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. The following is the report of Mr. Lloyd Williams, the County Surveyor, read at the Quarter Sessions, held at Wrexham last week, which we were compelled to hold over from our last issue :— Maes Gicynedd.—At the last Quarter Sessions I was instructed to report upon the necessity of a bridge at this place for the general public convenience. Captain Best, the ...


... r— gCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Books, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. Seven lines and under 2s. 6d. Per additional line. Os. 4d. Miscellaneaus-Pltblic Companies, Legal Notices, Contracts, etc. Five lines, and 2s. 6d. Per additional line. Os. 6d. Prospectuses of New ...


... H. A. STEER, (LATE W. WYNNE) WHOLESALE DEALER IN W INES, SPIRITS, A LE AND p 0 R T E R, 73, HIGH STREET, RHYL. Good Pale Sherry-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Sound Port-21s., 24s., 30s., &c., per doz. Good Dinner Claret-12s., 15s., 18s., &c., per doz. Genuine Champagne—28s., 42s., 54s., &c, per doz. Best London Gin-13s. 6d. per Gallon. Old Irish and Scotch Whiskeys-16s., 18s., & 20s. ...